ETSI STQ Conference: Communications for All, 
Supporting Diversity and Accessibility through Quality of End-to-end Network Transmission
and Devices in Human-to-human and Human-to-machine Communication
13-14 May 2025
ETSI, Sophia Antipolis France

ETSI Technical Committee Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (TC STQ) is pleased to announce that the ETSI STQ Conference: Communications for All - Supporting Diversity and Accessibility through Quality of End-to-end Network Transmission and Devices in Human-to-human and Human-to-machine Communication, will take place face-to-face in ETSI Premises, Sophia Antipolis, France on 13-14 May 2025. 

The event is free of charge, open to all upon mandatory registration. Register now!

 About the event

This face-to-face conference aims at bringing together communities that have not been well-connected to standards development in speech and multimedia transmission until now. ETSI TC STQ recognizes the need to bring more inclusivity to technical standards on the quality of network transmission and devices on speech and multimedia in human-to-human and human-to-machine communication, to ensure that diverse groups have input into the work of STQ.  

Standardization of measurement and evaluation methods for speech and multimedia devices and networks is crucial to ensure that all users receive high quality of service and high quality of experience.  Previous work in ETSI TC STQ has focused on human perception of speech and audio, as well as network-enabled services.  However, with some exceptions, various aspects of accessibility still need to be addressed. 

In order to bridge this gap, this conference will provide a venue for interested advocates and communities to present and discuss issues of relevance, that so far have not been at the centre of technical standards development. The Programme Committee encourages a wide range of inputs and views to help inform and guide future work on diversity and accessibility.

Target Audience

The event is addressed to:

  • Affected / relevant user groups,
  • Research bodies,
  • Regulators, 
  • Manufacturers,
  • Systems Integrators, 
  • Service providers,
  • Network Operators

Additional information to attendees: should you have accessibility needs, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate them.


  • Scott Isabelle, ETSI TC STQ Chair, Amazon
  • Jan Reimes, ETSI TC STQ Vicechair, Head acoustics
  • Joachim Pomy, ETSI TC STQ Vicechair, NETCHECK
  • Ralf Pabst, ETSI TC STQ Mobile chair, Accenture
  • Jean-Yves Monfort, SC User Chair, AFUTT
  • Peter Pocta, University of Zilina
  • Jan Holub, MESAQIN
  • Pawel Trella, Intel
  • Andre Schevciw, Qualcomm
  • Jens Berger, Rhode-Schwarz
  • Antoine Burckart, ETSI TC STQ Technical Officer

The call for presentations is now closed. The Programme Committee is evaluating the proposals received and selecting those fitting into the event objective. 

It is intended to have the agenda online around mid March 2025.

Topics addressed in the call for presentations:

Traditionally, the work in STQ and STQ Mobile has focused on a variety of qualities of perception of speech and multimedia that are impacted by both networks and terminals. The Programme Committee (PC) has identified several aspects that have not yet been adequately addressed and has called for presentations on these topics, including but not limited to the following:

  • Factors in speech production and speech perception, and their possible interactions with transmission systems in areas such as:
    • Measures of quality, effectiveness, efficiency
    • Listening effort for speech and dialogue understanding in media
    • Factors arising from hearing impairment
    • Gender-related factors
    • Aspects of second language and/or non-native speech
    • Atypical or dysarthric speech
    • Modelling and simulation of the above factors

Additionnally, many other aspects of diversity and accessibility need to be addressed. The call for presentations covered topics, that will help improve technical standards related to these areas, including and not limited to the following:

  • Cognitive aspects that may be impacted by transmission networks and terminals
  • Economic factors that may introduce disparities in access to and usage of networks and services
  • Differences in mobility, environment, or physical abilities that can influence the successful design of networks, services, and terminals.


ETSI Headquarters
650 Route des Lucioles
06560 Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis

Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00

Information on venue, travel, visa, local accommodation is available at

Additional information to attendees: should you have accessibility needs, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Any Questions? Contact us