ETSI IoT Week 2022
The ETSI IoT Conference is part of the ETSI IoT Week, “Pursuing Digital and Green Transformation”. The conference will take place in ETSI premises, Sophia Antipolis, France, on
11-14 October 2022 and will run in parallel with IoT Demonstrations, on 11-13 October 2022..
The ETSI IoT Conference will focus on:
- IoT technologies and innovations (semantics and ontologies, digital twins, IoT and edge, IoT and AI among others);
- IoT for a better life, including digital and green transformation and eHealth;
- Horizontal ETSI IoT standards for the vertical business sectors.
The ETSI IoT Week is an excellent opportunity to network with other IoT stakeholders and actively contribute to the shaping of future IoT solutions and standards.
We hope you'll join us!
- Tuesday 11 October
Enrico Scarrone, TIM, ETSI SmartM2M Chair, Programme Committee Chair9.00 Welcome Address
Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director General9.10 Introduction to the ETSI IoT week : the Role and Responsibility of Standardization in IoT
Enrico Scarrone, TIM, ETSI SmartM2M Chair, PC Chair9.20 The Role of IoT Standards to Help Resolve Security Challenges
Rana Kamill, BT9.40 - How EU Projects and Researchers Can Speed up the IoT Technology Uptake
Nicholas Ferguson, COMMpla10.00 IOT and the Digital Transformation: EU Perspective
Svetoslav Mihaylov, European Commission DGCONNECT10. 20 Morning Coffee & Networking Break
Xavier Piednoir, ETSI Technical Expert11.00 Standardized Device Provisioning and Data Access with oneM2M
Andreas Kraft, Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH11.10 Heterogenous, Federated Iot Systems for Public Protection and Disaster Relief Scenarios
Konrad Wrona, NATO C&I Agency11.20 The IoTAC Software Security-by-Design (SSD) Platform
Miltiadis Siavvas, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas11.30 oneM2M Stacks and Self Energy Consumption
Thierry Monteil, IRIT11.40 Demonstration of MEC IoT API
Marco Centenaro, Athonet S.r.l.11.50 oneM2M-based Unmanned Aircraft Data Management Platform
Sungwook Jung, Korea Electronics Technology Institute12.00 Digital Transformation Using AI-Enabled IoT Based on the oneM2M Standards
Jaeho Kim, Sejong University & KETI12.10 Managing AI Services with oneM2M and Semantics
Przemysław Ratuszek, Orange12.20 Demonstrate SAREF-Based Semantic Interoperability In Action
Fabio Coelho, INESC TEC12.30 Lunch & Networking Break
Demonstrations Visits14.00 SESSION 3: IoT AND EDGE COMPUTING FOR GREEN TRANSFORMATION (to be continued in Session 7)
Session Chair: Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei TechnologiesThis session will discuss the IoT and Edge computing high-level objectives and challenges associated with EU Green transformation and sustainability targets; It will also focus on existing Environmental Footprint Methodologies and on how IoT and Edge can contribute to carbon footprint reductions in various industrial sectors..
14.00 IoT Done Sustainably
Dale Seed, InterDigital, oneM2M TP VC and oneM2M SC convenor Sustainability Committee14.20 Achieving Sustainability Goals Through SGS Iot Grain Conditions Monitoring Solution
Aleksandar Mitrevski, SGS14.40 IoT and Edge Computing Carbon Footprint Measurement Methodologies
Sylvie Couronné, Fraunhofer IIS15.00 NCIe a Carbon Emission KPI for any Network Type
Paolo Gemma, Huawei15.20 Afternoon Coffee & Networking Break
Demonstrations Visits16.00 SESSION 4: Adoption and Usability of Ontologies and SAREF
Session Chair: Laura Daniele, TNOThe IoT industry perceives ontologies as a useful means to enable cross-platform and cross-domain interoperability, also as a result of significant standardization efforts like SAREF in ETSI. However, most industrial practitioners are not familiar with this technology and miss concrete guidelines and successful stories of semantically interoperable solutions, which are at the same time easy to be replicated. This session will provide an opportunity to learn about current initiatives and projects that focus on this challenge and will discuss the way forward towards a broader adoption and better usability of ontologies and SAREF.
16.00 SAREF Introduction
Laura Daniele, TNO16.10 AIOTI - Ontology landscape
Martin Bauer, NEC16.30 EU-Iot and Ontocommons Workshop Ontological Interoperability and Standardization:
Recommendations and Application of Ontologies in Cross-Domain
Arkopaul Sarkar, Trust-IoT16.50 Large Scale Deployment of SAREF-Based Semantic Interoperability Solutions in Interconnect
David Rua INESC TEC17.10 SAREF for Smart Lifts and its Application to the Vertical Sector.
Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler17.30 Panel Discussion with the Session Speakers, led by Session Chair
18.15 End of Afternoon and Networking Cocktail
- Wednesday 12 October
Session Chair: Marie-Agnès Peraldi-Frati - University Côte d'AzurIoT Technologies are now effectively embedded in many aspects of eHealth. Our four speakers will discuss this from their personal viewpoint, addressing the ever-growing demand in a changing environment in diagnosis and treatment of patients and data collection issues for health service providers.
9.00 IoT in eHealth – Diagnosis, Therapy, Recovery, Wellness
Scott Cadzow, C3L (Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd)9.20 Using a Simple Geolocation Symbolic System in the Framework of E-health
Nel Samama, Institut Polytechnique de Paris / Telecom SudParis09.40 Challenge and Development - Asynchronous Contact Tracing
Luigi Liquori, INRIA10.00 IoT Practical Support in a Hospital Setting
Adam Fowler, VMware Tanzu Platform Architect and chair of the LFPH Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) worldwide10.20 Panel discussion
with the session speakers, led by Session Chair11.00 Morning Coffee & Networking Break
Demonstration Visits11:30 SESSION 6: THE ROLE OF EDGE IN IoT (to be continued in Session 10)
Session Chair: Dario Sabella, ISG MEC Chair, IntelThis session will explore the role of edge computing in IoT environments, by providing an overview of standardization activities and related gaps, complemented by some application use cases (e.g. railways) and exemplary MEC implementation related to IoT service API; it will also introduce the emerging edge-native paradigm applied to the ASSIST-IoT approach for the Next NG-IoT Decentralized Architecture
11.30 MEC IoT Service: an Overview
Marco Centenaro, Athonet S.r.l.11.50 High Priority Edge Computing Standardisation Gaps and Relevant SDOs
Orfeas Voutyras, Institute of Communications and Computer Systems12.10 Transparent Access to Edge Computing Services for IoT Applications
Josef Hammer, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt12.30 Iot and Edge Computing as Enabling Technologies for Data Spaces
Antonio Kung, Trialog12.50 Lunch & Networking Break
Demonstration Visits14:00 SESSION 7: IoT AND EDGE COMPUTING FOR GREEN TRANSFORMATION (continuation of Session 3)
Session Chair: Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei Technologies14.00 Interconnect - a European Project that Changes the Way Energy is Consumed
Jean-Philippe Pierre , ISEN - YNCREA Mediterranée14.20 Digital Twin for the Green Transformation: Requirements and Enabling Technologies
Umberto Fattore, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH14.40 The European Green Deal and how Edge IoT could accelerate the green transition in Europe and beyond
Svetoslav Mihaylov, EC DG CONNECT15.00 Panel discussion
with the session speakers, led by Session Chair
• Umberto Fattore, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH
• Paolo Gemma, Huawei
• Svetoslav Mihaylov, EC DG CONNECT
• Aleksandar Mitrevski, SGS
• Dale Seed, InterDigital, oneM2M TP VC and oneM2M SC convenor Sustainability Committee15.45 Afternoon Coffee & Networking Break
Demonstrations Visits16:15 SESSION 8: CONNECTIVITY ENABLING IoT
Session Chair Giulio Maggiore ETSI TC INT chair, TIMWe have in front of us new connectivity technologies unlocking opportunities along the IoT value chain. Flexibility, speed, and the traceability of materials and products are playing an increasingly important role in industry. Thanks to connectivity, cars, machines and plants deliver the data necessary for boosting productivity, preventing failures, through greater transparency. The challenge will be to cope the great number of devices and connections with sustainability approach though optimal energy consumption and power efficiency.
16.15 Car IoT and New Connectivity Perspectives from the SparkLink Alliance
François Fisher, FSCOM, AIOTI Mobility WG Chair16.35 Mioty - the Future of Sustainable Wireless IoT Communication
Josef Bernhard, Fraunhofer-Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS16.55 Achieving Optimal Energy and Power Efficiency in IoT Devices with MIPI I3C
Michele Scarlatella, MIPI Alliance17.15 Panel Discussion
with the session speakers, led by the session Chair17.45 End of Afternoon and Networking Drink
- Thursday 13 October
9.00 SESSION 9 : IoT SECURITY (to be continued in Session 13)
Session Chair: Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC CYBER Chair, BTIoT is frequently in the news headlines for all the wrong reasons with inadequate security leading to compromise or privacy impacts. This two-part session (9 and 13) will explore the impacts of IoT Security weaknesses and industry initiatives to close the IoT Security gaps.
09.00 IoT Security – Standards Development for Vertical Domains
Scott Cadzow, C3L (Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd)9.20 Would you Still Trust your IoT Product Supplier from Now On?
Roland Atoui, Red Alert Labs09.40 Defending Smart Cities against Cyber Attack, Nature and Acts of War
Konrad Wrona, NATO C&I Agency - plus partners10.00 The IoTAC Software Security-by-Design Platform
Miltiadis Siavvas, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas10.20 Morning Coffee & Networking Break
Demonstrations Visit11.00 SESSION 10: THE ROLE OF EDGE IN IoT (continuation of Session 6)
Session Chair: Dario Sabella, ISG MEC Chair, IntelThis session will explore the role of edge computing in IoT environments, by providing an overview of standardization activities and related gaps, complemented by some application use cases (e.g. railways) and exemplary MEC implementation related to IoT service API; it will also introduce the emerging edge-native paradigm applied to the ASSIST-IoT approach for the Next NG-IoT Decentralized Architecture
11.00 Edge-Native Paradigm: ASSIST-IoT Approach for the Next NG-IoT Decentralized Architecture
Ignacio Lacalle, UPV11.20 The Role of the Edge in IoT-Based Railway Diagnostic Satellite and 5G Integrated Networks
Lorenzo Santilli, Telecom Italia11.40 Panel discussion
led by the session chair- Marco Centenaro, Athonet S.r.l.
- Josef Hammer, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- Antonio Kung, Trialog
- Ignacio Lacalle, UPV
- Lorenzo Santilli, Telecom Italia
- Orfeas Voutyras, Institute of Communications and Computer Systems
12.15 Lunch & Networking Break
Session Chair: Roland Hechwartner, oneM2M Technical Plenary Chair, Deutsche Telekom AG / T-Mobile International AustriaUsing data of interconnected things leads to a complex system mixing-and-matching of technology components and data transfer across vertical sectors. This challenge can be mastered to achieve interoperability, security, efficiency, economy of scale and trust.
14.00 OneM2M Enabling Interoperability
Roland Hechwartner, oneM2M Technical Plenary Chair, Deutsche Telekom AG / T-Mobile International Austria14.20 Why Interoperability is Key for Local Authorities to Master Data Sovereignty and ICT Carbon Footprint
Christophe Colinet, Bordeaux Métropole / eG4U14.40 A Simulation Framework for the oneM2M Standard
Marie-Agnès Peraldi-Frati, University Côte d'Azur15.00 Device Data Orchestration Using oneM2M
Andre Dias Dutra, Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH15.20 Panel discussion
with the session speakers, led by Session Chair16.00 Networking Coffee & Demos Visits
Session Chair Massimo Vanetti, European Digital SME AllianceDiscussing the innovation that the application of Digital Twins can bring to IoT applications and standards.
16.30 Internet of Things & Digital Twins: Just a Buzzword or a Challenging Opportunity?
Marco Picone, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia16.50 Combining Digital Twins with Cognitive Agents and Plausible Reasoning
Dave Raggett, W3C/ERCIM17.10 An Introduction to oneM2M’s Smart Device Template and Data Structures
Andreas Kraft, Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH17.30 Panel discussion
with the session speakers, led by Session Chair
• Umberto Fattore, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH
• Andreas Kraft, Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH
• Marco Picone, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
• Dave Raggett, W3C/ERCIM18.00 End of Afternoon and Networking Drink
- Friday 14 October
9:00 SESSION 13: IoT SECURITY (continuation of Session 9)
Session Chair: Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC CYBER Chair, BTIoT is frequently in the news headlines for all the wrong reasons with inadequate security leading to compromise or privacy impacts. This two-part session (09 and 13) will explore the impacts of IoT Security weaknesses and industry initiatives to close the IoT Security gaps.
09.00 Evolving Cellular Connectivity to Meet the Needs of an Expanding IoT
Saïd Gharout, Trusted Connectivity Alliance IoT RSP Working Group, Kigen09.20 The Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP): Quantifying the Benefits of Re-Use and Mapping to ETSI EN 303 645
Gil Bernabeu, GlobalPlatform09.40 IoT Devices Identity Management
Lorenzo Gatti, InfoCert S.p.A.10.00 Panel Discussion
with the session speakers, led by Alex Leadbeater
• Roland Atoui, Red Alert Labs
• Scott Cadzow, C3L (Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd)
• Lorenzo Gatti, InfoCert S.p.A.
• Saïd Gharout, Trusted Connectivity Alliance, Kigen
• Gil Bernabeu, GlobalPlatform
• Miltiadis Siavvas, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
• Konrad Wrona, NATO C&I Agency - plus partners10.45 Networking Coffee Break
Session Chair: Michelle Wetterwald, Netellany/ FB ConsultingArtificial Intelligence and IoT are closely linked. The data processed by AI are very often produced by sensors, while the automated outcome of AI decisions is executed by IoT actuators. Standards, more specifically on shared data, have a major role to play in this interaction, which will be outlined in this session.
11.15 Overview of AI Activities in ETSI
Lindsay Frost, NEC11.35 Artificial Intelligence, IoT Device Management : the Indispensable Collaboration
Samuel Berlemont, Orange11.55 Bringing the Power of Standards IoT Platform to AI
JaeSeung Song, Sejong University, oneM2M TP Vice Chair12.15 Cross-Domain Data Usability in IoT Ecosystem Comprising IoT Devices, Humans and Machines
Michelle Wetterwald, Netellany / FB Consulting12.35 Panel Discussion
with the session speakers, led by Session Chair13.00 Event Closure & Wrap Up
13.05 End of the ETSI IoT Week and and Snack
ETSI Headquarters
650 Route des Lucioles
06560 Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis
Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00
Detailed venue information is available here.
Programme Committee Members:
- Francisco da Silva, ETSI SmartM2M Vice Chair, Huawei Technologies
- Laura Daniele, TNO
- Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Ray Forbes, ETSI ISG ENI Chair, Huawei Technologies
- Lindsay Frost, ETSI ISG CIM Chair, NEC
- Raul Garcia-Castro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
- Patrick Guillemin, ETSI
- Roland Hechwartner, oneM2M Technical Plenary Chair, Deutsche Telekom AG / T-Mobile International Austria, Programme Committee Vice Chair
- Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei Technologies
- Alex Leadbeater, ETSI TC CYBER Chair, BT
- Luigi Liquori, INRIA
- Svetoslav Mihaylov, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Thierry Monteil, IRIT
- Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, INRIA
- Xavier Piednoir, ETSI
- Enrico Scarrone, ETSI SmartM2M Chair, oneM2M Steering Committee Chair, Telecom Italia S.p.A., Programme Committee Chair
- Massimo Vanetti, European Digital SME Alliance, Programme Committee Vice Chair
- Michelle Wetterwald, Netellany/ FB Consulting, Programme Committee Vice Chair
- Suno Wood, ETSI TC eHEALTH Chair, eG4U