Sophia Antipolis, 20 June 2014

ETSI’s recent workshop on Human factors in Information and Communication Technology that took place in Sophia Antipolis, France on 3-4 June, identified opportunities to improve the accessibility of ICT products and services, through further standardization and cooperation with all parties who are working on improving human factors in ICT.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22239 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France – 11 June 2014

Innovative ideas and best practices from users to users in advanced automated testing

This year, the international ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) will be held in Munich, on 16-18 September. Dedicated to advanced test automation, the upcoming conference will cover testing in a variety of industrial sectors.

Posted by Yvette Pachoud 18595 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 June 2014

An open workshop jointly organized by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and ETSI on machine-to-machine smart appliances took place in Brussels on 27-28 May. Presentations outlined ETSI’s objectives and presented the scope of the European Commission’s study. ETSI’s and TNO’s approach - TNO being the organization in charge of the report to the EC - reached wide acceptation by the audience.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19384 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 2 June 2014

Standard gives industry a uniform way to measure climate impact

ETSI and ITU have decided to jointly develop a standard to assess the direct environmental impact of ICT goods, networks and services, as well as their indirect impact on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of non-ICT industry sector.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 17138 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 21 May 2014

ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and EIT ICT Labs, the Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Technology (EIT) will sign a Letter of Intent, at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia-Antipolis, on May 28, Inauguration Day of the EIT ICT Labs Sophia-Antipolis Co-location Centre. This agreement between ETSI and EIT ICT Labs will help future entrepreneurs to foster innovation through standardization.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 23720 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 29 April 2014

Flexible, cost effective and enhanced experience for industry and end-users

ETSI, the leading ICT standards organization, has released this month AC-4 the next generation digital audio compression standard for tomorrow’s media delivery environments, offering the flexibility to support future audio experiences.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19188 Hits

Berlin, Germany 11 April 2014

oneM2M, the Global Partnership developing standards for Machine‐to‐Machine (M2M) communications enabling large‐scale implementation of the Internet‐of‐Things (IoT), confirmed plans at its 10th Technical Plenary meeting to release its initial specifications in August 2014.