Assuming 2015 is required, the following results were found.
70 results found.

  • ETSI Network Functions Virtualisation completes first phase of work

    Sophia Antipolis, 13 January 2015 Full set of NFV Phase 1 documents available for industry ETSI’s Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Industry Specification Group (ISG) has successfully completed Phase 1 of its work with the publication of 11 ETSI...
  • TSDSI India signs cooperation agreement with ETSI

    Sophia Antipolis, 26 May 2015 On 28 April, the Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI) signed a cooperation agreement with ETSI, strengthening relations after the establishment of a first Letter of Intent to cooperate with ETSI...
  • New SESEC website will improve mutual understanding of Chinese and European Standardization Systems

    Brussels and Sophia Antipolis, 2 November 2015 The European Standardization Organizations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – are pleased to announce the launch of a new website for the third phase of the Seconded European Standardization Expert in China (SESEC)...
  • ETSI builds on Indo-European success for 2nd New Delhi event on ICT standards

    New Delhi, 4 November 2015 Today, ETSI is organizing its 2nd Indo-European dialogue on ICT standards & Emerging Technologies event, held in New Delhi, India.
  • MEF and ETSI NFV ISG Collaborate To Advance NFV For Carrier Ethernet 2.0 Services Enabled By Lifecycle Service Orchestration

    Los Angeles and Sophia Antipolis, 8 October 2015 The ETSI Network Functions Virtualisation Industry Specification Group (NFV ISG) and the MEF are collaborating to advance Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) service agility for CE 2.0 (Carrier...
  • ETSI welcomes a resolute and pragmatic Digital Single Market strategy

    Sophia Antipolis, 7 May 2015 ETSI, an organization developing standards for ICT, digital products and services welcomes the Digital Single Market strategy of the European Commission and the overtures for collaborative efforts to implement the strategy.
  • TCG and ETSI establish Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate on Telecommunications Standards

    Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2015 Collaboration to Help Ensure Secure Telecommunications Infrastructure and Mobile Services The Trusted Computing Group and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute announced today that they recently agreed to...
  • ETSI delivers Radio Access Networks energy efficiency measurement method

    Sophia Antipolis, 17 February 2015 ETSI has just released for member vote ETSI Standard ES 203 228 that deals with the definition of metrics and methods to measure the energy efficiency performance of mobile radio access networks. It adopts an approach...
  • Full Steam Ahead for NFV in Phase 2

    found it to be inviting, and an ideal venue to collaborate. This was a meeting of firsts - the first NFV ISG meeting in 2015, the launch for NFV Phase 2, the first joint SDO workshop, the same location as the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) Hackfest, and...
  • Second EU-Japan workshop on beyond 5G standards

    Policy makers, regulators, industry and stakeholders from Japan and the EU will share their vision towards 6G and discuss the related research and standardization activities. With a successful path of standardization for 5G and 5G - Advanced now...
  • NFV one year later

    formed in Q42012, ETSI stipulated that the NFV ISG assume a lifetime in 24 months, formally winding down in February, 2015 (after the NFV#9 meeting). Uwe Michel (Deutsche Telekom) NFV ISG Vice-Chair addressed the plenary with initial thoughts on how NFV...
  • The (near-term) future for NFV

    goal of widespread NFV adoption. The transition coincides with the planned ISG charter expiration within ETSI in early 2015. Consequently, the ISG is reassessing the organizational structure and leadership requirements in order to position the NFV group...
  • White Papers | ICT White Papers

    (May 2016) Author: Andy Sutton & Richard Li Maturity and field proven experience of millimetre wave transmission (September 2015) Author: Dr. Mikael Coldrey E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation (June 2015) Author: Mario Giovanni...
  • Mobile Technologies - 5g, 5g Specs | Future Technology

    for 2020 and beyond with the following time plan: See also the IMT-2020 schedule and IMT-2020 process. At TSG #67 in March 2015, 3GPP formulated with SP-150149 a 3GPP timeline on how to contribute to this 5th generation of mobile networks. In connection...
  • Work programme and annual reports

    April 2019 ETSI Annual Report 2017, published April 2018 ETSI Annual Report 2016, published April 2017 ETSI Annual Report 2015, published April 2016 ETSI Annual Report 2014, published April 2015 ETSI Annual Report 2013, published April 2014 ETSI Annual...
  • Standards, mission, vision, direct member participation

    2017: The Radio Equipment Directive (RED) completed its transition period supported by Harmonised Standards from ETSI. 2015 to 2016 2016: Contract of Luis Jorge Romero as Director-General was extended to 2019 (until new election in 2019) 2016: oneM2M...
  • Highlights of the ISG#04 meeting

    on NFV can be maintained after the ISG completes the initial phase of work that is planned for completion in January 2015. The initial draft proposals on continuation of the NFV work will be presented to the ISG membership at the next Plenary meeting in...
  • Embracing NFV: Open Networking and Open Daylight Summits

    SDN is actually happening in many areas and in many ways. Well done ONS and ODP ! I am already looking forward already to 2015! Christos Kolias of Orange Silicon Valley
  • Repositioning for success at ETSI NFV#7

    Phase Revisited the ISG operational structure in anticipation of the transition Discussed high-level scope for 2015 and beyond Open elections were held for the NFV ISG Chair and Vice-Chair, who recently stepped down from their posts at the previous...
  • NFV Phase 2 begins

    optimism that the ETSI NFV ISG will achieve its lofty goal to radically transform the entire telecommunications industry. 2015 is shaping up to be the year of the trial, leveraging over 25 Proof of Concepts, visible strides in product development, and...
  • ETSI NFV: Collaboration (and more Collaboration)

    addressing 100% of the NFV Use Cases Figure 2- Interest in ETSI NFV Remains High Source: Google Trends: ‘ETSI NFV’ 2013 - 2015 NFV ISG Chair Steven Wright stated “I’m encouraged about the significant growth of the NFV ISG and the NFV community. ETSI NFV...
  • Another step towards an open NFV ecosystem

    {/slider} ETSI NFV ISG Chair Steven Wright (AT&T) commenting on the continued momentum observed “Among our most important 2015 goals was to foster interoperable implementations rather than creating new standards activity. Exiting our final meeting for...
  • ETSI NFV Announcement on the Evolution of Its Release 2

    The work program of ETSI NFV ISG for 2015 was very ambitious, with a majority of activities committed to conclude during this first year of the ISG two-year renewed term, and intended to produce the set of normative documents that were generally...
  • oneM2M announced as the “Top IoT Standards Body of the Year”

    partnership project, along with 6 other standards bodies, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, TTA, TTC and TIA. TSDSI joined the project in 2015.
  • Security a challenge - and opportunity - for NFV development, says ETSI

    Sophia Antipolis, France and Düsseldorf, 19 October 2015 Dealing with security and coordinating SDO developments are the big issues for 2016, say ETSI ISG NFV Officials at Layer123 SDN Conference. Security in the NFV/SDN environment is one of the major...
  • TC INT and TC MTS published White Paper on Testing of AI and AI in Test Systems

    Center Looking at the topic of “Testing of AI and AI in Test Systems” as a journey, ETSI TC INT has identified, already in 2015, the need for a Test & Certification Framework for Adaptive Networks and their Associated Autonomic Functions using AI...
  • ETSI launches new group on Non-IP Networking addressing 5G new services

    ETSI launches new group on Non-IP Networking addressing 5G new services Sophia Antipolis, 7 April 2020 ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group addressing Non-IP Networking (ISG NIN). The kick-off-meeting took...
  • ETSI supports Council conclusions – jobs, growth and competitiveness

    Sophia Antipolis, 29 June 2015 ETSI welcomes the support by the European Council of 25 and 26 June 2015 for the Digital Single Market and the recognition that this initiative will greatly contribute to innovation, growth and jobs and spur the European...
  • ETSI Network Function Virtualization enters Phase 2

    Sophia Antipolis, 4 December 2014 New leadership, organization, and renewed focus on implementation The ETSI Network Functions Virtualization Industry Specification Group (NFV ISG) has completed its 8 th meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, with over 200...
  • ETSI workshop on Smart Appliances moving things forward

    Sophia Antipolis, 6 June 2014 An open workshop jointly organized by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and ETSI on machine-to-machine smart appliances took place in Brussels on 27-28 May. Presentations outlined ETSI’s objectives and presented the...
  • Standards for NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation | NFV Solutions

    Introduction NFV in ETSI Founded in November 2012 by seven of the world's leading telecoms network operators, ETSI ISG NFV became the home of Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV). Almost seven years and over 100 publications later, the ETSI ISG NFV...
  • TC TCCE Activity Report 2023

    is driven by the requirements of Public Protection and Disaster Relief and other mission-critical services. Since around 2015 TCCE has been working with 3GPP to ensure that broadband functionality matches the requirements of critical communications...
  • ISG Non-IP Networking (NIN) Activity Report 2023

    technologies that could present alternatives to TCP/IP for tomorrow’s private and public mobile networks. As long ago as 2015, mobile operators identified problems with the TCP/IP-based technology used in 4G. These included the complex and inefficient...
  • eIDAS meets PSD2 - Securing access to financial services with qualified certificates

    ETSI and Open Banking Europe (OBE) had the pleasure to invite you to the eIDAS meets PSD2 workshop, an event on securing access to financial services with qualified certificates. This one day workshop took place on 20 March 2018 at ETSI Headquarters in...
  • ETSI and TCCA hold first interoperability trials for LTE mission critical communication

    Sophia Antipolis, 12 June 2017 The first interoperability test sessions for mission-critical LTE equipment will take place later this month at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • ETSI launches Cloud Standards Coordination

    ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 13 November 2012 ETSI launches a Cloud Standards Coordination initiative, and invites stakeholders to a kick-off workshop in Cannes on 4-5 December 2012.
  • AIOTI, ISO/IEC JTC1, ETSI, oneM2M and W3C Collaborate on Two Joint White Papers on Semantic Interoperability Targeting Developers and Standardization Engineers

    AIOTI, ISO/IEC JTC1, ETSI, oneM2M and W3C Collaborate on Two Joint White Papers on Semantic Interoperability Targeting Developers and Standardization Engineers Cross-organization expert group works together on accelerating adoption of semantic...
  • Railway Telecommunication | Rail Communications Standards | FRMCS

    Union Agency for Railways, commenced discussions on the Future Rail Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) already in 2013. In 2015, ETSI’s Technical Committee for Rail Telecommunications (TC RT), home of the GSM-R standard, started to work on the Next...
  • First ETSI LTE Mission-Critical Push to Talk interoperability tests achieve 85% success rate

    Sophia Antipolis, 26 June 2017 TCCA to deliver vendor certification process for LTE mission-critical products and applications The first ETSI Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT) PlugtestsTM event – interoperability test sessions for mission-critical...
  • ETSI and OpenFog Consortium collaborate on fog and edge applications

    MEC Congress, Berlin, Germany, 25 September 2017 Leading organizations in fog and multi-access edge computing sign MOU to share work related to global standards development for fog-enabled mobile edge applications and technologies ETSI and the OpenFog...
  • ETSI Security Week paves the way for cybersecurity standards

    Sophia Antipolis, 6 July 2015 ETSI, the leading ICT standards organization, held its Security Week from 22-26 June, with a Security Workshop followed by three thematic sessions. The sessions focused on machine-to-machine communications and the Internet...
  • Webinar: New era of UWB standards for the European market

    phones or laptops equipped with UWB enabled short-range air interfaces. [EN 303 883-1] Commission Implementing Decision C(2015) 5376 on a standardization request to the CENELEC and ETSI as regards radio equipment in support of Directive 2014/53/EU...
  • oneM2M's Candidate Specifications on M2M/IoT Communications now open for comments

    Sophia-Antipolis, France, 7 August 2014 oneM2M, the Global Partnership developing standards for Machine‐to‐Machine (M2M) communications and the Internet‐of‐Things (IoT) announced that its initial Candidate Release of Technical Specifications is now...
  • Our history

    completed its transition period supported by Harmonised Standards from ETSI 2016: oneM2M release 2 specifications published 2015: oneM2M release 1 specifications published 2013: Regulation 1025/2012 replaced Directive 98/34/EC. ETSI is officially...
  • ETSI publishes Harmonised Standards for new EU Radio Equipment Directive

    Sophia Antipolis, 14 June 2016 Extensive work programme to prepare for new radio regulations in Europe Yesterday, the new Radio Equipment Directive came into force in Europe. This major update of Europe’s single market rules for radio equipment was...
  • New Industry Specification Group on Millimetre Wave Transmission at ETSI

    Group (ISG) to work on millimetre Wave Transmission (mWT), with the first meeting taking place at ETSI on 14-15 January 2015.
  • 2nd Workshop on Smart Appliances at ETSI

    Sophia Antipolis, 22 October 2014 The second workshop jointly organized by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and ETSI on smart appliances took place at ETSI in Sophia Antipolis on 14 October.
  • New UHF spectrum available for RFID and short range devices

    Sophia Antipolis, 13 March 2014 With the rapid growth in applications for both RFID and short range devices, industry has recognized that there is an urgent need for additional spectrum for these applications in the UHF band. In submissions to CEPT,...
  • CEN and ETSI deliver first set of standards for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

    Berlin, 12 February 2014 A key step towards connected cars in Europe CEN and ETSI have confirmed today, at the 6th ETSI workshop on ITS in Berlin, that the basic set of standards for Cooperative Intelligence Transport Systems (C-ITS), as requested by...
  • ETSI ITS interoperability event helps make roads safer

    ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 4 December 2013 Intelligent Transport System standards tested for innovative safety critical car-to-car communication ETSI, in collaboration with ERTICO, has organized the latest in a series of Plugtests™...

Results 21 - 50 of 70