ISG THz meets Face-to-Face for the fifth time, this time in Oslo
2024-03-26 Posted by Per Hjalmar Lehne 4845 HitsThe fifth face to face meeting of the ISG THz was held on 5th and 6th March 2024 in Oslo. The venue was Telenor headquarters, only 15 minutes outside Oslo city centre. The meeting was attended, in a hybrid mode, by 29 participants representing 19 companies. This comprised industry and academia from 10 countries, including participants from China, Korea and USA. During these days, Oslo gave a first flavour of spring with sunny weather and temperatures up to plus 8 degrees, after a mid-winter period of heavy snow and rain.
The Telenor building
(Source: Wikimedia Commons, Hogne, Telenorbygget Fornebu fra vest (8. juni 2018), CC BY-SA 4.0)