F5G Advanced QoE Measurement for Residential Services

The ETSI ISG F5G finalized a series of specifications for the measurement of fixed networks and application services in the residential market segment. The measurements include Service Key Quality Indicators (KQIs) and Network KQIs. This QoE toolset supports end-users to measure the quality of service and the quality of experience of services and applications provided over the fixed network in a standardized and comparable way. The fixed network and application service providers are able to optimize the quality of experience for their customers.

The specifications include:

  1. The specification of service KQIs for evaluating user experience for fixed residential services (ETSI GS F5G 015 V1.2.1). The corresponding evaluation criteria and the calculation methodology are specified using MOS values.
  2. The specification of the measurement methodologies (ETSI GS F5G 017 V1.1.1) evaluates the quality of residential network services and network characteristics/functionalities based on the service and network KQIs defined. The measurement methodologies include measurement setup, measurement procedure, and measurement recording.
  3. The specification of the system architecture for residential service quality monitoring (service KQIs and network KQIs) (ETSI GS F5G 026 V1.1.1). The corresponding technical requirements, interfaces and data models of the system are also be specified.

The specifications can be freely downloaded from the ETSI Website.

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