ETSI virtual training on electronic signatures and trust services: register now!
Sophia Antipolis, 26 May 2021
The ETSI Technical Committee Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (TC ESI) is organising a training on its standards on trust services and their use. This virtual event will take place on 1 June from 11:00 CEST to 15:00 CEST.
This event will allow direct interaction with speakers and will cover the following topics:
- Overview of ETSI TSP standards
- Signature formats and verification procedures (including algorithm guidance)
- Standards for TSPs issuing certificates (ETSI EN 319 401/411/412, including open banking)
- Other Trust Application standards (Registered Electronic Delivery and Mail, Data Preservation)
- TSP Supervision, Certification and Audit
- Identity proofing
- Remote signing (including CEN EN 419 241-1/241-2 on server signing systems)
- Trusted lists
- Mutual recognition of non-EU trust service
- Future trends, Discussion & Closing remarks
Speakers include:
- Nick Pope: Security & Standards Associates, Vice Chair ETSI TC ESI
- Juan Carlos Cruellas: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Andrea Rock: Cryptolog
- Sylvie Lacroix: Sealed
- Arno Fiedler: Nimbus, Vice Chair ETSI TC ESI
- Andrea Caccia: SBS
- Olivier Delos: Sealed
This truly global and inclusive event involves Asia PKI Consortium, Japan Network Security Association, the Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) and Safe Identity – global industry consortium for digital identity and cryptography in healthcare and more.
Space is limited, register now!