F5G Advanced Use Cases Driving the Optical Network Technology development

ETSI GR F5G 020, F5G Advanced Use Cases; Release 3 is publishing use cases to be enabled by the F5G Advanced (F5G-A) network. The use cases in that document include services and applications for residential customer, enterprises, vertical industries, network operation optimizations, and evolved fixed end-to-end infrastructure, which were not supported by the F5G network. Use cases will aim to introduce new technical requirements for the F5G Advance network along various characteristic dimensions. The use cases will be used as input to drive the technology development and standardization of new features for F5G Advanced based on the technical requirements derived from those use cases.

The different use cases are classified from three different perspectives:

  • Key F5G-Advanced generation dimensions: The six characteristic dimensions of F5G Advanced are specified in the document on generation definitions ETSI GR F5G 021 (Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); F5G Advanced Generation Definition), namely eFBB (enhanced Fixed Broadband), RRL (Real time Resilience link) GRE (Guaranteed Reliable Experience), OSV (Optical sensing and visualisation), FFC (Full-Fibre Connection), and GAO (Green Agile Optical network).
  • Key segment and business area addressed: F5G-A is leveraging technologies of fibre optical networks to benefit multiple segments including residential applications, enterprise applications, network internal topics such as network optimizations plus the use of F5G-A for the mobile infrastructure and service convergence, and finally vertical industries-oriented use cases.
  • Key focus of the use case: new or enhanced services, network infrastructure, or in service/network management and optimization.

ETSI ISG F5G would like to thank all the contributors and the rapporteur for the excellent document.

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