ETSI and the Institute for Quantum Computing were thrilled to organize the 2025 edition of their joint event, the ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference. This year, the event will be hosted physically by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)  on 3-5 June 2025 in Madrid. 


We increasingly rely on cyber technologies, and hence are ever more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. As progress toward a cryptographically relevant quantum computer advances, these attack vectors grow and the imperative to prepare for a transition to quantum secure technologies continues to increase. 
This is a continually evolving and complex journey and much remains to be understood and navigated. 

About the Conference 

Designed for members of the business, government, and research communities with a stake in cryptographic standardization, this forward-looking conference facilitates the knowledge exchange and collaboration required to transition cyber infrastructures and business practices to make them safe in an era with quantum computers. It will showcase both the most recent developments from industry and government and cutting-edge potential solutions coming out of the most recent research. 
This conference is a perfect opportunity to determine your next steps, learn from experts and network with others going through the process. Nowhere else can you encounter the latest research in such an actionable way, with specific tracks for both executives and technical experts.

Wanting to contribute?

Watch out our upcoming call for Presentations early November. To be notified of the major deadlines, please subscribe to this mailing list

Catching up on the 2024 edition of the event: 

Read the ETSI Press Release and watch this webinar Get Ready for Quantum Era: Insights from the ETSI/IQC QSC Conference with Michele Mosca, Donna Dodson, Lily Chen, Jaya Baloo, Jaime Gomez Garcia, Matt Campagna (17 June 2024). 

ETSI and IQC are thankful for the dedication of the following Programme Committee Members: 

  • Michele Mosca, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo (Programme Committee Chair)
  • Jaya Baloo, Rapid7
  • Johannes Buchmann, TU Darmstadt
  • Matthew Campagna, Sr. Principal Engineer, Amazon Web Services
  • Sofia Celi, Brave
  • Martin Charbonneau, Nokia
  • Lily Chen, NIST
  • Jaime Gómez García, Grupo Santander
  • Alexander Ling, NUS
  • Vicente Martin, UPM
  • Sarah McCarthy, IQC, University of Waterloo
  • Máire O'Neill, Queen's University Belfast
  • Mark Pecen, Approach Infinity, Inc.
  • Bart Preneel, KU Leuven
  • Gregoire Ribordy IDQuantique
  • Johanna Sepulveda, Airbus
  • Masahiro Takeoka, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
  • Martin Ward, Toshiba Europe
  • Colin Whorlow, Head of International Standards, NCSC
  • Hong Xiang, Chongqing University

MOSCAMichele Mosca - University of Waterloo, Programme Committee Chair
Michele Mosca is co-founder of the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, a Professor in the Department of Combinatorics & Optimization of the Faculty of Mathematics, and a founding member of Waterloo's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is co-founder and CEO of the quantum-safe cybersecurity company, evolutionQ, and co-founder of the quantum software and applications company, softwareQ. He serves as Chair of the board of Quantum Industry Canada.
He started working in cryptography during his undergraduate studies and obtained his doctorate in Mathematics in 1999 from the University of Oxford on the topic of Quantum Computer Algorithms. His research interests include algorithms and software for quantum computers, and cryptographic tools designed to be safe against quantum technologies.
He co-founded the not-for-profit Quantum-Safe Canada, and the ETSI-IQC workshop series in quantum-safe cryptography and is globally recognized for his drive to help academia, industry and government prepare our cyber systems to be safe in an era with quantum computers.
Dr. Mosca’s awards and honours include 2010 Canada's Top 40 Under 40, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2013), SJU Fr. Norm Choate Lifetime Achievement Award (2017), and a Knighthood (Cavaliere) in the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (2018).

JAHABALOO82X90Jaya Baloo, Rapid 7 – Member of the Programme Committee
Jaya Baloo is the CSO of Rapid7 and has been working in the field of information security with a focus on secure network architecture for over 20 years. She is the former CISO of Avast, and prior to that was CISO at KPN, the largest telecommunications carrier in the Netherlands. Jaya serves on boards of the NL’s National Cyber Security Centre, TIIN Capital, the NOS, and was the former Vice Chair of the EU Quantum flagship. She is also on the faculty at Singularity University.  
Jaya is recognized as a top 100 global CISO and ranks among the top 100 security influencers worldwide. In 2019, she was selected as one of the 50 most inspiring women in the Netherlands by Inspiring Fifty. In 2022 she received an honorary doctorate from the University of Twente for her contributions to the field of Cybersecurity.

MATTCAMPAGNA82x90Matthew Campagna, Amazon Web Services - Member of the Programme Committee
Matthew Campagna is a Sr. Principal Engineer & Cryptographer for Amazon Web Services Inc.’s. He oversees the design and analysis of cryptographic solutions across AWS. He is a member of the ETSI Security Algorithms Group Experts (SAGE), and Chairman of ETSI TC CYBER’s Quantum Safe Cryptography group. Previously he managed Certicom/BlackBerry’s Cryptography Research Group focused on the development of intellectual property and standardization for elliptic curve cryptography. He holds a doctorate in Mathematics from Wesleyan University.

Sofia Celi82x90Sofia Celi, Brave - Member of the Programme Committee
Sofía Celi is a cryptography researcher at Brave. She researches around post-quantum cryptography, privacy-enhancing technologies and secure messaging.
She is the co-chair for the PQUIP working group at IETF, of the HRPC group at IRTF and of anti-fraud community group at W3C.


charbonneau martin82x90Martin Charbonneau, Nokia - Member of the Programme Committee
Martin Charbonneau is a seasoned professional in the field of emerging technologies and secure networking. As part of Nokia’s Network Infrastructure Business Group, he has dedicated over a decade to driving innovation in areas like Neutral Host and digital infrastructures. Recently, Martin’s focus has shifted toward Quantum-Safe networking, recognizing the urgency of securing communication infrastructures against quantum threats. His current role involves spearheading efforts to provide secure connectivity solutions that mitigate risks posed by quantum computing. Before this, Martin spearheaded Nokia’s Emerging Product unit, driving innovations in Mobile transport convergence, Cloud/edge transport, and software & services transport automation. His extensive experience in product management, network planning, and Professional Services uniquely positions him to lead the charge in Quantum-Safe Networks. Martin holds a Bachelor of Science in Space Sciences from the Canadian Royal Military College (RMC, St-Jean, Canada).

DonnaDobson82x90Donna F. Dodson, EvolutionQ - - Member of the Programme Committee
Donna F Dodson is a senior strategic advisor at evolutionQ working with the leadership team on the strategic direction of the company to help scale their technology offerings around quantum delivery networks. Donna has an extensive background in cybersecurity, standards, risk management and cryptography. She held technical and policy leadership positions at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Department of Commerce. Donna led NIST’s cybersecurity program to develop standards, guidelines, best practices and resources. She was the inaugural director of the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. As the Commerce Department’s cybersecurity advisor, Donna counseled the Secretary and represented the department in strategic policy decision-making forums.


Jaime Gómez García, Banco Santander – Member of the Programme Committee
Jaime Gómez García is a recognized expert in telecommunications, blockchain, and quantum technologies, with an extensive professional background within the financial sector. His contributions as a disseminator of quantum technologies and their consequential influence on enterprises, notably within the financial domain, have garnered him recognition as a LinkedIn Quantum Top Voices in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Currently, Jaime serves as the Head of Quantum Technologies at Banco Santander, where he focuses on leveraging quantum computing for business benefits and addresses the challenges of quantum threats to cryptography. Additionally, he holds the role of Chair of the Steering Committee at the Quantum Safe Financial Forum, working to facilitate collaboration and coordinate the transition to quantum-safe cryptography within the financial sector.

Sarah McCarthy

Sarah McCarthy - Institute for Quantum Computing (UWaterloo) - Member of the Programme Committee
Sarah McCarthy is a quantum-secure cryptography specialist with a focus on practical solutions for current and future communications networks. As Cryptographic Strategist at evolutionQ, she drives the development of quantum-safe network solutions and raises awareness about the importance of preparing for the quantum computing era. This is supported by her Research Associate role at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), part of University of Waterloo, which allows her to keep in touch with the progression of quantum-safe solutions, from theory to deployment. Sarah earned her PhD from Queen’s University Belfast and then completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at IQC.

VICENTEMARTIN82x90Vicente Martin, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - CCS - Member of the Programme Committee
Vicente Martin, Full Professor at the Technical University of Madrid, Deputy Director of the Center of Computational Simulation, coordinates the Research Group on Quantum Information and the DIANA NATO Test Centre on Quantum Communications at Madrid, the current Madrid Quantum Communications Infrastructure and Spanish national program on quantum communications. He also works in standards on QKD. Co-founder of the Industry Specification Group on Quantum Key Distribution and its vice-chair at ETSI. Convener of the Quantum cryptography and Communications Workgroup of the JTC-22 at CEN. His main research interest is the integration of Quantum Communications in  Telecommunications Networks and security infrastructure

MARKPECEN82x90Mark Pecen, Approach Infinity Inc. , Member of the Programme Committee
Mark Pecen is a senior technology executive for Approach Infinity, Inc., and a general partner of a venture capital fund. Pecen is an inventor on more than 100 fundamental patents in wireless communication, networking and computing, and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He was awarded the titles of Distinguished Innovator and Science Advisory Board member by Motorola for his work on GSM, GPRS and EDGE cellular technologies at ETSI.  He led work in 3GPP for Motorola on UMTS 3G, and as Senior Vice President, R&D for BlackBerry, he contributed to 4G-LTE cellular technology and standards and spectrum management for ITU. In 2015, Pecen co-founded the ETSI TC Cyber, Working Group for Quantum Safe Cryptography and chaired the group for the first 5 years, producing some of the very earliest global standards on the topic.

Johnna SepulvedaJohanna Sepúlveda Airbus - Member of the Programme Committee
Johanna Sepúlveda received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering – Microelectronics by the University of S ̃ao Paulo, Brazil. Currently she holds a position as the Airbus Expert on Quantum-Secure Technologies, being Chief Engineer of different quantum initiatives such as EuroQCI. Also she is a member of the Strategic Advisory Board of Quantum Technologies for the European Commission and leader of the Quantum Strategic Industry Roadmap at QuIC (Quantum Industry Consortium). She has more than 15 years of experience in R&T and R&D in the area of security, networked systems, HPC and quantum technologies.

Colin Whorlow, NCSC - Member of the Programme Committee
Colin Whorlow has worked in the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and its predecessor CESG, for over 20 years. As Head of International Standards he has spearheaded NCSC’s active involvement in global security standards work including within ETSI and 3GPP. He convened the ETSI Quantum Safe Cryptography ISG, now a Working Group within TC Cyber, and has also chaired the group – and he is a Programme Committee member for the annual ETSI/IQC Quantum-safe Cryptography workshops. He also convened the ETSI Securing AI ISG, now TC SAI. Colin was a long-time member of the Management Board of ENISA, and is a former chair of the CCRA Management Committee. In previous roles he led CESG’s engagement on EU and NATO information assurance issues. Colin also chaired the Information Security Technical Working Group at the Wassenaar Arrangement for some years. Colin was awarded an OBE for services to National Security in 2024.

Hong XiangHong Xiang - Chongqing University - Member of the Programme Committee
Prof. Hong Xiang is the member of National Cryptography Standardization Technical Committee, China. He also serves as the vice director of the Key Laboratory of Dependable Service Computing in Cyber Physical Society (Chongqing University), Ministry of Education, China. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1998. His area of research deals with applications in PQC.

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