Industry Specification Group (ISG) Multiple Access Techniques (MAT)

ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) MAT provides an opportunity for ETSI members and non-ETSI members participants to share their research results and early findings in order to build a wider industry consensus on new Multiple Access Techniques for the upcoming 6th generation of mobile systems (6G) based on 3GPP specifications.

The scope of the ISG is on downlink Multi-User (MU) multiple access techniques for the physical layer of the 3GPP radio interface that enhance the transmission efficiency (e.g., spectrum efficiency, power consumption, latency, user fairness, etc.) of specified approaches.

Two delivery modes for downlink are considered:

  1. unicast-only delivery; and
  2. joint broadcast/multicast and unicast delivery.

Candidate downlink Multiple Access Techniques in the scope are (but not limited to): OMA (Orthogonal Multiple Access), SDMA (Spatial Division Multiple Access), NOMA (Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access), RSMA (Rate-Splitting Multiple Access).

Relevant deployment environments are (but not limited to) indoor hotspot, urban macro (e.g., High Demand Density areas) and rural.

The ISG produces informative output only, including Group Reports (GRs) that will be made available to 3GPP and other relevant industry for consideration in their related 6G standardisation activities.


The ISG will focus on the following areas of activities:

  1. Use cases, deployment scenarios, key performance indicators and evaluation methodology
  2. Study of transmitter and receiver processing structures including complexity aspects
  3. Study of physical layer procedures
  4. Study of link level and system level performance
  5. Study of potential specification impact and gaps of new multiple access techniques
  6. Proof-of-concepts, prototypes, and field trials

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