NFV#43 transitions to Release 6 studies and Release 5 normative work
2023-10-18 Posted by Ulrich Kleber, Chair NFV TSC 11974 HitsThe ETSI NFV community met September, 18th-22nd 2023 in Copenhagen, which has been a change after several meetings in ETSI headquarters. NFV#43 was hosted by Huawei and we had a wonderful location at the Royal Golf Club which was just next door to the DTW23 conference of TM Forum, which allowed some delegates to participate in both meetings. ETSI NFV organized a telco cloud executive round table on Monday afternoon, with delegates coming from analysts, global operators, vendors and hyper-scalers discussing NFV topics. For information on this round table, see our blog post at .
The NFV technical discussions covered topics from three releases. First studies on Release 6 topics have already been kicked off, Release 5 started normative work with the planning, and the feature work of Release 4 was finalized.
In more detail, during the opening plenary on September18th, latest achievements and background information were shared, including the planned schedule for the new releases.