World’s first non-cellular 5G technology, ETSI DECT-2020, gets ITU-R approval, setting example of new era connectivity

Sophia Antipolis, 19 October 2021

ETSI DECT-2020 NR, the world’s first non-cellular 5G technology standard, has been recognized by the WP5D of the International Telecommunication Union’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and included as part of the 5G standards in IMT-2020 technology recommendation. Dr. Günter Kleindl, Chair of the ETSI Technical Committee DECT, says: “With our traditional DECT standard we already received IMT-2000 approval by ITU-R twenty-one years ago, but the requirements for 5G were so much higher, that we had to develop a completely new, but compatible, radio standard.” Released last year, the standard sets an example of future connectivity: the infrastructure-less and autonomous, decentralized technology is designed for massive IoT networks for enterprises. It has no single points of failure and is accessible to anyone, costing only a fraction of the cellular networks both in dollars and in carbon footprint.

ETSI IPE releases the first IPv6 Enhanced Innovation Report, helping global industry players to reach consensus

Sophia Antipolis, 15 October 2021

ETSI is pleased to announce the first ETSI IPv6 Enhanced Innovation (IPE) report ETSI GR IPE 001 “IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: Gap Analysis”. Jointly compiled by 15 leading IP industry players, this report comprehensively analyzes gaps based on requirements created by the new use cases and services like 5G and the cloud, to accelerate IPv6 deployment and innovations, and identifies recommendations of new features of the IPv6 enhanced innovations, paving the way for a consensus to be reached among global IP industry players.

ETSI releases test specification to comply with world-leading Consumer IoT Security standard

Sophia Antipolis, 12 October 2021

ETSI has released the test specification for the existing ETSI EN 303 645, the world leading consumer IoT security standard. This test specification, ETSI TS 103 701, describes how a conformity assessment is performed in a structured and comprehensive way. This will allow supplier organizations such as manufacturers, vendors or distributers to assess the compliance of their devices against ETSI ETSI EN 303 645 in self-assessments or via testing labs. User organizations can also apply the test specification for in-house testing.

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ETSI launches a new group on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Sophia Antipolis, 4 October 2021

Improving network performance with cost-effective, low-power and sustainable technology for future wireless systems

ETSI, which produces globally applicable standards for ICT, has launched a new Industry Specification Group on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (ISG RIS). The group has been created to review and establish global standardization for RIS technology.

ETSI launches first specification for the 5th Generation Fixed Network, F5G technology landscape

Sophia Antipolis, 23 September 2021

ETSI's 5th Generation Fixed Network group (F5G ISG) has just released its first specification, ETSI GS F5G 003, entitled F5G Technology Landscape. In this specification, the ISG studies the technical requirements, existing standards and gaps for 10 different new use cases, for home, enterprises or industrial needs.

ETSI GS F5G 003 use cases include PON (passive optical network) on-premises and passive optical LAN. In this case, a PON system could connect end devices (like HDTV, HD surveillance cameras and VR/AR helmets) and provide higher data rate, better coordination and controlled latency than current Ethernet and Wi-Fi mesh.

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