NFV cloud-native Roundtable held after NFV#46
2024-07-03 Posted by Manchang JU, ISG NFV TSC Vice Chair, ZTE Corporation 2362 HitsOn June 3rd, 2024, an ETSI NFV cloud-native roundtable was held as an activity following the ETSI NFV#46 F2F meeting hosted by ZTE Corporation in ZTE Hotel, Xi’an, China. This roundtable focused on sharing views and challenges for the current and future Telco Cloud and its relationship with AI technologies. Representatives from Chinese organizations like China Mobile, China telecom, and China Unicom, China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) SP1, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), as well as delegates from vendors discussed hot topics and technological prospects in the industry of Telco Cloud native & AI, so as to promote the development of relative standardization activities.