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Regulation (EU) 2024/1183 amending Regulation (EU) 910/2014 on electronic identities, authentication and signatures (eIDAS 2) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union this spring 2024. This amendment establishes an ambitious European Digital Identity Framework with digital identity wallets and several new trust services. This will bring about a major transformation of security of the European digital infrastructure facilitating cross border transactions and supporting seamless access to financial, governmental and commercial services across Europe with a high level of accountability.

ETSI and CEN are working together to develop several standards to support this new regulatory framework building on the latest globally recognised standards for website authentication, open identities and mobile based wallets. The workshop will present the latest status of these standards and aims to include demonstrations from large scale pilots applying the EU Digital Identity Wallet.

The Workshop is conducted by ETSI ESI Technical Committee and CEN/TC 224.

 Who should join?

The workshop will be of direct interest to all those concerned with ensuring a secure digital infrastructure across Europe including regulators, providers of mobile identity solutions, manufacturers of secure elements / smart devices, trust service providers, application and secure solution providers.

Why attending?

The CEN and ETSI  standards underpinning this new European Digital Identity Framework will have a major impact on the European market which solution providers need to be aware of to keep up with changing environment. Also, the workshop, and the following open consultation on draft standards, provide the opportunity to influence the direction taken in CEN and ETSI standards supporting the European Digital Identity Framework.

Please click here to access the event agenda.

The programme includes presentations from ETSI and CEN experts on the proposed standardization.

Presentations are publicly available and can be accessed from here.


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650 Route des Lucioles
06560 Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis

Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00

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