Insights on API conformance testing for NFV-MANO
2020-11-03 Posted by Pierre Lynch, NFV TST WG Chair and Rapporteur of TST010 18957 HitsETSI GS NFV-TST 010 (TST010) is a published API conformance testing specification for NFV Management and Orchestration (NFV-MANO) APIs. Specifically, it contains conformance tests for the APIs used on the following reference points:
- Os-Ma-Nfvo, defined by ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 (SOL005)
- Ve-Vnfm, defined by ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 (SOL002)
- Or-Vnfm, defined by ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 (SOL003)
The latest released version of TST010 is Version 2.6.1 (available from the ETSI website), which means that it supports the corresponding 2.6.1 versions of the above SOL documents (i.e. SOL02, SOL003 and SOL005). Version 2.4.1 is also available, and it similarly corresponds to the 2.4.1 versions of the SOL documents. This will always be the case going forward as well: the TST010 version will always match the corresponding version of the SOL documents specifying the reference points being tested.