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ASN.1 assessment Assistive Listening assurance ATM ATS ATS_GR FILE ATS_MP FILE Attribute Attestation Audience AUDIO audio frequency induction loop audio-PMSE AUDIOTEX Augmented Reality AUTH authentication authorization automation Automotive Autonomic Networking autonomous Autonomous Network AVAILABILITY AVI award criteria B2B B2C B4 Back haul backhaul bandwidth BASE STATION BASIC battery BC B-CHANNEL BEARER BEM Benchmarking BICC BIIS B-ISDN B-ISUP bitcoin Block Edge Mask blockchain BONDING bone conduction B-QSIG BR BROADBAND BROADCAST BROADCASTING BSS BSSAP BSV building BWA C REFERENCE POINT CA CABLE cables CAdES Calculation CALL BARRING Call Centre CALM CAMEL CAP capacity CARD categorization category CB CBC CBDS CBS CCBS CCM CCM system CCNL CCNR CCS CDA CDHN CDIV CDMA cdma2000 CDN CELL cellular CENTREX Certificate CF CGNAT channel bandwidths Channel coding channel modelling CHARACTER CHARGING Chat children CHIRPING CI Plus CI/CD CIRCUIT MODE Citizen city city buildings CL CLAT Climate change mitigation CLIP CLIR closed control loop closed loop control CLOUD Cloud computing Cloud Gaming cloud-native CMTS CNAP CNIP CNIR CO CO2 emission coaxial cochlear implant CODEC CODING coexistence Cognition cognitive COLP COLR Commerce Communications module companion screen CONF CONFIDENTIALITY CONFIGURATION conflict detection CONFORMANCE conformity CONNECTION-ORIENTED CONNECTOR CONP Container Content Content Delivery Network Context capturing and analysis CONTRIBUTION CONTROL Control Interface Conversation cooling capacity coordination COP Core Network cost impact Countermeasures COUPLING Covid CPE C-PMSE CR CRA Critical Infrastructure CROSS CONNECT CROSSTALK CRS CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CSFB CSMA CST CSTA CT CT2 CTAN CTAT CTE CTM CTS CTSD CUG Customer Premises Networks CVG CW Cyber Cyber Security Cyber-defence Cybersecurity D2-MAC DAA DAB DAM DASH DATA data base Data Centres data collection data interoperability data management data mechanism data models data preservation data processing data sharing data storage data storage equipment data usability D-band DCE D-CHANNEL DCS DDI Decentralized Identifier DECT DECT-2020 definitions de-jitter buffer delay deployement trial deployment scenarios design Design for All device device complexity DevOps DFRS Diameter dictionary DIGITAL digital certificate Digital Clone digital identity Digital Right Management digital signature Digital Twins digitalized Directive 2014/53/EU DIRECTORY DISABILITY DISCRETE DISKETTE Distortion distributed distributed filters Distributed Ledger distribution Diversity DLC DMAP DMO DND DNS DOCSIS Double talk dPMR DPP DPRS DQDB DRM DROES DRRS DRX DSB DSC DSLAM DS-Lite DSRC DSRR DSS1 DSS2 DTE DTH DTM DTMF DTX DVB DVB-H DVB-I DVB-SH dynamic spectrum sharing Dynamic Triggering EAA Earphones EARTH STATION EARTHING Ear-Worn Devices E-band ecall ECHO e-commerce Ecosystem ECT e-delivery services EDGE EEER eHealth EHF E-INTERFACE ELECTRIC electronic preservation electronic registered delivery ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE EMAIL embedded EMC EMERGENCY emergency communications emergency services EMF EMISSION eMLPP e-mobility E-Model encryption ENDORSEMENT End-user energy consumption Energy Efficiency Energy Management enforcement ENG Enhanced Mobile Broadband enum ENv ENVIRONMENT Environmental impact environmental information EPC EPG EPIRB EQUIPMENT PRACTICE ERDS ER-GSM ERMES ERROR HANDLING ERS eSSP ESV ethernet ethics EU qualified EUDI Wallet E-UTRA EV Evaluation EVOLUTION eWarrant e-waste management Exposure extended validation certificat F5G F5G Advanced FACILITY FAX FDD FDMA FEATURE KEY FEC FIBRE Field trial filtering Fixed networks flexible deployment Flexilink FM FMBS FOLLOW ME Food FPH FPLMTS FRAME MODE FRAME RELAY Framework frequency range FRMCS Front haul fronthaul FS FSS FT FTS FTTR Full-Band FUNCTIONAL functional architecture functional block future releases FWA FWS GAP gap analysis GATEKEEPER GATEWAY GEM GEM 1.3 GenAI gender-balanced design GENERIC GFT GLDB GMDSS GMPRS GMR GMR-1 GMR-2 GNSS GPRS graphical notation green-house gas emission GRIDS GROUP 3 GROUP 4 group call GROUP NUMBER GSM GSM_PHASE1 GSM_PHASE2 GSM_PHASE2_PLUS GSM-R GSO GTP GTPv2-C H.248 H.323 H.F. HANDBOOK handheld microphone HANDOVER handset HANDSFREE HAPS Harmonised standard HDMAC HDR HDR Composer HDR Metadata Embedder HDSL HDTV Headphones headset HEALTH HEARING AID Hearing Impairment Hearing Loop System HEO HF HFC hidden node HIPERACCESS HIPERLAN HIPERMAN HLC HOLD Home Gateway HomePlug AV HTML human voice communication HYBRID Hybrid Cabling System IBCF ICO ICONS ICS ICT ICT site hosting ICT sites ID identification Identity Identity proofing IDL IE IEM IFDN IIoT IM IM service interface IMB IMEI IMMUNITY impairment Implant IMS IMT IMT-2000 IMT-2020 IMT-Advanced IN INAP INBAND INCLUDE inclusive design incumbent inductive Industrial Industry Information assurance INFORMATION MODEL information preservation instrumental INT Intelligence-defined Network intelligent homes & buildings intelligent mobility intelligent transportation Intelligibility intent management INTERACTION Interception interconnection INTERFACE Interference Analysis INTERNET INTEROPERABILITY inter-system INTERWORKING intra-system ION IoT IoT platforms IP IP address IP Address Resolution IP Retention IPCable IP-Network IPR IPTV IPv4 IPv6 ISAC ISDN ISM Isolation ISPBX iSSP IST ISUP ITS IXIT jitter buffer JSON KEY ESCROW Key Exchange KEYPAD keyword Knowledge Graph knowledge management Knowledge-based Reasoning KPI L2VPN LAN Language LAPB LAPD large antenna array LASER LATE ENTRY Lawful Disclosure Lawful Interception LAYER 1 LAYER 2 LAYER 3 LAYER 4 LAYER 6 LAYER 7 LBRDC LC LC3plus LCA LE LEASED LINE ledger LEO levels LF LH License schemes Lightweight Certificate Policy LIST Listen Before Talk listening effort listening quality LLC LLM LMES LMSS LNB local LOCAL LOOP localisation LOCATION location information LOUDNESS LOUDSPEAKING low power LOWER LAYER LR LSA LSA spectrum resource LSE LSI LSN LTE LTE-Advanced LTN M2CNP M2M M2PA M2UA M3UA MABR MAC MAGNETIC MAINTENANCE MAN MAN-Advanced MANAGEMENT Management Plane Mandates MANO Manufacturing MAP mapping system MARITIME market placement Match percentage maturity assessment MBSFN MBT MCBTS MCID MCOBA M-Commerce MDAF Measurement MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY MEC MEGACO MEO MES META-PROTOCOL METASIGNALLING metaverse METHODOLOGY metrics MF MFCN MFF MGC MHEG MHI MHP MHS MICROCOMPUTER microwave midhaul MIGRATION Millimetre wave MIMO mission critical applications mission critical communication ML ML watermarking MMC MME MMI MMS MMSS MO MOBILE MOBILITY mobility support MOCS Model model-driven engineering modelling MODEM MODULATION Module MONOMODE MOS MPA MPEG MPLS MPTY MPX MRVT MS MS-Aloha MSAN MSAP MSC MSN MSR MSS MTA MTP MTP2 MTP3 MTS multi service testing MULTICALL MULTICHANNEL MULTIMEDIA MULTIMODE multi-party computation multi-path MULTIPOINT multi-source MUX MWI MWS mWT NAME narrowband NAT NAT64 Native AI NAVIGATION NAVTEX NBI NCF NE NETWORK network coding Network KQI network large mode network large model network management Network Measurement Network monitoring Network Performance Network scenarios new functionality Next Generation Protocol NFC NFV NFV evolution NFVI NFVO NGAP NGSI-LD NICAM NINT NIT NMDS NNI NOISE Noise Cancellation NOMADIC non 3GPP access NON-GSO Normalized Certificate Policy NP NR NS NSS OAM OAN object audio OBJECT IDENTIFIER objective ODA OFDM OFDMA Offloading OIP OIR OJEU OKPI OLT OMAP ON oneM2M ONP ontology open source Open Source Software operational OPTICAL Optical Access Network Optical Network Device O-RAN orchestration OSA OSI OSS OSSS OTE OTT voice applications OTT voice generic clients OUTBAND outdoor enclosure PABX PACKET MODE PAD PAdES PAGING Pandemic PAP parallel task parametrization PAS PAT PATH PATH REPLACEMENT Payment PAYPHONE PCI PCM PCN PCTR PDC PDH PDL PDN PDO PERFORMANCE personalization PES PHI PHOTOGRAPHIC Physical layer PICS PICTOGRAMS PIM PINX PISN PIXIT PLANNING plastic PLAT Platforms PLCP PLMN PLUS PMBS PMR PMSE POF POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT POINT-TO-POINT policies policy management policy requirements PON PORTABILITY POTS POWER Power Measurement Power over Coaxial Cable POWER SUPPLY powering Powerline pre-connectorized prediction PRIMARY PRIORITY CALL privacy PRIVATE PRM PROCEDURE procurement product details PROFILE profile overview Proof of Concept propagation PROTECTION PROTOCOL Provenance Provider PSAP PSPDN PSS1 PSTN PTS PUBLIC Public key Public Safety PUM push PVC PWS PWSN Q3 INTERFACE QERDS QoE QoE layered model QoS QREM QSIG QUALITY quantum cryptography Quantum Key Distribution Quantum Safe Cryptography quick ODN R2 RACK RADAR RADIO radio measurements RADIO MIC radio parameters radiodetermination railways RAN RAP RATE RC RCS RDS RDSS real time Real World capture Real-time text RECEIVER RED Referential specification registered e-delivery services registered electronic mail REGISTRATION REGULATION RELAY relay services release RELIABILITY REM REMOTE remote resources access remote services access renewable REPEATER REPLICATION REPORT Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements RES residential network resilience resiliency Retained Data RETENTION RETRIEVAL REV Reverberation reverse RF HW models RF/analog impairments RFID R-GSM RINA RIS risk risk assessment risk management RLAN RLL RLP RNIS RO ROAMING ROBUSTNESS router routing support RPF RRS RTP RTTH RTTT Runtime S REFERENCE POINT S/MIME S11 S1AP SAFETY SAR SAREF SARS-CoV-2 SATELLITE SBA SBI SC scalability SCAS SCCP scenarios SCF SCFB SCFNR SCFU SCHEDULING SCL scoring SCR SCRIPT SCS SCTP SCWS SDH SDL SDN SDR SDS SDSL SE SECTION secure by default secure element secure e-mail SECURITY Security by default Security mode Security requirements SELCALL Self-Management self-organization Self-organizing Semantic semantic reasoning Sensor server SERVICE service classification service KQI service model Session Initiation Protocol SFC SG SGW sharing SHF SHORT NUMBER SHORT RANGE sign language SIGNAL PROCESSING SIGNALLING SIGTRAN SIM Simulation SIP SIP-I SITE ENGINEERING SLA Slicing SLO smart agriculture Smart Appliance SMART CARD Smart Cities smart city smart contract Smart Escalator Smart Grid Smart Identity smart industry Smart Interface Smart Lift smart manufacturing smart meter Smart Voice-Controlled Device smart water Smart Watering smartphone SMATV SME SMS SMSCB SMT SN SNG software Software Reconfiguration Software-Defined Networking SOHO SoLSA sound Southbound Interface SPACING S-PCN SPECIAL NEEDS Spectral Management spectrum spectrum regulation SPEECH SPI Splitter SPREAD SPECTRUM SRD SRDOC SS7 SSB SSCF SSCOP SS-CT SSF SSIG SSL/TLS certificates SSP STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Stakeholders standardization impacts standards framework standards landscape state of the art STDMA stereoscopic STM storage STORE structure-borne SUA SUB subjective testing SUBSCRIBER subtitle Superwideband SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE survey Sustainability SWAPPING switch SWITCHING SYMBOLS SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM T REFERENCE POINT TAA1 TAA2 TACTILE TAXONOMY TC TCAP TCI TCL TCP-based video services TD-CDMA TDD TDL TDM TDMA technological challenge Telco-cloud DAS TELEACTION TELECOMMAND TELEMETRY TELEPHONY TELESERVICE TELETEX TELETEXT television products Television receivers TELEX Tenancy TERMINAL terminology terms TERRESTRIAL TES test Test Tool Interface TESTING TETRA TETRAPOL TEXT TFI TFT TFTS TH thermal Threat Analysis threat intelligence THz THz component technologies THz materials time series Timeslicing Time-stamping TIP TIR TMN TONE Total conversation TP TPID Traceability TRAFFIC Train transceiver efficiency transcoding transformer TRANSIENT transition TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTER TRANSPONDER TRANSPORT TRI TRUNKING trust trust services Trustworthy AI TSP1 TSS&TP TTCN TTCN-3 TTP Tunnelling TUP TV TVRO U REFERENCE POINT UAN UCI UE Identity UHDTV UHF UIC UICC UIS UMB UML UMTS UNB Unbundling UNDERGROUND UNDERWATER UNI UPnP upper layer UPS UPT UR URI usability usage needs USB USBS use case USER User-Centric USSD UTRA UUS UWB UWC 136 V INTERFACE V+D V2X V5 INTERFACE VAD VALIDATION VB5 INTERFACE V-band VC VCC VCR VDSL VDSL1 VDSL2 VEMMI Verifiable Registry VHE VHF VIDEO Video Security Video Surveillance VIDEOTEX ViLTE VIM ViNR virtual services Virtualisation VLF VM VNF Vo5G VOCABULARY VoDSL VOICE VoIP VoLTE VoNR VOT VPN VSAT VSB Vulnerabilities WAN warrant warrantry WAS Waste management water consumption W-band WCDMA WCG WDM WDS Wearable WEEE white space WIDE SCREEN Wideband WiMAX Wireless wireless ad-hoc network Wireless charger wireless mesh network wireless microphone wireless microphone system WLAN WLL WMAN WMAS WoT WPT WRS WTM X.21 X.25 X.28 X.31 X.32 X.500 X.75 XAdES xDSL X-Haul XML XMLERS YANG Select Technical Committees 3GPP CN - Technical Specification Group - Core Networks 3GPP CN 1 - MM/CC/SM (lu) 3GPP CN 2 - CAMEL 3GPP CN 3 - Interworking (with external networks) 3GPP CN 4 - MAP/GTP/BCH/SS 3GPP CN 5 - Open Service Access 3GPP CN SS - Supplementary Services 3GPP CT - Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals 3GPP CT 1 - MM/CC/SM [lu] (formely CN1) 3GPP CT 3 - Interworking with external networks (formely CN3) 3GPP CT 4 - MAP/CAMEL/GTP/BCH/SS/TrFO/IMS/GUP/WLAN (formely CN4) 3GPP CT 5 - OSA (formely CN5) 3GPP CT 6 - Smart Card Application Aspects (formely T3) 3GPP GERAN - Technical Specification Group - GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network 3GPP GERAN 1 - Radio aspects 3GPP GERAN 2 - Protocol aspects 3GPP GERAN 3 - Base station testing and O&M 3GPP GERAN 3new - Terminal Testing 3GPP GERAN 4 - Terminal testing - Radio Aspects 3GPP GERAN 5 - Terminal Testing - Protocol Aspects 3GPP RAN - Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network 3GPP RAN 1 - Radio layer 1 specification 3GPP RAN 2 - Radio layer 2 specification and Radio layer 3 RR specification 3GPP RAN 3 - lub specification, lur specification, lu specification and UTRAN & O&M 3GPP RAN 4 - Specification for radio performance 3GPP RAN 5 - Mobile Terminal Conformance Testing (formely T1) 3GPP RAN 6 - Legacy RAN radio and protocol 3GPP SA - Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects 3GPP SA 1 - Services 3GPP SA 2 - Architecture 3GPP SA 3 - Security 3GPP SA 4 - Codec 3GPP SA 5 - Telecom Management 3GPP SA 6 - Mission-critical applications 3GPP T 1 - Mobile Terminal Conformance testing 3GPP T 2 - Mobile Terminal Services & Capabilities 3GPP T 3 - Smart Card Application Aspects AERO - Aeronautics AFI - Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet ARF - Augmented Reality Framework AT - Access and Terminals AT Analogue - AT Analogue AT Digital - AT Digital AT Features - AT Features AT Install - AT Task Group on Installations and Cabling AT NGN@Home - AT Working Group on Home Networking ATA - Analogue Terminals & Access ATA-c - Conventional Technologies ATM - Advanced Testing Methods ATM 01 - Conformance Testing Methodologies ATM 02 - Conformance Testing Environment ATTM - Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing ATTM AT2 - Infrastructure, Physical Networks & Communication Systems ATTM AT3 - Integrated broadband cable and television networks ATTM SDMC - Sustainable Digital Multiservice Communities ATTM TM4 - Fixed Radio Systems ATTM TM6 - Wireline Access Network Systems BOARD - Board BRAN - Broadband Radio Access Networks BRAN 10 - RES 10 migrated WIs BROADCAST - EBU/CENELEC/ETSI on Broadcasting BT 01 - Private Networking Aspects BT 02 - Subscriber Complex Installation BTC - Business TeleCommunications BTC 01 - Private Networking Aspects BTC 02 - Subscriber Complex Installation BTC 04 - Private Networking Aspects of High Speed Business Telecommunications CABLE - Integrated broadband cable telecommunication networks CABLE WG1 - Architecture, Interfaces, protocols CABLE WG2 - HFC Distribution, Installation, Operational Best Practices CABLE WG3 - Engineering, Efficiency and Sustainability CABLE WG4 - Network, Fault, Monitoring and Performance Management and Test & Measu CCM - intelligent Compound Content Management CDM - european Common information sharing environment service and Data Model CIM - cross-cutting Context Information Management CLOUD - CLOUD CN - Corporate Networks CN 03 - CN-MOB: Mobility CN 07 - CN-PERF: Performance CYBER - Cyber Security CYBER QSC - Quantum-Safe Cryptography DECT - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) DECT 01 - GSM interworking DECT 02 - Data applications DECT 03 - Network aspects DECT 04 - DECT Testing aspects DECT 05 - Radio and speech experts DECT 06 - Authentication module DECT A - DECT Non Testing Aspects DECT CI - Common Interface DECT NewGen - DECT NewGeneration DECT ULE - DECT-Ultra-Low-Energy DECT URLLC - DECT-Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications DTA - Digital Terminals & Access E2NA - End-to-End Network Architectures E4P - Europe for Privacy-Preserving Pandemic Protection EASI - ETSI Project ATM Services and Inter-operability ECI - Embedded Common Interface for exchangeable CA/DRM solutions Ecma - Standardizing information and communications systems EE - Environmental Engineering EE 01 - EE Environmental Conditions EE 02 - EE Power Supply EE 03 - Mechanical Structure EE 04 - Electromagnetic Compatibility EE EEPS - EE Eco Environmental Product Standards EE M-ICT - Mobile ICT devices EE TMG - EE Thermal Management Group eHEALTH - eHEALTH EMTEL - Emergency Communications ENI - Experiential Networked Intelligence ERM - EMC and Radio Spectrum Matters ERM GSMOBA - ERM/MSG Joint group on GSM onboard aircraft ERM JTFEA - JOINED TASK FORCE ERM AERO ERM JWG CLC - Joint Working Group CENELEC 210 ERM RP01 - Maritime Radio ERM RP02 - Land Mobile Radio A ERM RP04 - Land Mobile Radio B ERM RP05 - Aeronautical Radio ERM RP08 - Land Mobile Radio C ERM RP11 - Radio Site Engineering ERM TFES - Task Force for ERM and MSG for Harmonized Standards for IMT-2000 ERM TG04 - ERM Automotive EMC ERM TG11 - Wideband Data Systems ERM TG13 - Cordless Telephony ERM TG14 - Notification of Radio Interfaces under the Article 4.2 of R&TTE Direct ERM TG17 - ERM Standards for PMSE and broadcast equipment/services ERM TG17 WG1 - ERM Analogue and Digital Television ERM TG17 WG2 - ERM Analogue and Digital Sound Broadcasting ERM TG17 WG3 - ERM Radio Microphones, Cordless Audio and Audio Links ERM TG17 WG4 - ERM Professional and Domestic Vision Links ERM TG17 WG5 - ERM Active TV Reception ERM TG20 - Equipment Integration ERM TG23 - Close Range Inductive Data Communications ERM TG25 - ERM Aeronautical ERM TG27 - ERM Radio Site Engineering ERM TG28 - ERM Generic SRD's ERM TG29 - ERM Road Transport & Telematics (Joint with CEN TC 278) ERM TG30 - ERM Wireless Medical Devices ERM TG31A - ERM Ultra Wide Band for Short Range Devices ERM TG31C - Ultra Wide Band Sensors ERM TG32 - ERM PMR ERM TG33 - ERM Measurement methods and their Uncertainties ERM TG34 - ERM RF Identification Devices ERM TG36 - ERM Avalanche Beacons ERM TG37 - ERM Intelligent Transport Systems ERM TG38 - CDMA PAMR ERM TG39 - Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) ERM TG41 - Wireless Industrial Applications ERM TG5 - Maritime EMC Standards for Global Application ERM TG8 - Study re: the interference potential of CB radio at 27 MHz ERM TGAERO - Aeronautics ERM TGDMR - Digital Mobile Radio ERM TGMARINE - ERM Maritime and radio amateur activities ERM TGRx - Receiver parameters ERM TGSRR - ERM Automotive and surveillance radar ERM TGTLPR - Tank Level Probing Radar ERM TGUWB - Ultra Wide Band ERM WGEMC - ERM Electromagnetic Compatibility ERM WGRM - ERM Radio Matters ESI - Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures ETI - Encrypted Traffic Integration F5G - Fifth Generation Fixed Network GA - General Assembly HF - Human Factors HF 01 - Telecommunication Services HF 02 - People with Special Needs HF 03 - Usability Evaluation ICC - Integrated Circuit(s) Cards IMCC - ISDN Management and Coordination C ommittee INS - Identity and access management for Networks and Services INT - Core Network and Interoperability Testing INT AFI - Evolution of Management towards Autonomic Future Internet IP6 - IPv6 integration IPE - IPv6 Enhanced innovation IPRC - Intellectual Property Rights Committee ISAC - Integrated Sensing And Communications ISI - Information Security Indicators ISM - ISDN Standards Management ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems ITS WG1 - Application Requirements and Services ITS WG2 - Architecture and Cross Layer ITS WG3 - Transport and Network ITS WG4 - Media and Medium related ITS WG5 - Security LI - Lawful Interception LIS - Localisation Industry Standards LTN - Low Throughput Networks MBC - Mobile and Broadcast Convergence MCD - Media Content Distribution MCD CDN-I - MCD CDN Interconnection M-COMM - Mobile Commerce M-COMM 02 - Payment and security aspects MEC - Multi-access Edge Computing MEC DECODE - Deployment and ECOsystem DEvelopment MEC IEG - Industry Enabling Group MESA SA - MESA Services and Applications MESA SYS - MESA System MMG - Multimedia Management Group MOI - Measurement Ontology for IP traffic MSG - Mobile Standards Group MSG EVAL - Evaluation MSG GSM - Working Group for GSM MSG TFES - Task Force for European Standards for IMT-2000 MTA - Multimedia Terminals & Applications MTA 01 - Multimedia Terminal Application Architecture MTA 03 - Services Integration & Interworking MTA 04 - Co-operative Document Handling & File Transfer MTC - Mobile Thin Client MTS - Methods for Testing & Specification MTS 01 - Conformance Testing Methodologies MTS 02 - Conformance Testing Environment MTS IPT - IP Testing Group MTS TDL - Test Description Language MTS TST - Testing mWT - millimetre Wave Transmission NA - Network Aspects NA 01 - User Interfaces, Services and Charging NA 02 - Numbering, Addressing, Routeing & Interworking NA 04 - Network Architecture, Operations, Maintenance, Principle & Performance NA 05 - Broadband Networks NA 06 - Network Intelligence and Universal Mobility NA 07 - Universal Personal Telecommunications NA 08 - Architecture, Interworking and Interconnection and GII/Internet NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation NFV EVE - Evolution and Ecosystem NFV IFA - Interfaces and Architecture NFV INF - Architecture of the Virtualisation Infrastructure NFV MAN - Management & Orchestration NFV PER - Performance & Portability NFV REL - Reliability & Availability NFV SEC - Security NFV SOL - Solutions NFV SWA - Software Architecture NFV TST - Testing, Implementation, and Open Source Working Group NGP - Next Generation Protocols NIN - Non-IP Networking NTECH - Network Technologies NTECH AFI - Evolution of Management towards Autonomic Future Internet OCG - Operational Co-ordination Group OCG ECN&S - Electronic Communications Networks & Services OCG eHealth - eHealth Starter Group OCG EMTEL - OCG ad-hoc group on Emergency Telecommunications OEU - Operational energy Efficiency for Users oneM2M - oneM2M ORI - Open Radio equipment Interface OSG - Open Smart Grid PDL - Permissioned Distributed Ledger PLT - Powerline Telecommunications PS 01 - Services and Facilities PS 02 - ERMES Radio Sub-System PS 03 - Network Aspects of ERMES PTS - Pay Terminals & Systems QKD - Quantum Key Distribution QSC - Quantum Safe Cryptography RES - Radio Equipment & Systems RES 01 - Maritime Mobile RES 02 - Land Mobile RES 03 - DECT RES 04 - Paging Systems RES 05 - Terrestrial Flight Telecommunication System RES 07 - DSRR RES 08 - Low Power Devices RES 09 - EMC RES 10 - Radio LAN RES 11 - Radio Site Engineering RIS - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces RRS - Reconfigurable Radio Systems RRS 01 - RRS System Aspects & Cognitive functionalities RRS 02 - REA - Reconfigurable Radio Equipment Architecture RRS 03 - RRS Security, Certification & Declaration of Conformity RRS 04 - Civil Security & Inter-Domain Synergies RT - Railway telecommunications RT EGSM-R - Extended-GSM-R RT JTFIR - Joint Task Force ITS RT SAFETY - Safety SAFETY WGRADIO - Safety Working Group RADIO SAGE - Security Algorithms Group of Experts SAI - Securing Artificial Intelligence TC SAI_ISG - Securing Artificial Intelligence SEC - Security SEC ESI - Electronic Signatures and Infrastructure SEC LI - Lawful Interception SES - Satellite Earth Stations & Systems SES 02 - RF and IF Equipment SES 03 - Interaction & Control Monitoring Functions SES 04 - TV and Sound Programmes Equipment SES 05 - E/S for Mobile Services SES AES - SES WG on Aeronautical Satellite Earth Stations SES ASSC - Autonomous Satellite Signalling Channel SES BSM - SES Broadband Satellite Multimedia SES ECSS - SES WG on European Co-operation for Space Standardisation SES GMR - SES WG on the GEO Mobile Radio Interfaces SES GSO S-PCN - WG on GSO S-PCN SES HARM - SES WG on R&TTE dir. 99/5/EC and and RED dir. 2014/53/EU SES KA-BAND - WG on Ka Band Earth Stations SES Ku-Band AES - SES WG on Ku-Band Satellite Aircraft Earth Stations SES MAR ESV - Maritime & Railways Satellite Earth Stations on Board Vessels & Trains SES MSS - SES WG on Mobile Satellite Systems SES SatEC - Satellite Emergency Communications SES SCN - Satellite Communications and Navigation SES SDR - SES Satellite Digital Radio SES S-UMTS - SES WG on the Satellite Component of UMTS/IMT-2000 SET - Secure Element Technologies SET REQ - SET-REQ SET TEC - SET-TEC SET TEST - SET TEST SmartBAN - Smart Body Area Network SmartM2M - Smart M2M SMG - Special Mobile Group SMG 01 - Services & Facilities SMG 02 - Radio SMG 03 - Network Aspects SMG 04 - Data Services SMG 05 - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System SMG 06 - Operations & Maintenance SMG 07 - Mobile Station (MS) Testing SMG 08 - Base Station System (BSS) Testing (GSM 11.20) SMG 09 - IC Card Aspects SMG 10 - Security Group SMG 11 - Speech Aspects SMG 12 - System Architecture SMT - Surface Mount Technique SPAN - Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks SPAN 01 - Network Signalling SPAN 02 - Numbering/Addressing, Routeing and Services SPAN 02 WP2 - ISDN/PSTN and IN services and mobility SPAN 03 - IN protocols SPAN 05 1 - Basic call control protocols SPAN 05 3 - Conformance testing SPAN 05 4 - Supplementary services SPAN 05 5 - B-ISDN, layer 3 SPAN 06 - Network Intelligence and Universal Mobility SPAN 06 1 - Service modelling SPAN 06 4 (SG) - Security SPAN 06 5 (UMTS) - UMTS task force SPAN 06 SPAR - Service Provider Access Requirements SPAN 08 - Architecture, interworking and interconnection, GII/Internet SPAN 09 - Access Networks and Service Node Interfaces SPAN 11 - SPAN Services, Applications, Numbering, Naming and Addressing (SANNA) SPAN 12 - Applications Interfaces for Service Providers and Network Operators SPAN 13 - SPAN Peer-to-Peer Control Protocol (PTPCP) SPAN 14 - SPAN Overall Network and System Architecture (ONSA) SPAN 15 - SPAN Network Management SPS - Signalling Protocols & Switching SPS 01 - Network Signalling SPS 02 - Signalling Network & Mobility Applications SPS 02 A - Co-ordination matters and TC SPS 02 B - Supporting protocols and S-AAL SPS 02 D - OMAP SPS 03 - IN protocols SPS 03 1 - Broadband Switching SPS 03 3 - Technical Parameters SPS 03 4 - Intelligent Network SPS 05 - Digital access signalling SPS 05 1 - Basic Call Control Protocols SPS 05 3 - Conformance Testing SPS 05 4 - Supplementary Services SPS 05 5 - Broadband ISDN, Layer 3 SPS 09 - Access Networks and Service Node Interfaces STQ - Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality STQ AURORA - STQ Aurora Project STQ MOBILE - STQ Mobile TCCE - TETRA and Critical Communications Evolution TCCE 01 - TCCE User Requirements / Services TCCE 02 - Air Interface / Radio aspects TCCE 03 - TCCE Air Interface and Network Protocols TCCE 04 - TCCE High Speed Data TCCE 05 - TCCE Voice coding TCCE 06 - TCCE Security TCCE 07 - SIM Card TCCE 08 - TCCE Off-network services TCCE 4 close - Packet Data Optimised TE - Terminal Equipment TE 01 - Telematics: Videotex and MultimediaInformation Retrieval Services TE 02 - Telematics: Facsimile, Document Handling and Transfer TE 04 - Audiovisual and Voice Terminals TE 05 - General Terminal Access Requirements TE 06 - Directory Systems TE 07 - Lower Layer Protocols TE 09 - Card Terminal TE 10 - Multimedia Management Group THz - TeraHertz technology TIPHON - Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks TIPHON 01 - TIPHON Requirements, charging and security matters TIPHON 02 - TIPHON Architecture models and interfaces TIPHON 03 - TIPHON Call control matters TIPHON 04 - TIPHON Naming and address translation issues TIPHON 05 - TIPHON Quality of service aspects TIPHON 06 - TIPHON Verification, demonstration and implementation matters TIPHON 07 - TIPHON Wireless and Mobility aspects (DORMANT) TIPHON 08 - TIPHON Security TISPAN - Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Netwk. TISPAN 01 - TISPAN Services TISPAN 02 - TISPAN Architecture TISPAN 03 - TISPAN Protocols TISPAN 04 - TISPAN Numbering Addressing and routing TISPAN 05 - TISPAN NGN Home Networking TISPAN 05 - TISPAN QoS TISPAN 06 - TISPAN Testing TISPAN 07 - TISPAN Security TISPAN 08 - TISPAN Network Management TM - Transmission & Multiplexing TM 01 - TM Core networks, fibres and cables TM 01 1 - TM Cabled fibres and passive optical components TM 01 3 - TM Transport Equipment, Systems and Interfaces. TM 02 - Transmission Networks Management, Performance TM 03 - Interfaces, architecture and functional requirements of transport netw TM 04 - TM Fixed Radio Systems TM 04 1 - TM Point-to-Point Systems TM 04 2 - TM Point-to-Mulipoint Systems TM 04 4 - TM Antennas TM 05 - Coding Speech Processing & Associated Network Issues TM 06 - TM Access Networks TMN - Telecommunications Management Network TMN 02 - Transport and Access Network Management TMN 03 - Generic Modelling TMN ASM - Access Switching Management TMN GOM - Generic Objects Modelling TRAC - Technical Recommendations Applications Committee UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems USER - User Group ZSM - Zero-touch network and Service Management Select Standard Types EN - European Standard (Telecommunications series) ES - ETSI Standard EG - ETSI Guide TS - Technical Specification GS - Group Specification TR - Technical Report SR - Special Report ETS - European Telecommunication Standard I-ETS - Interim ETS TBR - Technical Basis for Regulation NET - Norme Européenne de Télécommunication GTS - GSM Technical Specification ETR - ETSI Technical Report TCRTR - Technical Committee Reference Technical Report GR - Group report Select Frequencies 0 kHz to 20 kHz 0 kHz to 3 GHz 0,01 kHz to 9 kHz 9 kHz to 19,95 kHz 9 kHz to 148,5 kHz 9 kHz to 315 kHz 0,009 MHz to 30 MHz 9 kHz to 30 MHz 20,05 kHz to 148,5 kHz 30 kHz to 300 kHz 0,03 MHz to 30 MHz 0,03 MHz to 3000 GHz 148,5 kHz to 283,5 kHz 0,1485 MHz to 30 MHz 300 kHz to 3 MHz 0,3 MHz to 30 MHz 0,3 MHz to 300 MHz 315 kHz to 600 kHz 457 kHz to 457 kHz 518 kHz to 518 kHz 526,5 kHz to 1606,5 kHz 2,1735 MHz to 2,1905 MHz 2182 kHz to 2182 kHz 3 MHz to 30 MHz 3,155 MHz to 3,4 MHz 3950 kHz to 4000 kHz 5900 kHz to 6200 kHz 6,765 MHz to 6,795 MHz 7200 kHz to 7450 kHz 7,4 MHz to 8,8 MHz 9400 kHz to 9900 kHz 10,2 MHz to 11 MHz 11,1 MHz to 16 MHz 11600 kHz to 12100 kHz 12,5 MHz to 20 MHz 13,553 MHz to 13,567 MHz 13553 kHz to 13567 kHz 13570 kHz to 13870 kHz 15100 kHz to 15800 kHz 17480 kHz to 17900 kHz 18900 kHz to 19020 kHz 21450 kHz to 21850 kHz 25 MHz to 2 GHz 25 MHz to 2000 MHz 25 MHz to 3 GHz 25670 kHz to 26100 kHz 26,595 MHz to 27,595 MHz 26,957 MHz to 27,283 MHz 26,96 MHz to 27,41 MHz 26,995 MHz to 26,995 MHz 27,045 MHz to 27,045 MHz 27,095 MHz to 27,095 MHz 27,145 MHz to 27,145 MHz 27,195 MHz to 27,195 MHz 30 MHz to 37,5 MHz 30 MHz to 300 MHz 30 MHz to 1 GHz 30 MHz to 3 GHz 30 MHz to 11 GHz 30 MHz to 12,4 GHz 30 MHz to 33,4 GHz 34,995 MHz to 35,225 MHz 40,66 MHz to 40,7 MHz 40,665 MHz to 40,665 MHz 40,675 MHz to 40,675 MHz 40,685 MHz to 40,685 MHz 40,695 MHz to 40,695 MHz 47 MHz to 47,25 MHz 47 MHz to 68 MHz 47 MHz to 860 MHz 68 MHz to 108 MHz 87,5 MHz to 108 MHz 117,975 MHz to 137 MHz 118 MHz to 121,45 MHz 118 MHz to 136,975 MHz 121,45 MHz to 121,55 MHz 121,5 MHz to 121,5 MHz 121,55 MHz to 136,975 MHz 123,1 MHz to 123,1 MHz 137 MHz to 137,025 MHz 137,025 MHz to 137,175 MHz 137,175 MHz to 138,825 MHz 137,825 MHz to 138 MHz 138,2 MHz to 138,45 MHz 148 MHz to 149,9 MHz 149,01875 MHz to 149,11875 MHz 149,9 MHz to 150,05 MHz 156 MHz to 174 MHz 161,975 MHz to 161,975 MHz 162,025 MHz to 162,025 MHz 169,4 MHz to 169,475 MHz 169,4 MHz to 169,8 MHz 169,4 MHz to 169,825 MHz 169,475 MHz to 169,4875 MHz 169,5875 MHz to 169,6 MHz 174 MHz to 216 MHz 174 MHz to 230 MHz 174 MHz to 240 MHz 225 MHz to 399,975 MHz 235 MHz to 322 MHz 242,95 MHz to 243,055 MHz 300 MHz to 3 GHz 335,4 MHz to 399,9 MHz 380 MHz to 385 MHz 380 MHz to 400 MHz 385 MHz to 390 MHz 390 MHz to 390,15 MHz 390 MHz to 395 MHz 395 MHz to 399,9 MHz 399,9 MHz to 400,5 MHz 400,15 MHz to 401 MHz 400,15 MHz to 406 MHz 401 MHz to 402 MHz 402 MHz to 405 MHz 403,5 MHz to 403,8 MHz 405 MHz to 406 MHz 406 MHz to 406,1 MHz 406,1 MHz to 410 MHz 410 MHz to 420 MHz 410 MHz to 430 MHz 420 MHz to 430 MHz 433,05 MHz to 434,79 MHz 440 MHz to 450 MHz 440 MHz to 470 MHz 446,1 MHz to 446,2 MHz 450 MHz to 460 MHz 450 MHz to 470 MHz 450,4 MHz to 457,6 MHz 460 MHz to 470 MHz 460,4 MHz to 467,6 MHz 470 MHz to 614 MHz 470 MHz to 694 MHz 470 MHz to 790 MHz 470 MHz to 862 MHz 470 MHz to 890 MHz 478,8 MHz to 486 MHz 488,8 MHz to 496 MHz 614 MHz to 854 MHz 703 MHz to 748 MHz 758 MHz to 803 MHz 790 MHz to 862 MHz 791 MHz to 821 MHz 832 MHz to 862 MHz 862 MHz to 870 MHz 863 MHz to 870 MHz 864,1 MHz to 868,1 MHz 864,8 MHz to 865 MHz 865 MHz to 868 MHz 868 MHz to 868,6 MHz 868,6 MHz to 868,7 MHz 868,7 MHz to 869,2 MHz 869,2 MHz to 869,25 MHz 869,25 MHz to 869,3 MHz 869,3 MHz to 869,4 MHz 869,4 MHz to 869,65 MHz 869,65 MHz to 869,7 MHz 869,7 MHz to 870 MHz 870 MHz to 876 MHz 876 MHz to 880 MHz 876 MHz to 915 MHz 880 MHz to 915 MHz 890 MHz to 915 MHz 915 MHz to 921 MHz 921 MHz to 925 MHz 921 MHz to 960 MHz 925 MHz to 960 MHz 935 MHz to 960 MHz 960 MHz to 1215 MHz 1 GHz to 11 GHz 1 GHz to 33,4 GHz 1 GHz to 86 GHz 1 GHz to 174,8 GHz 1030 MHz to 1090 MHz 1215 MHz to 1400 MHz 1,2276 GHz to 1,2276 GHz 1,3 GHz to 50 GHz 1,3 GHz to 86 GHz 1,35 GHz to 57 GHz 1,35 GHz to 86 GHz 1,452 GHz to 1,492 GHz 1,452 GHz to 1,496 GHz 1,492 GHz to 1,53 GHz 1,525 GHz to 1,544 GHz 1,525 GHz to 1,559 GHz 1,533 GHz to 1,559 GHz 1,555 GHz to 1,559 GHz 1,57545 GHz to 1,57545 GHz 1,61 GHz to 1,6265 GHz 1,6138 GHz to 1,6265 GHz 1,6265 GHz to 1,6605 GHz 1,6315 GHz to 1,6345 GHz 1,6565 GHz to 1,6605 GHz 1,6684 GHz to 1,69 GHz 1668,4 MHz to 1690 MHz 1,67 GHz to 1,675 GHz 1,71 GHz to 1,785 GHz 1,785 GHz to 1,8 GHz 1,8 GHz to 1,805 GHz 1,805 GHz to 1,88 GHz 1,88 GHz to 1,9 GHz 1,9 GHz to 1,92 GHz 1900 MHz to 1920 MHz 1,9 GHz to 1,98 GHz 1,92 GHz to 1,98 GHz 1,98 GHz to 2,01 GHz 1,98 GHz to 2,01 GHz 2,01 GHz to 2,025 GHz 2,01 GHz to 2,025 GHz 2,11 GHz to 2,17 GHz 2,11 GHz to 2,17 GHz 2,17 GHz to 2,2 GHz 2,2 GHz to 8 GHz 2,2 GHz to 8,5 GHz 2,3 GHz to 2,4 GHz 2,4 GHz to 2,4835 GHz 2400 MHz to 2483,5 MHz 2,446 GHz to 2,454 GHz 2,4835 GHz to 2,5 GHz 2,5 GHz to 2,57 GHz 2,5 GHz to 2,69 GHz 2,57 GHz to 2,62 GHz 2,57 GHz to 2,69 GHz 2,585 GHz to 2,6 GHz 2,6 GHz to 2,62 GHz 2,62 GHz to 2,69 GHz 2700 MHz to 2900 MHz 2700 MHz to 3100 MHz 2,9 GHz to 3,1 GHz 3,1 GHz to 4,8 GHz 3,1 GHz to 10,6 GHz 3,4 GHz to 3,6 GHz 3,4 GHz to 3,8 GHz 3,4 GHz to 4,2 GHz 3,4 GHz to 4,8 GHz 3,41 GHz to 3,49 GHz 3,51 GHz to 3,59 GHz 3,6 GHz to 3,8 GHz 3,7 GHz to 4,2 GHz 4,5 GHz to 7 GHz 4,94 GHz to 4,99 GHz 5,15 GHz to 5,25 GHz 5,15 GHz to 5,35 GHz 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz 5,15 GHz to 5,875 GHz 5,25 GHz to 5,35 GHz 5250 MHz to 5850 MHz 5,47 GHz to 5,725 GHz 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz 5,725 GHz to 5,875 GHz 5725 MHz to 5875 MHz 5,795 GHz to 5,8 GHz 5795 MHz to 5815 MHz 5,8 GHz to 5,805 GHz 5,805 GHz to 5,81 GHz 5,81 GHz to 5,815 GHz 5,85 GHz to 7,075 GHz 5855 MHz to 5875 MHz 5,855 GHz to 5,925 GHz 5855 MHz to 5925 MHz 5875 MHz to 5905 MHz 5,875 GHz to 5,925 GHz 5875 MHz to 5925 MHz 5905 MHz to 5925 MHz 5,925 GHz to 6,425 GHz 6 GHz to 7,25 GHz 6 GHz to 8,5 GHz 6 GHz to 9 GHz 8,5 GHz to 9 GHz 8500 MHz to 10000 MHz 8,5 GHz to 10,6 GHz 8,5 GHz to 11,5 GHz 9000 MHz to 9200 MHz 9,2 GHz to 9,975 GHz 9,3 GHz to 9,5 GHz 9300 MHz to 9500 MHz 10,5 GHz to 10,6 GHz 10,7 GHz to 11,7 GHz 10,7 GHz to 12,75 GHz 11,7 GHz to 12,5 GHz 12,5 GHz to 12,75 GHz 12,75 GHz to 13,25 GHz 13,4 GHz to 14 GHz 13,75 GHz to 14,25 GHz 14 GHz to 14,25 GHz 14 GHz to 14,5 GHz 14,25 GHz to 14,5 GHz 17,1 GHz to 17,3 GHz 17,1 GHz to 17,3 GHz 17,7 GHz to 19,7 GHz 19,7 GHz to 20,2 GHz 21,4 GHz to 22 GHz 22 GHz to 26,65 GHz 24 GHz to 24,25 GHz 24,05 GHz to 24,25 GHz 24,05 GHz to 26,5 GHz 24,05 GHz to 27 GHz 24,25 GHz to 33,4 GHz 24,25 GHz to 40,5 GHz 27,5 GHz to 29,5 GHz 29,5 GHz to 30 GHz 30 GHz to 300 GHz 40 GHz to 125 GHz 40,5 GHz to 43,5 GHz 57 GHz to 59 GHz 57 GHz to 64 GHz 57 GHz to 66 GHz 57 GHz to 71 GHz 59 GHz to 66 GHz 63 GHz to 64 GHz 64 GHz to 66 GHz 71 GHz to 76 GHz 75 GHz to 85 GHz 76 GHz to 77 GHz 77 GHz to 81 GHz 81 GHz to 86 GHz 92 GHz to 114,25 GHz 130 GHz to 174,8 GHz Select Mandates 037-SI bc-t-311 BC-T-317/4 BC-T-317/5 BC-T-330 BC-T-331 BC-T-332 BC-T-333 BC-T-334 BC-T-338 BC-T-340 BC-T-341 BC-T-344 BC-T-345 BC-T-346 IT-01-SI IT-116t.1 IT-146 IT-149 IT-226 IT-235 IT-236 IT-246 IT-60 IT-74 IT-90 IT-91 IT-92 M/213 M/237 M/239 M/251 M/270 M/271 M/272 M/275 M/279 M/284 M/290 M/313 M/318 M/322 M/328 M/329 M/331 M/338 M/341 M/354 M/357 M/358 M/363 M/364 M/376 M/390 M/403 M/405 M/406 M/407 M/436 M/438 M/439 M/441 M/452 M/453 M/455 M/460 M/462 M/468 M/473 M/478 M/479 M/483 M/486 M/490 M/493 M/496 M/510 M/512 M/530 M/536 M/543 M/544 M/546 M/552 M/554 M/570 M/573 M/576 M/587 M/603 M/606 T-018-SI T-019-SI T-021-SI T-022-SI T-023-SI T-024-SI T-030-SI T-031-SI T-033-SI T-034-SI T-035-SI T-036 T-036-SI T-037 T-038-SI T-039-SI T-042-SI T-043-SI T-045-SI T-108a T-110a T-122a T-128a T-129a T-142 T-143 T-143b T-144 T-145 T-146 T-146-2 T-147 T-147-1 T-147-2 T-147-2a T-147-3 T-149 T-166 T-166, T-167 T-167 T-167-1 T-167-2 T-167-3 T-172 T-172-1 T-172-1a T-172-2 ext 94 T-173 T-174/g1 T-174/h1 T-174/i1 T-174a T-174b1 T-175b1 T-175c1 T-175e1 T-176 T-234a T-234b T-235/1 T-235/2 T-236 T-237a T-237b T-237c T-237d T-237e T-237e-a T-237f T-237g T-237h T-237i T-237i-a T-237j T-237k T-238 T-239 T-240 T-244 T-245 T-246a T-246b T-247 T-292 T-294 T-295 T-296 T-297 T-298 T-299 T-300 T-300/2 T-301 T-301/1 T-301/2 T-301/2a T-304 T-305 T-306 T-307 T-308 T-309 T-310 T-311 T-312 T-313 T-314 T-316 T-317 T-318 T-319 T-323 T-324 T-325 T-326 T-332 T-353 T-75c.1 T-75c.2 T-75c.3 T-75d.3/4 T-75d.5 T-75d.6 T-75d.X T-76a.1 T-76a.2 T-76b.1 T-76b/d.1 T-76b/d.2 T-76b/d.3 T-76b/d.4 UIC Select Custom Collection HSs cited in OJ HSs not yet cited in OJ HSs RED cited in OJ HSs EMC cited in OJ HSs 2016/2102/EU cited in OJ