ISG THz meets twice in Germany following the trace of “Henry the Lion”
2023-12-08 Posted by Thomas Kuerner, THz Chair 5099 HitsThe ISG THz third and fourth face to face meetings were held in Germany. After meeting in Braunschweig, the residence of “Henry the Lion”, a medieval Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, the second meeting was held in Munich, which was found by him.
Between the 27th to the 29th of September 2023 the meeting took place at Technische Universität Braunschweig – the oldest University of Technology in Germany. The meeting which was hosted by the Institute of Communications Technology and attended by 36 participants representing academia, and industry both in person (10) and online (26).
Impressions of Braunschweig Burgplatz
(Source: Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH / Steffen und Bach GmbH)
Thomas Kürner, Meeting host and ETSI ISG THz Chair, started the meeting by introducing Braunschweig, TU Braunschweig and the institute to the attendees. This introduction provided some information about a selection Braunschweig’s historic persons including Carl-Friedrich Gauß, who was a student at TU Braunschweig.