ETSI’s annual flagship event on Cyber Security, the ETSI Security Conference took place from 14 to 17 October 2024, in ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France.  

This exclusive face-to-face event provided an exceptional opportunity for the security community to come together to exchange with experts, network with peers, and share facts and opinions around the most relevant subjects of cybersecurity standardization. The intensive 4-day programme gathered speakers from government agencies, other standards bodies, academia and various industry sectors. 

This year's event addressed AI - Impacts of Regulation on Zero Trust and Consumer devices - Societal Impact of Technology-  Fraud, Security and Standards Convergence - 5G to 6G - Privacy and Considerations of Employing Encryption Technologies -Transport, Public safety and Critical Communications - Consumer verticals. 

Conference Interviews

Allan FriedmanNataliya StanetskyMatt CampagnaHollie HennessyGalina Pildush

    Day 1 - Monday 14 October

    09.30 - 10:15  Check-in and Welcome Coffee

    10.15  Opening Messages 

    Chaired by Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC Cyber Chair, GSMA

    • 10:40 KEYNOTE SPEECH: AI Security: Present State and Future Directions 
      Rob van der Veer, Software Improvement Group
    • 11:10 KEYNOTE SPEECH: The State of SBOM 
      Allan Friedman, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
    • 11:40 From eUICC to On-Boarding: The Puzzle of Certification of EU Identity Wallets 
      Eric Vetillard, ENISA 

    12:00 Lunch & Networking Break - Posters and Demos Visits

    13:30 SESSION D1-2: IMPACTS OF REGULATION #1 - Capturing European Values in Technology 
    Chaired by Björn Fanta, Fabasoft

    The session will focus on impacts of regulation on products, innovation and technology. It will consider how EU regulation (e.g. AI Act, e-IDAS, RED, CRA, NIS2) and other regional regulations have shaped the global technology landscape. The session will also consider points of friction and gaps between aims of regulation and actual security improvements for products placed on the market.

    • 13:30 CERTGRAPH: Applying Knowledge Graphs for Cloud Certification 
      Stefan Schöberl, Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH 
    • 13:50 Estonian Journey Developing and Implementing the National Information Security Framework E-ITS
      Mari Seeba, NCSC-EE 
    • 14:10 SBOMs, Asset Management and Vulnerability Management, a Vendor's View 
      Francois Ambrosini, Huawei
    • 14:30 Meeting the Challenges of the EUDI Wallet with GlobalPlatform SAM and CSP Specifications
      Jean-Daniel Aussel, GlobalPlatform 
    • 14:50 CRA Mapping with EUCC and its Impact on Protection Profiles 
      Vicente Gonzalez Pedros, ENISA
    • 15:10 Introducing Supporting EU Experts in Cybersecurity Standardization 
      Igor Minaev, ETSI

    15:25 Coffee & Networking Break - Posters and Demos Visits

     16:00 SESSION D1-3: Security for AI and AI for Security
    Chaired by George Sharkov, European DIGITAL SME Alliance & SBS

    The session will consider AI security from the perspective of securing AI as a generic platform capability. The session will discuss the latest challenges, threats, legislation and approaches to providing secure AI. 

    • 16:00 Adversarial AI in ICT
      Piotr Zuraniewski, TNO
    • 16:20 AI and Impersonation Fraud: Emerging Threats and Countermeasures 
      Nicole van der Meulen, SURF 
    • 16:40 ETSI's Role in Standardising the Cyber Security of AI 
      Issy Hall, Department of Science, Innovation and Technology 
    • 17:00 Can Standards Prevent the Existential Threat of AI? 
      Scott Cadzow, Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd
    • 17:20 Cybersecurity Certification of Artificial Intelligence in Supporting the EU 
      Corina Pascu, ENISA
    • 17:40 Enhancing B5G/6G Network Security with Federated Learning in O-RAN
      Ioannis Makris, MetaMind Innovations IKE

    18:00 - 19:30  Networking Cocktail 


    Day 2 - Tuesday 15 October

    Opening by Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC Cyber Chair, GSMA

    09: 00 SESSION D2-1: Fraud, Security and Standards Convergence 
    Chaired by Charles Brookson, ZEATA

    This session will explore where standards are being driven by fraud and where fraud is driving standards. The session discusses how security and fraud prevention / detection can work more closely. Focus areas to include; 5G, PSD2, eSignature and e-payments. 

    • 09:00 The Janus Problem – the Challenge of Dealing with Legacy Security Problems While Looking to the Future 
      David Rogers, Copper Horse 
    • 09:20 The Evolution of Cybersecurity in a 6G and AI-Enabled Hyper-Connected World
      Bret Jordan, Afero
    • 09:40 Joining forces: Cybersecurity and Fraud Management
      Peter Allwood, Mastercard
    • 10:00 Mobile Handset Theft Prevention
      Nataliya Stanestky, Google

    10:20 Coffee & Networking Break - Posters and Demos Visits

    11:00 KEYNOTE SPEECHImpersonation and Psychological Warfare - Protecting the Children 
    Galina Pildush, Palo Alto Networks

    11:30 SESSION D2-2 : Societal Impacts of Technology
    Chaired by Alex Cadzow, C3L

    This session will explore the societal impact of technology on end users and society. Coercive control avoidance, Metaverse, protection of children, disinformation and protection vulnerable citizens will be discussed. 

    • 11:30 Is eHealth a Reasonable Standardization Goal? 
      Suno Wood, EP eHealth Chair
    • 11:50 A Framework for Supporting the Digital Safety of At-Risk Users 
      Sunny Consolvo, Google
    • 12:10 Improving Security by Improving Communication with Individual Consumers 
      Gill Whitney, ANEC

    12:30 Networking Lunch - Posters and Demos Visits

    14:00 SESSION D2-3 : Consumer Verticals 
    Chaired by Hollie Hennessy, Omdia 

    The session will explore latest security best practice, challenges and gaps for consumer IoT and other smart devices.

    • 14:00 CMDPP Evolution Toward EUCC and CRA 
      Davide Pratone, Huawei
    • 14:20 RED Cybersecurity Conformity Assessment Approach and Challenges 
      Angelo D’Amato, UL Solutions
    • 14:40 How Global Standardization Efforts are Expanding eSIM Benefits for the Consumer IoT 
      Cyril Caillaud, Trusted Connectivity Alliance 
    • 15:00 Navigating the Dynamic Landscape of Cybersecurity Legislations, Standards, and Regulations for Embedded Devices (from a provider of measurement instrument perspective)
      Kaustabh Debbarman, LAAVAT 
    • 15:20 VDP Accessibility in Consumer IoT 
      Cedric Levy-Bencheton, Cetome

    15:40 Tea & Networking Break - Posters and Demos Visits

    16:15  SESSION D2-4: Societal Impacts of Technology
    Chaired by Nataliya Stanestky, Google

    • 16:15 Age Verification the Stakeholders, Solutions, and Standards Landscape
      Alex Cadzow, Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd 
    • 16:35 Is It Trustworthy Enough? Considering Societal Impact in Public Safety Technologies 
      Katrina Petersen, Public Safety Communication Europe 

    16:55 Session D2-5: PANEL DISCUSSION: Societal Impacts of Technology 
    Chaired by Galina Pildush Palo Alto

    As the technology train of innovation is accelerating at unprecedented speeds, we as a society need to stop and consider how these great technological advancements impact us, focusing on those who are vulnerable. This panel will discuss those impacts, considering the technological advancements at multiple levels, ranging from IoTs/ handheld devices to applications, AI, and human-to-human interactions, which has taken a different form.  Considering panel members’ broad backgrounds and interests, the panel discussion will touch multiple perspectives and aspects, intertwining social science with cybersecurity and human factors.

    • Sunny Consolvo, Google
    • Katrina Petersen, Public Safety  Communication Europe
    • Gill Whitney, ANEC

    17:45 - 19:00- Networking Drink


    Day 3 - Wednesday 16 October

    Opening by Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC Cyber Chair, GSMA

    09:00 KEYNOTE SPEECH: The NIST PQC Standards
    Dustin Moody, NIST 

    09:30 Session D3-1: Quantum Safe Cryptography
    Chaired by Colin Whorlow, NCSC

    The session will explore latest developments in quantum algorithm selection, migration strategy, best practice, agility and other cryptography. 

    • 09:30 BSI Post-Quantum Update 
      Stephan Ehlen, BSI
    • 09:50 ANSSI Views on Post-Quantum Cryptography Transition
      Samih Souissi, ANSSI
    • 10:10 Overview of ETSI ISG QKD
      Martin Ward, ISG QKD Chair, Toshiba
    • 10:30 ETSI Cyber QSC Update
      Matt Campagna, Cyber QSC Chair, AWS

    10:50  Coffee and Networking - Posters and Demos Visits

    11:20 SESSION D3-2: Quantum Safe Cryptography
    Chaired by Matt Campagna, AWS

    • 11:20 Staying Ahead of the Quantum Threat – Starting with Hardware 
      Thalia Laing, HP Security Lab
    • 11:40 Early Experiences Implementing Quantum-Resistant Cryptography 
      Daniele Lacamera, WolfSSL 
    • 12:00 Futureproofing Data Security through Cryptographic Agility
      Glen Leonhard, CryptoMathic

    12:20 - 13:00 SESSION D3-3 PANEL DISCUSSION Reasonable Cybersecurity: Emerging New Developments
    Moderated by Curtis Duke, CIS

    Cyber system users fundamentally face risks that vary among different ICT sectors, constantly evolve, and require reasonable allocations of resources and actions.  As cybersecurity incidents and related losses continue to increase, multiple private and public sector activities and actions have emerged as different understandings of what is “reasonable.”  In legal terms "reasonable cybersecurity” is the duty of care that an organization owes its customers. However, what is “reasonable” remains largely undefined and no global compilation exists of its use for cybersecurity purposes. 
    This  panel session is intended both to inform the Security Week audience and serve as a means for ongoing collaboration on the diverse manifestations of reasonable cybersecurity. It includes new related activities in the EU and CEPT countries, as well as different disciplines and perspectives.  It builds on work undertaken over the past year among the Critical Security Controls community and being carried forward with a new TC CYBER work item.

    • Phyllis Lee, CIS
    • Tony Rutkowski, CIS
    • George Sharkov, SBS aisbl    

    13:00 Lunch & Networking  - Posters and Demos Visits

    14:30 SESSION D3-4: Impact of Regulation #2 – Trust and Privacy 
    Chaired by Scott Cadzow, C3L

    The session will explore latest developments, regulatory landscape and best practice for trust establishment and privacy. 

    • 14:30 Verify Before Use - the Role of ETSI's ISG ETI 
      Scott Cadzow, C3L
    • 14:50 Navigating Trust and Data Privacy Contradictions in the Age of Autonomous Cars
      Francesca Bassi, IRT Systemx

    15:10 Coffee & Networking  - Posters and Demos Visits

    15:45 SESSION D3-5: 5G to 6G Evolution or Revolution? 
    Chaired by Alex Leadbeater, TC Cyber Chair, GSMA

    In early 2024 3GPP, ETSI and GSMA started the multi-year process of developing standards for 6G. While 6G won’t reach the market until ~2030, 2024 to 2026 will be the key years in which 6G architecture is standardized. This session will explore 6G challenges and opportunities from a security perspective. 

    • 15:45 A Vision for Communications (6G)
      Laurence Wayne, BT
    • 16:05 Bridging the Gap: XAI's Contribution to B5G and 6G Network Security
      Madhusanka Liyanage
      , University College Dublin
    • 16:25 vCONFIDENTIAL6G: Confidential Computing and Privacy-Preserving Technologies for 6G 
      Vera Stavroulaki, WINGS ICT Solutions
    • 16:45 Digital Identity for Next Generation Telecommunication Networks 
      Jintao Zhu, Huawei
    • 17:05 Cyber Security Best Practices with Energy Efficiency 
      Nicolas Stricher, Check Point Software 
    • 17:25 Threats and Risks of 5G Networks for Military Applications 
      Jordi Mongay Batalla, Warsaw University of Technology 

     17:45 - 19:00 Day 3 Networking Drink


    Day 4 - Thursday 17 October

    Opening by Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC Cyber Chair, GSMA

    09:00 SESSION D4-1: Impacts of Regulation #3 -  Consumer Devices
    Chaired by Slawomir Gorniak, ENISA

    The session will explore impacts of regulation on consumer products and devices. The session will explore successes, failures, best practices, and gaps. Focus areas to include IoT and automotive. (session in construction)

    • Industry Certifications for Smartphone and IoT Devices using ETSI Specifications
      Jorge Wallace Ruiz, Dekra
    • A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Certification Framework based on ETSI EN 303 645 
      David Nosibor, Red Alert Labs 
    • Navigating the Complex Landscape of IoT Security Regulations
      Zahra Khani, Keysight Technologies
    • Providing Best User Experience while Complying with Cybersecurity Regulations 
      Francois Fischer, Huawei Technologies R&D

    10:30 Coffee & Networking - Posters and Demos Visits

    11:00 SESSION D4-2: Transport, Public safety and Critical Communications 
    Chaired by Gerry McQuaid, Ofcom 

    The session will explore security for Transport, Public Safety, Critical Industries and Critical Communications

    • 11:00 FRMCS
      Catherine Houbion, UICC
    • 11:20 Law Enforcement Support in Standards
      Koen Jaspers, PIDS
    • 11:40 BroadEU.Net : Realising the European Critical Communication System (EUCCS) 
      David Lund, Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) Forum 
    • 12:00 TETRA: Securing the Future
      Brian Murgatroyd, Chair ETSI TC TCCE

    12:20 Session D4 - 3 : PANEL DISCUSSION : ETSI Security Conference 2024 Reflection
    Chaired by Alex Leadbeater with the Programme Committee members

    The Programme Committee Members will meet and discuss the following subjects :

    • Key points from the diverse topics raised during the event and how these can be reflected into the standardization prioritization,
    • How to maintain relevance of ETSI ICT and mobile eco system cybersecurity standards in an increasingly agile technology landscape

     13:15 Close of the Conference - Grab a sandwich and Go !


  1. DYNABIC: Dynamic Business Continuity and Response of Critical Systems against advanced cyber-physical threats
    University Côte d'Azur - Nicolas Ferry
  2. ROBUST-6G: Smart, Automated, and Reliable Security Service Platform for 6G
    University College Dublin - Madhusanka Liyanage
  3. Enhanced Cybersecurity Through Integrative Open Source Technology: OpenVAS, OpenKAT, and Aranei in Pharma and Healthcare
    OpenNovations - Hans de Raad
    OpenKAT - Brenno de Winter
  4. Securing 6G Networks in the Quantum Era
    Turkcell - Zehra Yigit
  5. Application of Homomorphic Encryption in Private IP Search over Encrypted Database
    Centre For Development Of Telematics - Ranjan Sameer -
    Bidisha Mandal
  6. Integrating Network Digital Twinning into Future AI-based 6G Systems (6G-TWIN, SNS JU
    Regis Decorme, R2M


  1. Telecom-Native PDL-based UCDID System for Providing Differential ICT Network Services
    ISG PDL Participants

  2. CyberPass | Elevate Your Cybersecurity Procurement with ETSI EN 303 645
    Red Alert Labs, Ali Khalil

  3. Adversarial AI in ICT
    TNO - Piotr Zuraniewski

allwood bioPeter Allwood leads growth for Mastercard’s cybersecurity business, which provides commercial cybersecurity products and services to customers globally, protecting both payments and the broader digital ecosystem. He is responsible for strategic diversification of our cybersecurity capabilities and advancing our vision to empower a secure digital future for everyone, by driving continuous improvement of global cybersecurity and trust across the digital ecosystem. Prior to joining Mastercard, he held leadership positions in Deloitte and Accenture’s cybersecurity practices, having earlier started his career in UK national security. He regularly participates in future technology research, including recently working with the World Economic Forum on securing the Metaverse and IoT. He holds certifications including CISSP and CISM; and has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Essex.

Ambrosini François Ambrosini is Responsible Disclosure and Vulnerability Management Evangelist at Huawei and represents Huawei PSIRT in Europe. He obtained his engineering degree in electronics and signal processing combined with a master's degree in computer networks and telecommunications from ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, in 2003. He was involved with radio technology development at Sagem Défence & Sécurité and later in the standardisation of mobile TV systems at Motorola, and consulted on security both independently and for umlaut communications. His activities have spanned several domains including IoT security, reconfigurable radio systems security, practical use of attribute-based cryptography and of language-theoretic security, and the development of several standards serving the private and public sectors as well as the EU legislation.


Jean-Daniel Aussel is Chair of the eID Wallet Task Force at GlobalPlatform, and Head of Standardization at Thales Digital Identity and Security where he is responsible for driving the standardization strategy for all market segments. A long-standing active participant in standardization, he has contributed to several standard organizations for many market segment related to security. 

BassiFrancesca Bassi, SystemX
Francesca is a senior researcher at IRT SystemX, Palaiseau, France, where she serves as the scientific lead of the Digital Infrastructures team. She is also an associate member of the LINCS lab. Her current research interests include the security and trustworthiness of vehicular communications. Francesca received her Master of Science degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, and her Ph.D. from University Paris-Sud, Laboratoire des Signaux et des Systèmes, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. She continued her research as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Between 2012 and 2019, she was an Assistant Professor at ESME-Sudria, Ivry-sur-Seine, France.

BrandtAnthony Brand, Chief Marketing Officer, ETSI
Anthony (Ton) Brand joined ETSI since January 2020. He started his career in ETSI as Direct of the Standards Development Centre, and is Chief Marketing Officer since July 2023. He and his team of 18 people are responsible for all communications, events, and branding related matters, and includes membership development and Education on Standards. He has started his career as a free-lance consultant in telecommunications and was in that period also an expert and rapporteur for several EC R&D projects and international telecommunications projects. He continued his career as a programme manager for the GSMA, primarily focussing on IoT related projects. He was instrumental in setting up the IoT programme within the organisation. Following this 10 year tenure he joined the Wireless Broadband Alliance as Senior Director of Marketing and Industry Development.

Brookson CharlesCharles Brookson, OBE CEng FIET FRSA.- Member of the Programme Committee
Charles was at the United Kingdom Government for twelve years and is an Electronic Engineer. He was Head of Security for the UK mobile operator and was in British Telecom for twenty years. He has worked in many security areas over the last 40 years, including Cryptographic systems, secure designs, policies, auditing, and mobile radio for over 40 years. He now runs his own Company Zeata Security Ltd and is a Director of Azenby and Floor51 Ltd. He was Chairman of the GSM Association Security Group for 25 years. He was within GSM and 3GPP security standards, chairing the Algorithm Expert Group in 1986, which helped define GSM Security. He also helped to define Public Key Standards and ISO 27000 Standards. He was the first Chairman of the ETSI TC CYBER, then the Vice Chairman. He was awarded an OBE for services to Telecommunications Security in 2015.

Cazdow SScott Cadzow, Cadzow Communications Consulting - - Member of the Programme Committee
Appointed as an ETSI Fellow in 2023 Scott has a number of years of experience in standardisation at ETSI. Whilst often focussing on security it is in the application of security across technologies that are the standout characteristic of his career. In domains including eHealth and ITS, in AI and in the integration of transparency and applicability in the use of security technologies, that ensure ETSI is able to address the societal role of security and privacy in ICT, Scott has along the way helped to provide guidance and standards to solve problems.

Cazdow AlexanderAlex Cadzow, Cadzow Communications Consulting - - Member of the Programme Committee
Alex's aim is to take an active role, through research and education, to bridge the gap between technology and the human user. This has been built up through a background in Anthropology and Forensic science and latterly into the human aspects of cybersecurity. His role in Cadzow Communications Consulting (C3L) as researcher and co-developer of contributions to the company’s work in standards and other projects. While his background may seem an unlikely fit to cybersecurity which is often technology focused in systems engineering approach it is vital to equally address and integrate these three key elements: hardware, software and human systems integration. Therefore, the human element is something that integration and systems engineering processes must address. The definition of “system” used by NASA is inclusive; i.e., a system is “the combination of elements that function together to produce the capability required to meet a need. The elements include all hardware, software, equipment, facilities, personnel, processes and procedures needed for this purpose.

Caillaud CyrilCyril Caillaud, NXP
Cyril has dedicated his expertise to the establishment of secure embedded technology for mobile devices as an integral part of global infrastructures. Today, he is responsible for eSIM related activities at NXP Semiconductors. Before joining NXP, Cyril held several roles in product, marketing and partnerships management for secure embedded solutions at IDEMIA, including NFC SIM and embedded Secure Element (eSE) solutions. He also headed the NFC Product Line, and Android Product Line at SAGEM Mobile.Cyril started his career at SFR, where he was responsible for the SFR’s Hotspot roll out. He has a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, as well as an engineer degree from EIGSI

CampagnaMatthew Campagna, Amazon Web Services - Member of the Programme Committee
Matthew Campagna is a Sr. Principal Engineer & Cryptographer for Amazon Web Services Inc.’s. He oversees the design and analysis of cryptographic solutions across AWS. He is a member of the ETSI Security Algorithms Group Experts (SAGE), and Chairman of ETSI TC CYBER’s Quantum Safe Cryptography group. Previously he managed Certicom/BlackBerry’s Cryptography Research Group focused on the development of intellectual property and standardization for elliptic curve cryptography. He holds a doctorate in Mathematics from Wesleyan University.

Consolvo Sunny Consolvo is a researcher at Google where she spends most of her time studying privacy, safety, and security topics. For nearly 10 years, her research has been focused on understanding the experiences and needs of people who are at higher risk of experiencing technology-facilitated abuse or suffering disproportionate harm from such abuse — that is, “at-risk users” — in an effort to help improve their digital safety. Dr. Consolvo has been a regular contributor to the academic literature, co-authoring more than 70 papers and articles in peer-reviewed venues. She was inducted into the ACM's SIGCHI Academy in 2020, and she is serving her final term as Chair of the SIGCHI Academy Award subcommittee. Dr. Consolvo received her Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Washington. She is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (US), and a member of the Editorial Board for IEEE Security & Privacy magazine.

DamatoAngelo D’Amato is a cybersecurity expert with over a decade of experience across different sectors and international cybersecurity organizations. His main area of expertise relates to complex end-to-end cybersecurity assessments and certifications/compliance, e.g., UL 2900*, ETSI EN 303 645, and Common Criteria. Angelo collaborates with IoT manufacturers through his current role at UL Solutions as Lead Principal. He leverages his deep expertise to advance cybersecurity practices and contribute to developing industry standards. In addition, he is also a member of the TIC Council (Testing Inspection and Certification) CACD Working Group related to RED DA 2022/30 and EU CRA’s Proposal and NEN's National Expert on security & privacy, CEN/CLC JTC 13/WG 8 (RED) and WG9 (CRA).

In 2017, as digital transformation wave was reshaping the world, Kaustabh Debbarman embarked on a new journey with LAAVAT. Leveraging his vast experience in spearheading the development of solutions that safeguarded hundreds of millions of smart and connected devices at Nokia and Microsoft, he aimed to utilize this expertise to assist businesses in mitigating cybersecurity risks in an increasingly connected world. LAAVAT, a Finland-based company, specializes in embedded device security. It assists manufacturers of controllers, IoT gateways, and sensors in building devices that adhere to industry-leading security standards such as IEC 62443. Kaustabh’s vision is to position LAAVAT as the preferred choice for customers seeking robust security solutions for their embedded devices. Simultaneously, he is committed to fostering a positive and rewarding work culture for the team at LAAVAT.

Curtis W. Dukes, CIS
Curtis (Curt) Dukes is the Executive Vice President for Security Best Practices at the Center for Internet Security (CIS). CIS is headquartered in Albany, NY, with an office in Washington, DC. As EVP, Curt leads the development of security best practices for protecting IT systems. CIS’ two primary products: Security benchmarks and the critical security controls, are global industry best practices endorsed by leading IT security vendors and governing bodies.
In his prior role, Curt led the Information Assurance mission at the National Security Agency. He was charged with the security of National Security Systems, which include systems that handle classified information or are otherwise critical to the military and intelligence activities.
Curt is an avid speaker at both national and international cybersecurity events and serves on a number of advisory boards.

EhlenStephan Ehlen is a cryptography expert at the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) since 2021. He works on post-quantum cryptography with a focus on lattice-based schemes, and is editor of an amendment to ISO/IEC 18033-2 which will include post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms. Stephan holds a Ph.D. in pure mathematics (Number Theory) and is an assistant professor (Privatdozent) in Mathematics at University of Cologne in Germany.

Ellsberger bioJan Ellsberger, ETSI Director-General
Jan Ellsberger is a globally recognised leader in the ICT industry with more than 30 years of experience with research and innovation, industry ecosystem development, standardisation, policy development & regulation, and strategy development in the telecommunications and automotive industries. From 2000-2012 he was leading Ericsson’s global standardisation operations. He has also served in leading positions in several industry associations such as 3GPP, 5GAA, ERTICO and the Horizon Europe CCAM Association.

FantaBjörn Fanta, Fabasoft – Member of the Programme Committee
Björn has a background in electrical engineering, and holds a degree in statistics and economics. In recent years, he has made significant contributions to various innovation projects in collaboration with international partners. At Fabasoft, successfully established the research department and, as Head of Research, leads a team of highly motivated young researchers in the Cloud sector. Together, they engage in a range of research initiatives with partners across Europe, guided by a shared research vision at Fabasoft. Björn consistently seeks innovative ideas and project opportunities related to digitalization, cloud computing, edge computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and human-centered computing. Originally from northern Germany, Björn has developed a deep appreciation for the Upper Austrian region and has chosen to settle near Linz.

Fischer Francois Fischer, Huawei
François holds a Master of Engineering in Electrotechnics and informatics. He worked 6 Years as developer at Siemens Germany for Multiprotocol’s telecommunications systems. He then worked in ETSI specialist Task forces for supporting development of ETSI standards and organising Open Plugtests events, including Cooperative ITS Plugtests. He worked 10 Years at ERTICO where he was coordinator of flagship Connected Automated Mobility H2020 project using IoT (AUTOPILOT) and 5G (5G-MOBIX). He joined Huawei standardisation and Industry department in 2020 as expert leader for Smart Travel product lines, addressing standardisation and regulation issues, as well as supporting research and innovation.

friedman bioAllan Friedman is a Senior Technical Advisor and Strategist at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the US Government. He coordinates the global cross-sector community efforts around software bill of materials (SBOM), and works to advance the adoption of supply chain transparency and related security issues around the world. He was previously the Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives at NTIA, leading pioneering work on cybersecurity, including running the first public government-led collaboration on coordinated vulnerability disclosure. Prior to joining the Federal government, Friedman spent over a decade as a noted information security and technology policy scholar at Harvard's Computer Science department, the Brookings Institution, and George Washington University's Engineering School. He is the co-author of the popular text "Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know," has a degree in computer science from Swarthmore College and a PhD from Harvard University.

GonzalesVicente Gonzalez joined the Market, Certification and Standardisation Unit of EU Agency for Cybersecurity in March 2021, and also is part of the Research and innovation team. He is currently the Chair of ENISA Thematic Group for Vulnerability Handling on Certified Solutions. Prior joining ENISA he worked for 17 years for a state-owned company property of the Spanish Ministry of Defence – ISDEFE. Vicente holds multiple Cybersecurity certifications, CISSP, CISM, CISA and ETH. 

Issy Hall leads DSIT's work on emerging technology cyber standards, including AI. She has been involved in standards development for the past three years through her role within DSIT and previously within the New Zealand government. 

HENNESSYHollie Hennessy, OMDIA - - Member of the Programme Committee
Hollie provides insight into the fascinating and fast-moving domain of IoT cybersecurity, including automotive, medical and embedded security, as well as the increasing development of OT cybersecurity. Hollie has a range of experience in research. She began her career in the legal sector, writing and researching for expert witness reports on the labor market. She then moved into product testing, with a consumer protection focus. In this role, she was responsible for managing comparative tests of various technology and IoT products, as well as regular testing and investigative work into the security of these devices.
She has published articles in Which?, produced by the UK's largest consumer organization and one of the country's largest subscription magazines, Computing, DarkReading and regularly provides expertise for news announcements and reports. She is also a regular speaker at industry events such as Black Hat, as well as specialised events in the OT and IoT cybersecurity space. She has a particular interest in regulation and standards, supporting numerous research projects on the topic, ranging from consumer device testing and labelling, 5G security standards, OT security regulation and automotive cybersecurity regulation. 

koen popupKoen Jaspers is senior advisor at the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security. He started building mobile networks for the police. Standardization started in participating in several EPT working groups. His current role is to bring functional lawful access needs from law enforcement together with technical solutions. This participating in ETSI TC LI and 3GPP SA3LI for many years now.

JordanBret Jordan - For over 30 years I have been fortunate to work on some of the hardest problems and most advanced technologies and solutions that protect our way of life. I have led several initiatives to drive innovation, created new technologies, managed very large projects and teams, and designed automated and collaborative cyber threat intelligence and mitigation/remediation solutions across the industry. I am currently Chief Security Strategist at Afero. Prior to Afero I was CTO of Emerging Technologies for Broadcom. Prior to that I held leadership positions at Symantec, Blue Coat Systems, Solera Networks, and several other startups, enterprises, and nonprofits. I have also led several international standards including STIX, TAXII, CACAO, and OpenC2 and have presented numerous times at international conferences.

KhaniZahra Khani, Keysight Technologies
Zahra is a seasoned cybersecurity expert with a strong focus on OT/IoT security. Her journey into tech began at age 15, fueling her passion for cybersecurity, which led her to earn a degree in software engineering in 2009. After several years as a hands-on security engineer, Zahra founded Firmalyzer in 2016. The company became a pioneer in developing the first automated OT/IoT firmware security analysis platform, addressing the critical need for safeguarding devices in the rapidly expanding IoT ecosystem. Zahra’s leadership blended technical expertise with strategic business insights, driving product growth. In late 2023, Firmalyzer’s technologies were acquired by Keysight Technologies, where Zahra transitioned to Product Manager for the IoT Security Assessment product. In this role, she combines global customer feedback with her vision to refine and enhance the product. Zahra is passionate about turning complex challenges into opportunities and improving digital security to make the online world safer.

lacameraDaniele Lacamera is a software technologist and researcher. He is an expert in operating systems and TCP/IP, with more than 20 academic publications on transport protocol optimization. He began his career as a Linux kernel developer and had his first contribution accepted in Linux 2.6. Since 2012, he has been working on microcontroller-based architectures, focusing on the design, development, and integration of software for embedded systems. He is an active contributor to many free software projects, and co-author of a TCP/IP stack and a POSIX operating system (OS) for Cortex-M devices, both distributed under the GPL. Nowadays, as software engineer at wolfSSL Inc., his activities are focused on IoT security, cryptography, secure boot, and custom transport protocols.

LaingThalia Laing is a Principal Cryptographer and Security Researcher in the HP Security Lab. Her role includes driving the research and application of advanced cryptographic primitives and mechanisms in the design and architecture of security solutions for HP. She has established herself as a leading authority across the business for the design and review of critical cryptographic functionality and has led cross-company efforts around educating the engineering community on the safe and effective use of modern cryptography standards and techniques. She is currently working on HP’s migration to Post Quantum Cryptography, which recently culminated in HP launching the world’s first Business PCs to protect firmware against quantum computer hacks. Prior to joining HP, Thalia Laing completed a BSc in Mathematics at Imperial College, London, then moved to Royal Holloway University of London to complete an MSc in ‘Mathematics of Communications and Cryptography’. After finishing with a distinction, Thalia then joined the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Cyber Security, hosted by the Information Security Group (ISG) at Royal Holloway, to complete her PhD.

LeadbeaterAlex Leadbeater, GSMA - Programme Committee Chair
Alex is Technical Security Director at GSMA. Alex has spent over 25 years working across the Communications and Cyber Security industry. Alex specialises in bridging the gaps between communications technology evolution and regulatory requirements (Security, Privacy, Public Safety) placed on the Communications Service Providers. Alex has been involved in standardisation for 25+ years and currently chairs several industry Cyber Security and Regulatory standards groups. Starting his career in satellite communications, following a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Warwick University. Prior to joining GSMA in Jan 2023, Alex held a range of technical, design and regulatory governance roles for BT Plc.

LenhardGlen Leonhard, Cryptomathic
With nearly 20 years in the Cryptography and Data Security industry, Glen Leonhard is an experienced cryptography master. Over the last decade alone, Glen has worked with product development and service offerings within the security space and has delivered best in class security solutions for enterprise businesses. In his current role as Director of Key Management at Cryptomathic, Glen is responsible for the global business strategy of cryptographic key management, collaborating closely with customers and partners to constantly explore new opportunities for addressing current and future challenges. Glen has an engineering background from the Technical University of Denmark where he studied Information Technology, and previously held roles at Nokia and Prevas AB.

Levy Bencheton Cédric Lévy-Bencheton is the CEO and founder of Cetome, an independent advisory in IoT cyber security. Cédric works with manufacturers to secure their products in line with standards and regulations. Previously, Cédric worked at ENISA, the European Union Cyber Security Agency, where he created the IoT cyber security domain.


liyanage2 bioMadhusanka Liyanage is an Associate Professor/Ad Astra Fellow and Director of Graduate Research at the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland. He also leads the Network Softwarization and Security Labs (NetsLab) group at the UCD School of Computer Science. He is also an expert consultant at the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and a Funded Investigator of the SFI CONNECT Research Centre, Ireland. In 2020, he received the "2020 IEEE ComSoc Outstanding Young Researcher" award by IEEE ComSoc EMEA. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, he was ranked among the world's top 2% of scientists. He is currently PI for several EU projects, i.e. H2020 SPATIAL, 6G SNS Confidential-6G, 6G SNS Robust-6G, and 6G SNS Fidal-5G:MBBPT. He is also the coordinator of the Marie-curie Staff Exchange ENSURE 6G project. His Research Interests 5G/6G security, Blockchain, Explainable AI and Federated Learning security. More info:

LundDavid Lund is currently President of Public Safety Communication Europe, and a member since 2013. David is also Board Member of the 6G Infrastructure Association (6G-IA) since March 2021, contributing to the continued innovation in Smart Networks and Services (SNS-JU). He currently coordinates the programme, a partnership of 16+ EU governments/agencies  supporting the technological development towards the EU critical communication system, EUCCS. This builds upon the success of the BroadWay Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). David has a 25+ year research and innovation background that maintains a leading-edge capability in Cyber Security and Resilient Communications; the core fundamental factors required to achieve Trustworthy Communication. David gained a PhD in Communication Systems in 2001, specialising in Information Theory; the mathematical foundation of Coding (Error Control) and Cryptography.

MakrisIoannis Makris, MetaMind Innovations IKE - Ioannis received his BSc in Computer Science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) and his MSc in Business Analytics from the University of Edinburgh. Furthermore, he is a Certified Associate in Project Management® (CAPM®) by the Project Management Institute (PMI). His interests include privacy-preserving AI techniques, interpretable machine learning, and security. He is currently employed by MetaMind Innovations, working as an AI Engineer/Researcher in several European-funded projects on cybersecurity, telecommunications, and energy efficiency.

MinaevIgor Minaev, ETSI
Igor Minaev is a specialist with 25+ years of experience in ICT regulations and standardisation. Currently, at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Igor holds the Head of External Relations position. ETSI’s Partnership portfolio counts for more than 100 partners (among them CEN, CENELEC, CEPT, ITU, ISO, IEC, and many others). Igor has vast experience in supporting ETSI Technical Committees (TCs) mainly dealing with the EU market access standards for radio equipment used in different sectors of the economy (telecom, transport, medicine, etc.) and regulated by corresponding EU Directives (like Radio Equipment Directive and EMC Directive).

MongayJordi Mongay Batalla is a Professor at Warsaw University of Technology. He is a 20+ years expert in cybersecurity and telecommunications. Jordi Mongay is an adviser in different international institutions. He is a 5G Security expert in NATO Science and Technology Organisation, has been a cybersecurity expert of the Polish Telco Regulator and a technical adviser of the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure for autonomous automotive. Prof. Mongay Batalla has been contracted by ENISA (EU Cybersecurity Agency) as an individual external expert of 5G cybersecurity through Call for Expressions of Interest from 2019 to 2023. His research interest focuses mainly on Cybersecurity, IP Technologies (radio: 5G and 6G, core: Network services chain, SDN, AI) and Applications (Internet of Things, Smart Cities, multimedia) for the Future Internet. He is a member of the O-RAN Alliance Security Working Group (WG11) and the Polish Normalization Committee and a committee member of standardisation CEN/CLC/JTC 13/WG9.

MoodyDustin Moody is a mathematician in the NIST Computer Security Division. Dustin leads the post-quantum cryptography project at NIST. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2009. His area of research deals with elliptic curves and their applications in cryptography. With the looming threat of quantum computers being able to break public-key cryptosystems, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has led a multi-year effort to create new standards. These standards for public-key digital signatures and key-establishment algorithms will provide protection against future quantum threats. In this talk, I will give an update on the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization project, including the recently published FIPS, as well as ongoing and future work.

Brian MurgatroydBrian Murgatroyd is an experienced Consultant Engineer who has specialised in TETRA technology over the last 26 years.He has a first-class honours degree in telecommunications and electronics, is a UK Chartered Engineer and a corporate member of the Institution of Engineering Technology (MIET).He has been chairman of ETSI TC TCCE (Technical Committee for TETRA and Critical Communications Evolution) since 2010 and previously chaired ETSI TETRA working group 6 (Security) for 4 years until retiring from this position at the end of 2006. During the same period, he chaired the TCCA Security and Fraud Prevention Group (SFPG).Until he completed his service with the UK Police IT organisation (PITO) he led the Airwave Communications Security team. This team was responsible for ensuring the successful implementation of all security features on the UK national emergency service communications system (Airwave). He has been managing a consultancy specialising in TETRA security since retiring from PITO and has been heavily involved in the architectural design and development of various TETRA end to end encryption systems, TETRA security training and as a technical specialist assisting in patent litigation.

nosiborDavid Nosibor is Head of Business Development for CyberPass at Red Alert Labs, where he is driving the adoption of a digital platform that leverages AI and automation to transform how businesses approach product security compliance. As a former Lead Principal at UL Solutions in their Identity Management and Security division, David has extensive experience guiding organizations through the complexities of security standards and creating accessible compliance frameworks. His work focuses on simplifying and accelerating compliance processes, making it easier for companies to meet critical security requirements. David's expertise in standards' adoption like ETSI EN 303 645 and PSTI positions him at the forefront of innovation in product security compliance. He is dedicated to making security compliance more efficient, scalable, and accessible for businesses of all sizes, helping them stay competitive while ensuring product cybersecurity and regulatory alignment.  

pascu bioCorina Pascu - At present cybersecurity expert with European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) where she has worked on EU certification schemes (preparation of the EU5G certification scheme, certification strategies for AI), advising ECCC on cyber research and innovation needs and priorities and cybersecurity market analyses (cloud computing and cryptographic products and services). Previously with European Commission DG Research and Innovation, Directorate Research and Innovation Outreach, where she worked on the formulation of European Open Science policies & European Open Science Cloud EOSC, International Cooperation and Open Science diplomacy. Also with DG Joint Research Centre on Sevilla site, EU’s Science Hub, on policy analysis, advice and support on the social and economic implications of ICTs and digital innovations in society and digital economy. Extensive international and multicultural exposure, analytical mind forged in think tanks and international expert panels, and seasoned speaker. Professional experience includes over 20 years of expert support for Commission' evaluations, reviews of research proposals and studies. Writer: ORCID, Scopus (author ID: 54889553600), Editorialship with Frontiers Journal on Research Metrics and reviewer.

PetersenKatrina Petersen, Public Safety Communication Europe, has expertise in social science research that is directly part of design and innovation processes, working in between crisis responders, technology developers, and the communities they serve. She specialises in research that raises awareness of the societal and ethical impact of emerging disaster information technologies in order to better align innovation with benefits for all of society. Since 2014, she has engaged a variety of action research and co-design methods, working directly with stakeholders to transform this knowledge into better interdisciplinary and cross-border resilience practices, tools, and policies. She is published on topics relating to visualizing risk, socio-technical resilience, communication implications of disaster mapping, and transboundary disaster data infrastructuring. She has overseen work a range of multi-national research and innovation projects and acted as ethics advisor in many others. Katrina holds a PhD in Communication and Science Studies from the University of California, San Diego.

PildushGalina D. Pildush, Palo Alto Networks, has been active in the computer networking and cyber security industry for more than twenty years. She holds PhD in Organization and Management, specializing in IT, MSc and BSc, both in Computer Science. Over a decade ago, Galina’s passion had expanded into Mobile Network Operator (MNO) infrastructure, cloud, and virtualization security. Throughout the years, Galina held various engineering roles, product management & architecture, and strategy & planning with various high-tech companies. Galina has been an active industry standards and associations contributor (3GPP, IETF, ETSI, GSMA), an author of computer networking books and articles, a blogger, and a frequent speaker/panelist at various security conferences, evangelizing MNOs infrastructure security and services. At Palo Alto Networks, Galina holds a senior role in Global Consulting Engineering, focusing on mobile infrastructures’ security and services. 

Pratone Davide Pratone, Huawei - - Member of the Programme Committee
Davide has a degree in Physics and a Master in Telecommunication. He joined Telecom Italia R&D in 1997 and since 2004 he represented Telecom Italia in several SDOs: 3GPP ETSI, CEN, ISO/IEC. From 2009 to 2013 Davide has been the 3GPP CT6 Vice Chairman, while from 2012 is ETSI TC SET REQ Chair. Davide was even technical project manager for some important Telecom Italia deployments such as the Mobile TV in 2006, NFC payment, transport and loyalty services. In 2016 Davide moved to Idemia (formerly Oberthur Technologies) acting as security standardization expert and supporting the eUICC Product Managers to certify several eUICC products for Consumer and M2M scenarios. In 2019 Davide moved to Huawei to cover the Security Standardization Expert position for Consumer Business Group in Europe. He joined ETSI TC CYBER becoming Vice Chair in 2020 and he has been elected ETSI TC SET Vice Chair in March 2021. In September 2021 he has been elected GSMA eSIM WG1 (requirements) Chair. Davide represent UNI in several CEN/CENELEC JTC13 Working Groups including WG8 where he contributed to the RED standards for cybersecurity and privacy EN 18031 series.

RogersDavid Rogers chairs the Fraud and Security Group at the GSMA. He authored the UK’s ‘Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security’, in collaboration with UK government and industry colleagues and is a member of the UK’s Telecoms Supply Chain Diversification Advisory Council. His company Copper Horse works on a range of projects from IoT security to future automotive cyber security. David holds an MSc in Software Engineering from the University of Oxford and a HND in Mechatronics from the University of Teesside. He lectured in Mobile Systems Security at the University of Oxford from 2012-2019 and served as a Visiting Professor in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at York St John University. He was awarded an MBE for services to Cyber Security in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2019. He blogs from and tweets @drogersu

Schberl Stefan Schöberl is a researcher and senior software engineer in the software science area at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH) in Upper Austria. He studied Software Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria / Campus Hagenberg. He is also an external lecturer at the same university.


SeebaMari Seeba is a cybersecurity expert on the Estonian NCSC security standard development team and has been a PhD student at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science since 2020. In addition, she is the ISACA Estonia Chapter vice president and program chair manager. Her expertise includes information security management standards, risk analysis, measures, and auditing. Previously, she was a project manager and IS auditor for security-related projects for the Estonian research and development company Cybernetica AS, which lasted almost 15 years.

sharkov bios 82x90George Sharkov - Member of the Programme Committee
Dr Sharkov is Assoc. Professor at the Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Since 2003, he has been Director of the European Software Institute (Sofia) and head of the Cybersecurity Lab at SofiaTechPark. He was a cyber defence adviser to the Bulgarian MoD (2014-2021) and National Cybersecurity Coordinator for the Bulgarian Government. George was a member of EU AI High-Level Expert Group and is representing European Digital SMEs and SBS in ETSI Technical Committees CYBER and Securing AI, and several ENISA working groups. He has more than 30 years of experience in developing complex software systems-of-systems, software process quality (CMMI), cyber security and resilience (CERT RMM), and trustworthy AI. He holds a PhD in AI/expert systems and is lecturing at three leading universities in Bulgaria (software quality, cybersecurity, security for AI).

SouissiSamih Souissi is currently the chief of staff of the expertise department of ANSSI (the French cybersecurity agency). One of his missions is to coordinate ANSSI’s work on the transition to PQC. Before joining ANSSI, he was a policy maker at Arcep (the French telecom regulator) working on Open Internet issues. Prior to that, he worked as a cybersecurity consultant and a research engineer. Besides, he is involved in various bodies, as a member of the scientific council of Afnic (the French NIC) and the scientific committee of Internet Society France. Samih holds a MSc in engineering and a PhD in computer science and networks specialised in cybersecurity from Telecom Paris. He is also a graduate of University of London-LSE in international relations.

StanetskyNataliya Stanetsky, Google - Member of the Programme Committee
Nataliya is a Senior Program Manager at Google in the Android Ecosystem Trust & Engineering team. In this role, she leads programs around Device, Connectivity, and Apps safety evangelism, certifications, and other special programs. Nataliya has over 15 years of experience in the IT Security and Risk Management field. Before Google, Nataliya spent a number of years in IT Security at L’Oréal and Big 4 Consulting firms.


Vera Stavroulaki is a technology developer and Co-founder of WINGS ICT Solutions. She has 20 years of experience, working on the design and development of intelligent cloud-based IoT applications and data platforms in various vertical domains and Digital Twin solutions. She has actively participated in EU funded research projects of the FP7/ICT, FP6/IST and FP5/IST frameworks and is currently involved in various H2020 projects. She is the Project coordinator of the H2020 DEDICAT 6G and the JU SNS CONFIDENTIAL6G projects. She has served as a co-coordinator of the IERC AC3 “IoT innovation and pilots” and as a Rapporteur of the Technical Report ETSI TR 102 684 “Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Feasibility Study on Control Channels for Cognitive Radio Systems”. She has authored more than 100 publications in international journals and refereed conferences.

StricherNicolas Stricher leads a team of Check Point Sales Engineers specializing in Managed Services Providers throughout EMEA. As a member of Check Point's office of the CTO evangelist group, he also serves as a Trusted Advisor to a wide audience from engineers to C-Level executives. Prior to joining Check Point in 2023, Nicolas held cybersecurity advisory and expert roles for McAfee (now part of Trellix), LogRhythm, Sophos, and CA Technologies (now part of Broadcom). He holds a Master’s degree in Human Computer Interaction from the University of Paris-Saclay.

Nicole van der Meulen is cybersecurity innovation lead at SURF. Previously she worked as a Senior Strategic Analyst and Head of the Strategy & Development team at the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) at Europol. She also held a variety of posts in the area of cybercrime and cybersecurity at the Dutch Banking Association, RAND Europe, VU University Amsterdam and the Dutch Ministry of Security & Justice. She holds a doctorate in law from Tilburg University and a master’s degree in political science with specialisations in comparative politics and international relations from VU University Amsterdam. Her primary publications deal with digital identity theft and cybersecurity policy.

Van Der VeerRob van der Veer is an AI pioneer with 32 years of experience. He is senior principal expert at Software Improvement Group, the co-editor of the AI Act security standard at CEN/CENELEC, main author of the ISO/IEC 5338 standard on AI lifecycle, and creator of the OWASP AI Exchange – open-sourcing the global discussion on AI security. Rob also published a children's book on AI: 'Luna and the magic AI paintbrush.

VetillardEric Vetillard - Lead Certification Expert at ENISA, in charge of developing the EU cybersecurity certification scheme for cloud services (EUCS) and of preparing the work for the certification of European Digital Identity Wallets. Before ENISA, Eric held various positions in the industry, mostly around automated reasoning, smart cards and mobile security. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Aix-Marseille.


WalkerJoanne Walker - I'm a researcher at BT Group. I was initially interested in writing AI algorithms to detect nuisance calls but then became interested in the emerging problem of technology facilitated domestic abuse. I found that I was very interested in how consumers could be protected from this emerging risk through coercive control resistant and trauma informed design. I am studing an MA in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of Essex alongside my research. I use my experience in this area and training in psychotherapy to help understand the experience of customers in this situation, and to bridge the gap between technology and psychology to explore the societal impact of new telecommunications technologies in this space

wayneLaurence Wayne is a data scientist at BT Group Plc in the Cyber Security arm of the business after completion of higher education at Durham University; consisting of an undergraduate degree in geophysics & geology, then a masters in scientific computing & data analysis. With only recent involvement in various Standards boards across ETSI and 3GPP, he has been enabled a unique insight into the cutting edge of cybersecurity – taking stewardship of the 6G document in TC CYBER on laying the groundwork for this new technology. This is his first official contribution to the standards community; and feels immensely privileged to be learning from & working alongside those with a wealth of experience and knowledge in this area.

WhitneyGill Whitney - I am currently working as an expert for ANEC (the European consumer voice in standardisation) on a number of standards focusing on CyberSecurity standards the needs of end users, including users with disabilities or special needs. I also act as visiting academic for Middlesex University, in this role I provide advice and information on the creation and use of cybersecurity and accessibility technical standards and laws. My expertise is in the area of Secure and Accessible ICT Systems. I have worked both as an independent consultant and as a project leader with partners including the UN Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities, ISO, CEN/CENELEC, ETSI, BSI and European Academic Institutions. My work has included the authoring of Security and Accessibility standards and the creation of ambitious but practical training materials, including creation of ISO27001:2022 teaching material.

Colin Whorlow, NCSC - Member of the Programme Committee
Colin Whorlow has worked in the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and its predecessor CESG, for over 20 years. As Head of International Standards he has spearheaded NCSC’s active involvement in global security standards work including within ETSI and 3GPP. He convened the ETSI Quantum Safe Cryptography ISG, now a Working Group within TC Cyber, and has also chaired the group – and he is a Programme Committee member for the annual ETSI/IQC Quantum-safe Cryptography workshops. He also convened the ETSI Securing AI ISG, now TC SAI. Colin was a long-time member of the Management Board of ENISA, and is a former chair of the CCRA Management Committee. In previous roles he led CESG’s engagement on EU and NATO information assurance issues. Colin also chaired the Information Security Technical Working Group at the Wassenaar Arrangement for some years. Colin was awarded an OBE for services to National Security in 2024.

ZhuJintao Zhu is an expert of Huawei Cloud Core Network Research Dept. Currently, he focuses on next-gen communication security research, including digital identity, trustworhty AI, and privacy enhancement. In his previous career of Huawei, Jintao has worked in security research of 5G/5.5G, IoT, V2X, and edge computing, and he is experienced in standard and industry organistions such as IETF, 3GPP, CCSA, 5GAA, and 5G-ACIA.

ZuraniewskiPiotr Zuraniewski, TNO - Piotr received his MSc degree in mathematics (Best Graduate Award) in 2003 from AGH, Poland, where he further worked as a research assistant, involved in several EU FP6/FP7 research projects. In 2011 he defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘Stochastic modelling and control of communication networks' at the University of Amsterdam. He now works as Senior Research Scientist at TNO, frequently playing a technical leader role in both research- and business-oriented projects. His research interests are programmable cloud infrastructures and their orchestration using AI, AI security (delegate to ETSI) as well as autonomous security response. Piotr is a co-author of several refereed scientific papers and regularly serves as a reviewer. He is also a former Cisco Academy Instructor and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP).

ETSI is pleased to share the publicly available presentations during this conference.

The ETSI Security Conference 2024 programme will be built by the following people:

  • Samim Ahmadi, EY
  • Charles Brookson, ZEATA Security
  • Alex Cadzow, C3L
  • Scott Cadzow, C3L
  • Matt Campagna, Amazon Web Services
  • Peter C, NCSC
  • Mirko Cano Soveri, ETSI/3GPP
  • Bjorn Fanta, Fabasoft
  • Slawomir Gorniak, ENISA
  • Alan Hayward, NCSC
  • Holie Hennessy, OMDIA
  • Alex Leadbeater,GSMA, Programme Committee Chair
  • Tieyan Li, Huawei
  • Gerry McQuaid, Ofcom
  • Mats Naslund, NDRE
  • Kim Nordstrom, ETSI
  • Jean-Pierre Quémard, KAT
  • Davide Pratone, Huawei
  • Tony Rutkowski, CIS
  • George Sharkov, European DIGITAL SME Alliance & SBS
  • Nataliya Stanetsky, Google Ireland Limited
  • Colin Whorlow, NCSC
  • Alf Zugenmaier, NTT Docomo
Any Questions? Contact us