Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 108816 Hits

NFV Tutorial on VNF Package specification and MANO REST APIs

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ETSI NFV release 2 results & release 3 work programme overview

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 116241 Hits


Open Source Mano is an ETSI-hosted initiative to develop an Open Source NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO) software stack for production-ready Multi-Cloud Telco Orchestration.

OSM approach takes as starting point the architectural framework of ETSI NFV, including its NFV Orchestrator and VNF Manager functionalities, as well as additional layers, such as service orchestration or infrastructure management, which are also required for operators to enable NFV services. Open Source software can facilitate the implementation of an ETSI aligned NFV architecture, provide practical and essential feedback to the related ETSI Technical Groups and Software Development Groups and increase the likelihood of interoperability among NFV implementations.

Our Role & Activities

ETSI's Open Source Mano (OSM) group is developing an open source Multi-Cloud Telco Orchestration stack using well established open source tools and working procedures. The activity is closely aligned with the evolution of other ETSI Technical Groups, such as ETSI NFV and ETSI SDGs, and will provide a regularly updated implementation of NFV MANO. OSM aims at enabling an eco-system of NFV solution vendors to rapidly and cost-effectively deliver solutions to their users.

ETSI OSM complements the work of ETSI Technical Groups and vice versa. In particular, ETSI OSM provides an opportunity to capitalize on the synergy between standardization and open source approaches by accessing a greater and more diverse set of contributors and developers than would normally be possible.

This approach maximizes innovation, efficiency and time to market and ensures a continuing series of open source implementations.

Participation to ETSI OSM is open to members and non-members of ETSI upon signature of the relevant agreements.

The OSM code is developed according to accepted open source working procedures. Latest information is available on the OSM development platform which is hosted and managed by the ETSI Secretariat.