NFV#48 Plenary meeting

2025-02-12 Posted by Yuya Kuno, NFV SOL Chair 327 Hits

The ETSI NFV community recently gathered for its NFV#48 plenary meeting, which took place from December 9 to 13, 2024, at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France. This marked a significant return to the ETSI headquarters after a series of plenary meetings held at various locations across Asia and Europe.

The NFV#48 plenary provided dedicated sessions for all participants, enabling focused discussions on technical advancements without the distractions of joint events. However, ETSI hosted a social evening event on Tuesday 10th of December, during which Yoshihiro Nakajima (ISG Chair, NTT DOCOMO) presented the 2024 ETSI NFV Excellence Awards to five outstanding members: Janusz Pieczerak (Orange), Xia Haitao (Huawei), Ju Manchang (ZTE), Leslie Willis (BT), and Afaf Arfaoui (NTT DOCOMO). Congratulations to all awardees for their invaluable contributions to the ETSI NFV community!

NFV48 P1

2024 ETSI NFV Excellence Awards


2024-02-14 Posted by Yuya Kuno, NFV SOL Chair 12058 Hits

As in recent plenary meetings, the agenda during the week was fully packed between regular plenary sessions, WG meetings and other more industry-driven events. Regarding the later, it is worth highlighting the following couple of events. Firstly, the 3rd Telco Cloud Roundtable, which took place on Monday afternoon, and gathered regular ETSI NFV meeting delegates with delegates from the industry, like network operators, academia, and open source community. Representing network operators, we had the pleasure to welcome Hajime Miyamoto (KDDI), Hiroki Baba (NTT), Jian Xu (China Mobile), Yusuke Takano (Softbank) and Tatsuya Toyama (Rakuten Mobile); from academia, professor Dr. Yuji Sekiya of University of Tokyo, and from the open source community, Ranny Haiby, CTO of The Linux Foundation.

Feedback from network operator's development and network integration using NFV technologies, as well as more forward looking perspectives of NFV technologies were nicely shared and discussed during the roundtable. More information about the roundtable is available in this other [blogpost of roundtable].

Secondly, a dedicated workshop between ETSI NFV and LFN's Nephio project was also held on Wednesday, to seek the potential collaboration points between both standards and opensource. The workshop was very timely considering the activities of both organizations in areas like automation, support for virtualization of RAN and Telco Cloud platform services. ETSI NFV is looking forward to collaborating with opensource communities to bring further alignment between standards and opensource for the benefit of the whole telecom industry.

NFV 44 Plenary session

Figure 2: Plenary session during NFV#44

On the more technical side, the ISG confirmed transferring the major focus of work from Release 4 to both Release 5 and Release 6. Publication ed451 is declared to be the final version of Release 4 in terms of feature development, and ed461 is expected to be only bugfix. Closing Release 4 will free up more resources to develop and keep on track the Release 5 normative work and Release 6 informative work.