ETSI introduces a new end-to-end architectural framework for network and service automation

that can span multiple standards and open source based domain-specific network automation projects

Sophia Antipolis, 24 October 2019

ETSI is pleased to announce two major specifications released by the ETSI Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) Industry Specification Group. ETSI GS ZSM 001 describes ZSM Requirements and ETSI GS ZSM 002 defines the ZSM Reference Architecture. The glossary of terms and concepts related to ZSM is provided in ETSI GS ZSM 007 that was published along with these specifications.

ETSI GS ZSM 001 examines various business-oriented scenarios and the related automation challenges faced by operators and other industry sectors, and defines the architectural, functional and operational requirements for end-to-end network and service automation. The ZSM architecture specified in ETSI GS ZSM 002 was designed to satisfy these requirements. The architecture is modular, flexible, scalable, extensible and service-based. It is designed for closed-loop automation and optimized for data-driven machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.

The architecture supports the separation of management and automation into different areas of concern, which prevents monolithic systems, reduces complexity and enables domain and end-to-end management to evolve independently. The ETSI ZSM architecture was designed for open interfaces as well as model-driven service and resource abstraction.

The group paid close attention to the issue of security, ensuring the security and privacy of data being transmitted, processed or stored within the ZSM framework as well as the security of the ZSM framework components.

Full end-to-end automation of network and service management has become an urgent necessity to deliver the 5G services with agility and speed and ensure the economic sustainability of the very diverse set of services. The ultimate target is to create autonomous networks which will be capable of self-configuration, self-monitoring, self-healing and self-optimization without further human intervention.

Work done in organizations such as 3GPP, ETSI NFV, IETF, BBF, ONAP, ETSI OSM, TMF and others fits nicely into the ZSM architecture and can help build the orchestration and automation of end-to-end services. The ZSM architecture provides the common foundation of a diverse ecosystem of open-source groups to produce interoperable solutions.

The ETSI ZSM group progresses on the specification work of solutions and management interfaces for the orchestration and automation of the emerging end-to-end network slicing and services. 

The group is open to both ETSI members and non-ETSI members. The different players in the value chain are welcome to join the ISG effort, contribute to the development of the specifications and demonstrate Proofs of Concepts (PoCs).

About ETSI
ETSI provides members with an open and inclusive environment to support the development, ratification and testing of globally applicable standards for ICT systems and services across all sectors of industry and society. We are a not-for-profit body with more than 850 member organizations worldwide, drawn from 65 countries and five continents. Members comprise a diversified pool of large and small private companies, research entities, academia, government and public organizations. ETSI is officially recognized by the EU as a European Standards Organization (ESO). For more information please visit us at

Claire Boyer
Mob: +33 (0)6 87 60 84 40
