NFV#40, preparing for NFV next decade by planning Release 6
2022-12-22 Posted by Haitao Xia, NFV IFA WG chair and Ulrich Kleber, NFV TSC chair 13576 HitsDuring early winter season, friends from ETSI ISG NFV gathered again at the beautiful riverside of the Thames, to promote the progress of the current active work items and meanwhile, standing at the milestone of 10 years’ point of time, foresee the next decade’s evolution of NFV with Release 6 planning. This meeting hosted by Huawei, was co-located with Layer123 World Congress 2022, which was held in the same building, Queen Elizabeth II Centre from December 5th to 7th. It was a great pleasure to see many familiar old faces who had deeply contributed to ETSI ISG NFV standards.
It was still a very busy and fruitful F2F meeting week with about 50 people’s participation on site. Both the number of delegates and contributions increased steadily from the previous NFV#39 meeting. During the 3 months since NFV#39 meeting, 1 stage 2 ed441 New WID and 1 super WID including 12 stage 3 ed441 specifications were approved, 29 final drafts including stage 2 and stage 3 ed371 specifications were published, and 5 final drafts including NFV006ed441 on MANO Architectural Framework were in ISG approval via remote consensus process. Highlights of NFV#40 meeting include:
- 5 New WID proposals were approved by the ISG:
- NWI proposal for CIS Cluster Management stage 3
- NWI on NFV-SOL018ed441 (reopening specification for profiling the service interfaces offered by Container Infrastructure Service Management (CISM))
- Maintenance of NFV terminology (NFV003)
- NWI for transforming release description to a group report
- NWI proposal on CCM-VIM Interoperability Interface and Information Model Specification
- Second round of feature proposal discussion on NFV Release 6
- Attend ETSI prospects workshop in Layer123 event
- Joint WG session to share information about Release 4 features tracking, OpenStack Tacker feedback and OAuth 2.0 scope