ETSI STQ Conference: Communications for All, 
Supporting Diversity and Accessibility through Quality of End-to-end Network Transmission
and Devices in Human-to-human and Human-to-machine Communication
13-14 May 2025
ETSI, Sophia Antipolis France

ETSI Technical Committee Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (TC STQ) is pleased to announce that the ETSI STQ Conference: Communications for All - Supporting Diversity and Accessibility through Quality of End-to-end Network Transmission and Devices in Human-to-human and Human-to-machine Communication, will take place face-to-face in ETSI Premises, Sophia Antipolis, France on 13-14 May 2025. 

The event is free of charge, open to all upon mandatory registration. The agenda is online. Register now! 

 About the event

This face-to-face conference aims at bringing together communities that have not been well-connected to standards development in speech and multimedia transmission until now. ETSI TC STQ recognizes the need to bring more inclusivity to technical standards on the quality of network transmission and devices on speech and multimedia in human-to-human and human-to-machine communication, to ensure that diverse groups have input into the work of STQ.  

Standardization of measurement and evaluation methods for speech and multimedia devices and networks is crucial to ensure that all users receive high quality of service and high quality of experience.  Previous work in ETSI TC STQ has focused on human perception of speech and audio, as well as network-enabled services.  However, with some exceptions, various aspects of accessibility still need to be addressed. 

In order to bridge this gap, this conference will provide a venue for interested advocates and communities to present and discuss issues of relevance, that so far have not been at the centre of technical standards development. The Programme Committee encourages a wide range of inputs and views to help inform and guide future work on diversity and accessibility.

Target Audience

The event is addressed to:

  • Affected / relevant user groups,
  • Research bodies,
  • Regulators, 
  • Manufacturers,
  • Systems Integrators, 
  • Service providers,
  • Network Operators

The agenda is now avalailable.

Additional information to attendees: should you have accessibility needs, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate them.


Stable agenda of the ETSI STQ Conference. Please note that some timings may be subject to change.

  • Day 1: Tuesday 13 May

    09:00 - 10:30 SESSION 1: Welcome and Opening Session
    Chaired by Scott Isabelle, ETSI STQ Chair

    Session Objectives: Overview of accessibility topics, relations to and impacts on standards.

    • 09:00 Welcome Address
      Ultan Mulligan, ETSI Chief Standardization Services Officer (CSO)

    • 09:05 Overview of ETSI TC STQ (ETSI Technical Committee Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality)
      Scott Isabelle, ETSI TC STQ Chair

    • 09:15 Keynotes Panel Discussion, moderated by Scott Isabelle, featuring:
      • Susanna Laurin, International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) / Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ict)
      • Lidia Best, European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH)

    • 10:00 Use of Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants in Communication
      Matjaž Debevc, University of Maribor

    • 10:20 Q&A 

    10:30 - 11:00 Networking Coffee

    11:00 - 12:30 - SESSION 2: Accessibility Part 1
    Chaired by Jean-Yves Monfort, SC User Chair, AFUTT

    Session Objectives: Role of User Information Systems (UIS) in improving Quality of Experience (QoE) and accessibility solutions for speech understanding.

    • 11:00 UIS as a QoE Accelerator
      Scott Cadzow, C3L (Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd)

    • 11:20 Multi-modal Transport - Use Case for User Information Systems in Expanding Quality of Experience
      Bernard Dupré, ETSI STF679

    • 11:40 Healthcare interactions - Use Case for User Information Systems in Expanding Quality of Experience
      Mauro Dragoni, ETSI STF679

    • 12:00 Usability and Accessibility Solutions to Support Speech Understanding
      Matthias Schneider, ETSI TC HF (Human Factors) Vice Chair, Hillebrand Consulting GmbH, 

    • 12:20 Q&A 

    12:30 - 14:00 Networking Lunch

    14:00 - 15:30  SESSION 3: Gender and inclusiveness
    Chaired by Jan Reimes, ETSI TC STQ Vice Chair

    Session Objectives: Exploring gender-related factors in speech transmission and perception, with insights from real-world applications and implications for design of future speech communication systems.

    • 14:00 Using the “Nothing Without Us” Approach is Ensuring that No One is Left Behind
      Dino Zuppa, Accessibility Standards Canada

    • 14:20 Gender-related Aspect of Transmitted Speech Quality in Modern Telecommunication Networks
      Jan Holub, Ltd. / FEE CTU Prague

    • 14:40 Speech, Technology and Gender Aspects - Taking Human Factors to the Next Level?
      Yann Kowalczuk, Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

    • 15:00 Gender Effects in Speech Perception: An ETSI TR 103 950-Based Analysis of Listening Quality and Perceptual Dimensions
      Wafaa Wardah, Technische Universität Berlin

    • 15:20 Q&A

    15:30 - 16:00 Networking Coffee

    16:00 - 17:30  SESSION 4: Accessibility Part 2
    Chaired by Jan Holub, Ltd.

    Session Objectives: Addressing the needs of individuals with hearing impairments and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards in emergency services and consumer devices.

    • 16:00 Listening Needs for Children with Hearing Loss
      Min Roh, Sonova Communications AG

    • 16:20 Requirements and Technologies for Complying with the European Accessibility Act for Accessible Emergency Services
      Thor Nielsen, nWise

    • 16:40 Accessibility Aspects of Audio, Speech, and Video in Consumer Devices
      Shadi Abou-Zahra, Amazon Devices and Services

    • 17:00 Q&A

    17:30 - 19:00 Networking Cocktail & End of Day 1

  • Day 2: Wednesday 14 May

    09:00 - 10:30 SESSION 5: Quality
    Chaired by Ralf Pabst, ETSI TC STQ Mobile Chair

    Session Objectives: Some measures of quality in communication technologies, with a focus on accessibility.

    • 09:00 Voice command for Cars - Trends and Challenges
      Francois Fischer, Huawei Technologies R&D

    • 09:20 ETSI ISG F5G Standards: Services Quality Evaluation, Testing and Monitoring in Fixed Optical Network
      Marcus Brunner, ETSI ISG F5G

    • 09:40 Interoperable Total Conversation - Enables Real-time Communication for All
      Gunnar Hellström,  ETSI STF 674, GHAccess

    • 10:00 Simple Assessment of Video Quality for Sign Language and Lip-reading
      Gunnar Hellström, ETSI STF 674, GHAccess

    • 10:20 Q&A

    10:30 - 11:00 Networking Coffee 

    11:00 - 12:30 SESSION 6: Speech Communication Standards
    Chaired by Scott Isabelle, ETSI TC STQ Chair

    Session Objectives: Considering accessibility in methods of evaluating speech communication systems.

    • 11:00 How Meaningful are Existing Terminal Testing Standards in Times of AI and Changing User Behavior?
      Hans Wilhelm Gierlich, Communication, Speech, Audio

    • 11:20 An Approach for Synthesizing Lombard Speech
      Magnus Schäfer, HEAD acoustics GmbH

    • 11:40 Comparing Different Prediction Models for Perceived Listening Effort
      Jan Reimes, HEAD acoustics GmbH

    • 12:00 Q&A

    12:30 Closing Remarks 
    Presented by Scott Isabelle, ETSI STQ Chair

    13:00 End of ETSI STQ Conference

  • Scott Isabelle, ETSI TC STQ Chair, Amazon
  • Jan Reimes, ETSI TC STQ Vicechair, Head acoustics
  • Joachim Pomy, ETSI TC STQ Vicechair, NETCHECK
  • Ralf Pabst, ETSI TC STQ Mobile chair, Accenture
  • Jean-Yves Monfort, SC User Chair, AFUTT
  • Peter Pocta, University of Zilina
  • Jan Holub, MESAQIN
  • Pawel Trella, Intel
  • Andre Schevciw, Qualcomm
  • Jens Berger, Rhode-Schwarz
  • Antoine Burckart, ETSI TC STQ Technical Officer

Lidia Best 80x100Lidia Best, European Federation of Hard of Hearing People ( EFHOH)
Lidia Best, CPACC, is the President of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People ( EFHOH).
Lidia brings unique knowledge as an expert with lived experience, as a person who is hard of hearing and a cochlear implant user. Her work has specific focus on accessibility, raising standards, policy development, innovation, and empowerment of deaf and hard of hearing advocates.
Lidia has recently been appointed as the Head of G3ict Delegation to ITU-T, where she contributed to work on standards in telecoms relay services , captioning and assistive listening devices.
She is the editor of the ITU FSTP-RCSO “Overview of remote captioning services” and H.871“Safety requirements for wearable audio augmenting devices” the recommendation on personal sound amplifiers. Most recently, she was involved in the development of the WHO-ITU Global Standard on Accessibility of Telehealth. Lidia is member of Smart Cities For All Committee for G3ict.
In addition, Lidia is an interim Chair of International Telecommunication Union Joint Coordination Activities on Accessibility and Human Factors ( ITU JCA-AHF).

Marcus Brunner 80x100Marcus Brunner, ETSI ISG F5G Vice-Chair, Huawei Technologies Switzerland
He received his Ph.D. from ETH Zurich in 1999. He is active in research, development, and standardization with detailed experience in a variety of fields (Optical, Broadband, Cloud, Mobile).
He is contributing to various international organizations on future networking technologies including ETSI ISG F5G (Fifth Generation Fixed Networks Vice-Chair), ITU-T, and the World Broadband Association (WBBA WG chair). 


Matjaž Debevc University of Maribor
Dr. Matjaž Debevc, retired assoc. prof. in computer sciences is a researcher, lecturer, consultant and national expert to AccessibleEU in Slovenia. His areas of research and education are human-computer interaction, e-learning, visual communication, audio and video technology, and more recently the field of accessibility for persons with special needs. In the last time he worked on the revision of the ETSI EN 301 549 standard and now in ETSI STF working groups 674 and 680. He actively participated in more than 70, mainly European, projects. From 2010-2012 he also worked as an invited researcher in Switzerland, at the ETH Zurich and at Phonak, Stäfa. He has presented his research work in more than 100 scientific, professional and popular journals and at more than 300 scientific conferences, including as an invited lecturer. He is coordinator of the WFD expert group on accessibility and national expert in Slovenia to European Resource Centre on Accessibility - AccessibleEU.

Bernard Dupre 80x100Bernard Dupré, AFUTT (French Telecom User Association)
Bernard Dupré is currently chair and expert for AFUTT, Association Française des UTilisateurs de Télécommunications, and the founder of the company Trajectoire Numérique. He is also teacher for the masters MSIR and ADE, at Telecom ParisTech.
He graduated from TelecomSud Paris and Institut Supérieur du Marketing. His wide professional experiences, alternately on the side of suppliers and consumers give him a hight quality of market analysis :
He started his carreer at the Home Office, in charge of civil security radiocommunication resources, and made the specification of a digital warning system for firefighters.
He pursued his career at Alcatel as product manager for professional digital radio systems. Then at RATP, where he first studied the underground radio coverage for PMR and GSM.Bernard then took the function of marketing research and innovation delegate, where he experimented an urban mobility assistant.

Hans W. Gierlich, Communication, Speech and Audio
Dr.-Ing. H. W. Gierlich started his professional career in 1983 at the Institute for Communication Engineering at RWTH, Aachen. In 1988 February he received a Ph. D. in electrical engineering. In 1989 he joined HEAD acoustics GmbH in Aachen as vice president. From 1999 to 2014 he was head of the HEAD acoustics telecom division. From 2014 – 2023 he was managing director at HEAD acoustics. He is mainly involved in acoustics, speech signal processing and its perceptual effects, QOS & QOE topics, measurement technology and speech transmission quality.
He was active in ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP, GCF, IEEE, TIA, CTIA, DKE and VDA. In ITU, he was chair of the ITU-T focus group CarCom. He was Rapporteur for various questions in ITU-T SG12. He was rapporteur for a variety of work items in ETSI, he was vice chair of ETSI technical committee STQ and was chair of STQ from 2016 – 2020.
He is author of more than 150 scientific papers and holds various patents. He is member of ASA, IEEE, VDE and DEGA where he was chair of the “Speech Communication” committee.

Gunnar Hellström, GHAccess
Gunnar Hellström is an accessible communications expert working in the company GHAccess in Sweden. Gunnar has worked more than 30 years in the area of accessible real-time multimedia communication. Gunnar has led and participated in numerous projects and service implementations providing real-time communication with video, real-time text and audio, together called total conversation, suitable for communication involving persons who have no or limited use of speech for communication. Gunnar has authored and contributed to a number of standards in this application area at all levels and in many standardisation bodies such as ETSI, ITU-T, 3GPP, IETF, ATIS and NENA. A relatively recent example is IETF RFC 9071 on multiparty mixing of real-time text in 2021. Current and recent work includes participation in STF projects in ETSI TC HF and EMTEL for authoring and updating four standards related to the European Accessibility Act, EAA.

Jan Holub 80x100Jan Holub, Ltd.
Jan Holub (Prof. Ing., Ph.D.) is the head of the Department of Measurement at FEL CTU in Prague. His professional interests include psychoacoustics, transmission quality measurement in telecommunication and radiocommunication networks, advanced signal processing methods, advanced detection and classification algorithms, methods of subjective testing and AI applications. He is the author of more than 150 conference papers, 40 articles in scientific journals, a number of international telecommunication standards and several European patents. In 1999, he established subjective test laboratory which deals primarily with speech, audio and multimedia subjective testing and is represented in ETSI STQ and 3GPP. has been involved in various standardisation projects including ETSI EG 202 396-2 (2006), ITU-T SG12 P.863 (2010), ETSI TR 103 121 (2013), 3GPP SA4 EVS (2014) or 3GPP SA4 IVAS (2023, 2025).

Kowalczuk 80x100Yann Kowalczuk, Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Primary education in France until 2006. Following an Erasmus programme, graduated as engineer of Czech Technical University in Prague in 2010.
Professional pilot on transport airplanes, currently for a cargo operator in Germany. PhD student since 2020. Main interest in telecommunications and human factors, aviation, technology.

MULLIGAN Ultan 80x100Ultan Mulligan, Chief Services Officer, ETSI 
Mr. Ultan Mulligan is Chief Services Officer at ETSI, responsible for ETSI’s software and Open Source groups, testing and interoperability, preparation and publication of standards, and new tools and working methods.
Previously Director of ETSI’s Centre for Testing and Interoperability, he led the team supporting ETSI technical committees on test specifications, PlugtestsTM interoperability events and use of formal specification methods. There, he oversaw the introduction of Software Development Groups at ETSI.
Prior to that he held the positions of Director of Innovation and Director of Communications at ETSI and was also vice-chairman of the Marketing and Communications committee in the oneM2M Partnership Project – a collaboration on IoT standards between ETSI and 7 other ICT standards bodies across the globe. He was also responsible for Strategy and New Initiatives, establishing the first Industry Specification Groups at ETSI.
Besides ETSI, he has participated in many standards bodies including oneM2M, 3GPP, ITU-T, CEN, and groups such as Bluetooth SIG and Parlay.
Mr Mulligan has a B. Eng. from Dublin City University and an Executive MBA from the ESCP-EAP in Paris.

Thor Nielsen, nWise
Since the early 2000s, Thor Nielsen has worked with Real-Time Text (RTT) and Total Conversation, pioneering solutions for accessible communication. In 2008, Thor founded a company specializing in carrier-grade technology for contact centers and emergency services, ensuring seamless connectivity for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing individuals. He actively contributes to accessibility initiatives through multiple working groups at EENA and NENA, focusing on regulatory compliance and technological advancements. His work spans over 15 countries, collaborating with service providers, telecom operators, regulatory bodies, and user organizations to enhance accessibility in emergency and telecommunication services.

Min Roh 80x100Min Roh, Sonova Communications AG
Min obtained his Masters of Audiology at The University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2017.
He has held various roles in adult and pediatric audiology, tertiary education, professional bodies, and in industry, before joining as the Audiologist for Roger at Phonak HQ in 2024. 

Magnus Schäfer, HEAD acoustics GmbH
Magnus Schäfer joined HEAD acoustics GmbH in 2016. His current focus is on spatial perception, instrumental quality evaluation of speech and audio signal processing systems and acoustic measurement technology. Before starting at HEAD acoustics, he was a senior researcher at the Institute of Communication Systems and Data Processing at RWTH Aachen University where he also received the Dr.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering in 2014. His main work there was in single and multi-channel speech and audio coding as well as speech enhancement.



ETSI Headquarters
650 Route des Lucioles
06560 Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis

Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00

Information on venue, travel, visa, local accommodation is available at

Additional information to attendees: should you have accessibility needs, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Any Questions? Contact us