Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 108803 Hits

NFV Tutorial on VNF Package specification and MANO REST APIs

Security for NFV - challenges and progress so far

NFV Testing Landscape

NFV Acceleration Technology Overview and Standards Update

ETSI NFV interfaces and architecture

ETSI NFV release 2 results & release 3 work programme overview

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 116176 Hits


Open Source Mano is an ETSI-hosted initiative to develop an Open Source NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO) software stack for production-ready Multi-Cloud Telco Orchestration.

OSM approach takes as starting point the architectural framework of ETSI NFV, including its NFV Orchestrator and VNF Manager functionalities, as well as additional layers, such as service orchestration or infrastructure management, which are also required for operators to enable NFV services. Open Source software can facilitate the implementation of an ETSI aligned NFV architecture, provide practical and essential feedback to the related ETSI Technical Groups and Software Development Groups and increase the likelihood of interoperability among NFV implementations.

Our Role & Activities

ETSI's Open Source Mano (OSM) group is developing an open source Multi-Cloud Telco Orchestration stack using well established open source tools and working procedures. The activity is closely aligned with the evolution of other ETSI Technical Groups, such as ETSI NFV and ETSI SDGs, and will provide a regularly updated implementation of NFV MANO. OSM aims at enabling an eco-system of NFV solution vendors to rapidly and cost-effectively deliver solutions to their users.

ETSI OSM complements the work of ETSI Technical Groups and vice versa. In particular, ETSI OSM provides an opportunity to capitalize on the synergy between standardization and open source approaches by accessing a greater and more diverse set of contributors and developers than would normally be possible.

This approach maximizes innovation, efficiency and time to market and ensures a continuing series of open source implementations.

Participation to ETSI OSM is open to members and non-members of ETSI upon signature of the relevant agreements.

The OSM code is developed according to accepted open source working procedures. Latest information is available on the OSM development platform which is hosted and managed by the ETSI Secretariat.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 106676 Hits

ISG MEC is committed to produce timely and high quality specifications allowing the implementation of interoperable MEC solutions.

In order to gain time to market, to validate the specifications that are being developed, and to demonstrate the use cases that have served to extract the technical requirements, it is important to demonstrate the MEC concept as feasible and valuable to all the stakeholders in the value chain. The MEC DECODE Working Group was created to focus on easing the implementation path for vendors operators and application developers.

PoC Framework

ISG MEC has developed the MEC PoC Framework to coordinate and promote multi-vendor Proofs of Concept (PoC) illustrating key aspects of MEC technology. Proofs of Concept are an important tool to demonstrate the viability of a new technology and provide feedback to the standardization work.

The MEC PoC framework describes the process and criteria that a Proof of Concept demonstration must adhere to. A PoC proposal can be submitted by a PoC team consisting of at least one Mobile Network Operator, at least one infrastructure vendor and at least one content or application provider. PoC proposals are expected to be scoped around PoC Topics identified by ISG MEC, as specific areas, often related to a Work Item, where feedback from the PoCs is required.

The MEC wiki hosts the necessary templates for PoC proposals and reports as well as the latest details on PoC Topics and ongoing PoC projects.
MEC PoCs support the standardization work by feeding back their results and lessons learnt to ISG MEC. They help to build confidence on the viability of MEC technology and contribute to the development of a diverse and open MEC ecosystem by fostering the integration of components from different players.

CTI support

The ETSI Center for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) supports ETSI PoC Frameworks and has experience in the organization of technology evaluations and interoperability events.

This experience may be useful to assist the PoC teams with test expertise, administration and project management support.

PoC Teams may request CTI assistance by contacting

MEC Proofs of Concept

The MEC Proofs of Concept are developed according to the ETSI ISG MEC Proof of Concept Framework. MEC Proofs of Concept are intended to demonstrate MEC as a viable technology. Results are fed back to the Industry Specification Group for Multi-access Edge Computing (ISG MEC).

Neither ETSI, its ISG MEC, nor their members make any endorsement of any product or implementation claiming to demonstrate or conform to MEC. No verification or test has been performed by ETSI on any part of these MEC Proofs of Concept.

MEC PoC Projects

PoC#1: "Video User Experience Optimization via MEC - A Service Aware RAN MEC PoC"

PoC#2: “Edge Video Orchestration and Video Clip Replay via MEC"

PoC#3: “Radio aware video optimization in a fully virtualized network"

PoC#4: "FLIPS – Flexible IP-based Services"

PoC#5: "Enterprise Services"

PoC#6: "Healthcare – Dynamic Hospital User, IoT and Alert Status management"

PoC#7: "Multi-Service MEC Platform for Advanced Service Delivery"

PoC#8: "Video Analytics" 

PoC#9: "MEC platform to enable low-latency Industrial IoT"

PoC#10: "Service Aware MEC Platform to enable Bandwidth Management of RAN"

PoC#11: “Communication Traffic Management for V2X”

PoC#12: "MEC enabled OTT business" 

PoC#13: "MEC infotainment for smart roads and city hot spots"

More details about ISG MEC PoC projects and the MEC PoC Framework on the MEC wiki.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 137104 Hits


The world has never been more connected than it is today. The Internet has become critical to our everyday lives, for businesses and individuals, and so too has its security. With our growing dependence on networked digital systems comes an increase in the variety and scale of threats and cyber attacks.

A variety in the protective methods used by countries or organizations can make it difficult to assess risk systematically and to ensure consistent, adequate security.

Therefore, standards have a key role to play in improving cybersecurity – protecting the Internet, its communications and the businesses that rely on it – and TC CYBER is the most security-focused technical committee in ETSI.

Our Role & Activities

TC CYBER is recognized as a major trusted centre of expertise offering market-driven cyber security standardization solutions, advice and guidance to users, manufacturers, network, infrastructure and service operators and regulators. ETSI TC CYBER works closely with stakeholders to develop standards that increase privacy and security for organizations and citizens across Europe and worldwide. We provide standards that are applicable across different domains, for the security of infrastructures, devices, services, protocols, and to create security tools and techniques. Look at the TC CYBER Road map below for more details.

The Quantum-Safe Cryptography working group is a subgroup of TC CYBER; you can find out more about their work.

In addition to TC CYBER, other ETSI groups also work on standards for cross-domain cybersecurity, the security of infrastructures, devices, services and protocols and security tools and techniques. They address the following areas and more information can be found in the related technologies pages:

Cross-domain cybersecurity Information Security Indicators Encrypted traffic integration Securing technologies and systems Mobile/Wireless systems (5G, TETRA, DECT, RRS, RFID...) IoT and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Network Functions Virtualisation Intelligent Transport Systems, Maritime Broadcasting Securing Artificial Intelligence Security tools and techniques
Lawful Interception and Retained Data Digital Signatures and trust service providers Secure elements Security algorithms

Take a look at ETSI’s annual Security Week event for more on the work of ETSI in cybersecurity or watch the video from our security week:


See the details of the CYBER Road Map.

Consumer IoT security

See the details of the Consumer IoT security Road Map.


A full list of related standards in the public domain is accessible via the CYBER committee page.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 172606 Hits


The number of connected devices in the Internet of Things is growing very fast. The IoT is having a transformative influence on the way we live and work in domains including connected vehicles, eHealth, home automation and energy management, public safety and industrial process control, and smart cities.

Standardizing the IoT

Smart objects produce large volumes of data. This data needs to be managed, processed, transferred and stored securely. Standardization is key to achieving universally accepted specifications and protocols for true interoperability between devices and applications.

The use of standards:

ensures interoperable and cost-effective solutions opens up opportunities in new areas allows the market to reach its full potential

The more things are connected, the greater the security risk. So, security standards are also needed to protect the individuals, businesses and governments which will use the IoT.

The ETSI IoT Week 2019 took place from 21-25 October 2019.

You missed the event? Watch the interviews and feedback in our video filmed during the event in our HQs:


The latest ETSI IoT (week) Conference was held on 4-6 July 2023.

Our Role & Activities

The main ETSI IoT standardization activities are conducted at radio layer in 3GPP (LTE-M, NB-IoT and EC‑GSM-IoT) and at service layer in oneM2M. A wide range of technologies work together to connect things in the Internet of Things (IoT). ETSI is involved in standardizing many of these technologies:

Smart Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications

ETSI is one of the founding partners in oneM2M, the global standards initiative that covers requirements, architecture, Application Programming Interface (API) specifications, security solutions and interoperability for M2M and IoT technologies.

IoT Semantic Interoperability

SAREF is our Smart Applications REFerence ontology that allows connected devices to exchange semantic information in many applications’ domains.

Context Information Management (NGSI-LD)

ETSI ISG CIM specifies protocols (NGSI-LD API) running ‘on top’ of IoT platforms and allowing exchange of data together with its context, this includes what is described by the data, what was measured, when, where, by what, the time of validity, ownership, and others. This is dramatically extending the interoperability of applications, helping smart cities (and other areas such as Smart Agriculture and Smart Manufacturing) to integrate their existing services and enable new third-party services.

Applications in the IoT

Within ETSI we are addressing various applications of IoT/M2M technology:

Smart appliances Smart grids and meters Smart cities – including networking, energy efficiency and accessibility Smart Energy, Smart Environment, Smart Building, Smart Industry and Manufacturing, Smart Agri‑Food, eHealth and Ageing-Well, Wearables, Smart Water, Smart Lift, Smart Escalators and Smart Maritime eHealth
Telemedicine and the Internet Clinic Medical implants Body Area Networks Pandemic protection, contact tracing Intelligent Transport Systems – including telematics and all types of communications in vehicles, between vehicles and between vehicles and fixed locations. We also address the use of Information and Communications Technologies for rail, water and air transport, including navigation systems. Wireless Industrial Automation – standards for radio equipment to be used in factories Supporting the IoT Privacy, Safety and Security for the IoT – various aspects of security such as electronic signatures, lawful interception, security algorithms and smart cards as well as cybersecurity Low power supplies in the IoT: Ultra Low Energy Digital Cordless Telecommunications (DECT™ ULE) Radio spectrum requirements – helping to find the necessary radio spectrum for connecting things wirelessly in the IoT. Embedded communications modules – We have developed a baseline specification using Surface Mount Technology. This will simplify the integration of modules from different manufacturers in a wide range of M2M applications.

Consumer IoT security Road Map

See the details of the Consumer IoT security Road Map.


A full list of related standards in the public domain is accessible via the ETSI standards search.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 80126 Hits


Today more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and this figure is expected to rise significantly in coming years.

This places new demands on key city services and infrastructure such as transport, energy, health care, water and waste management.

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) play an important role in connecting these resources, securely managing the massive amounts of data generated, and providing the relevant services that are required.

A ‘smart city’ uses digital technologies to:

engage more effectively and actively with its citizens enhance the city performance and the wellbeing of the citizens reduce operational costs and the city resource consumption generate new business opportunities and increase the attractiveness of the city enable a green and circular economy and much more ...

The creation of smart cities will only be achieved with a holistic approach, supported by globally acceptable standards that enable fully interoperable solutions that can be deployed and replicated at scale.

Our Role & Activities

We are working on several aspects of smart cities:

Smart Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications

Smart Cities has become a major interoperability Use Case for the Internet of Things since it is by default requiring a cross-domain interworking. ETSI TC SmartM2M provides (with oneM2M that collaborates with 3GGP) a comprehensive standardization-based solution including, among other, IoT Semantic Interoperability (SAREF developped by ETSI in TC SmartM2M).

Much of the work relating to M2M/IoT in ETSI takes place in our global standards initiative oneM2M and 3GPP. oneM2M is developing technical specifications for a common M2M/IoT Service Layer that can be readily embedded within various hardware and software, and relied upon to connect the myriad of devices in the field with M2M/IoT application servers worldwide.

The oneM2M standards cover requirements, architecture, application programming interface (API) specifications, security solutions and mapping to common industry protocols such as CoAP, MQTT and HTTP. By building upon well-proven protocols that allow applications across industry segments to communicate with each other, oneM2M enables service providers to combine different M2M/IoT devices, technologies and applications, a critical feature in their efforts to provide services across a range of industries. oneM2M has already been used in service provider deployments in the world and in Europe for smart city and transport system deployments.

Green smart cities

Our Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing committee (TC ATTM) and particularly the working group ATTM SDMC (Sustainable Digital Multiservice Communities) is working towards the creation, development and maintenance of standards relating to the relationship between deployment of ICT systems and implementation of services within cities and communities. This committee is working on efficient ICT waste management in sustainable communities.

Our Industry Specification Group on Operational energy Efficiency for Users (ISG OEU) is supporting development of standards for efficient sustainable communities, e.g. efficient engineering and global Key Performance Indicators for green smart cities, covering both residential and office environments.

Context Information Management

Our Industry Specification Group on cross-sector Context Information Management (ISG CIM) develops technical specifications and reports to enable multiple organisations to develop interoperable software implementations of a cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM) layer, for smart cities applications and beyond.

Standardization to meet citizen and consumer requirements

Standards are confusing for cities in the first place, and the needs of the citizen including:

usability accessibility, or data security

are not often taken into account.

ETSI’s Human Factors Technical Committee has released a Technical Report giving an overview of standardization relating to the needs of inhabitants of (or visitors to) smart cities and communities. The Report explores how links between local communities and standardization can be improved and make appropriate recommendations to standards bodies, cities and policy-makers. See the dedicated website for more details about this project.


A list of related standards in the public domain is accessible via the ETSI standards search.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 49785 Hits


Smart Appliances

Household appliances are responsible for about two thirds of the energy consumed by buildings. Industrial appliances are also major energy users.

Domestic and industrial appliances become intelligent, networked smart devices, forming complete energy consuming, producing and managing systems, based on the integration of products from different vendors and vertical industrial sectors. All these connected appliances are able to communicate among themselves and with the service platforms. This required open interfaces. Interoperability is thus a key factor in creating an IoT ecosystem, and the availability of a standardized solution, along with related test suites, it is an essential enabler of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Smart appliances include white goods, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and storage systems.

To ensure such systems are technically and commercially successful – and widely adopted – it must be possible to combine appliances from different vendors. These systems also need to be able to communicate with service platforms from different energy service providers in order to manage and control energy use.

The EC, as a first step, identified an immediate need of the current market to reduce the energy utilization by managing and controlling Smart Appliances (for example, in a house or an office building) on a system level. In particular, the Industry and the EC raised the need for a common architecture with standardized interfaces and a common data model to assure interoperability. Without these two components, the current market would continue to be fragmented and powerless. Therefore, the development of a reference ontology was targeted as the main interoperability enabler for appliances relevant for energy efficiency.

From Smart Appliances to Smart Applications

Smart Appliances REFerence ontology (SAREF V1) was common to 3 domains (Energy, Environment and Buildings), the first core of SAREF (mapped into 3 applications’ domains) has been improved (SAREF V2, V3, V3.2.1 in 2024 and soon V4) to enable mapping of SAREF with more Smart Applications domains (Smart City, Smart Industry and Manufacturing, Smart Agri-Food, Automotive, eHealth and Ageing-Well, Wearables, Smart Water, Smart Lift, Smart Grid, Smart Maritime…). Like this SAREF became Smart Applications REFerence ontology (core SAREF) with its domain mapping extensions.

Our Role & Activities

ETSI Smart Machine-to-Machine communications Technical Committee (TC SmartM2M) actively supports the oneM2M global initiative, especially in relation to European Commission (EC) driven activities, bridging the EC’s needs in the M2M/IoT area and the technical work in oneM2M and other ETSI activities.

Our TC SmartM2M focus is on an application-independent ‘horizontal’ service platform with architecture capable of supporting a very wide range of services including among others, smart metering, smart grids, eHealth, smart cities, consumer applications, car automation, smart appliances and Smart Applications (SAREF).

Initially, Smart Appliances have been specified on request of EC DG Connect. The Smart Appliances specifications were based on the oneM2M communication framework (TS 103 267) complemented with Smart Appliance REFerence ontology that is now Smart Applications REFerence ontology:
SAREF V3.2.1 TS 103 264). SAREF work has contributed to the foundations of the base ontology of oneM2M Release 2.

Funded by EC/EFTA, TC SmartM2M is developping a European Standard (EN 303 760) SAREF Guidelines for IoT Semantic Interoperability to develop, apply and evolve Smart Applications ontologies.

Designed for Smart Applications, SAREF is recognized as key enabler of IoT Semantic Interoperability with a still growing set of enabling published standards (search ETSI standards with the keyword SAREF).

Official ETSI portal for SAREF

The official ETSI portal for SAREF contains pointers to the SAREF ontologies and SAREF-related work items to allow an open access to SAREF.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 75975 Hits


Smart Body Area Network (BAN) technology uses small, low power wireless devices that can be carried on the body like wearables or embedded inside the body like implants. Applications include medical, health improvement, personal safety and well-being, as well as sport and leisure applications. Here are a few examples use cases:

health and wellness monitoring sports training (e.g., to measure performance) personalized medicine (e.g., heart monitors) personal safety (e.g., fall detection)

Various challenges have been identified that hinder BAN communications development. For example, solutions that may be suitable for monitoring people during exercise one or two hours a day, or a few days a week, fall short of what is needed for 24/7 health monitoring in the Internet of Things (IoT).

A number of wireless BAN communication technologies have been implemented based on the existing radio technologies. However, if BAN technology is to achieve its full potential, it needs a more specific and dedicated technology, which is optimized for BAN.


In ETSI Technical Committee SmartBAN, we are working on standardising a more specific and dedicated technology, optimized for BAN. Our aim is to enable the features needed for BAN applications:

ultra-low-power radio low-complexity Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for extended autonomy enhanced robustness in the presence of interference high security, privacy and trust interoperability at different levels and when communicating over heterogeneous networks in the future IoT

Our scope includes communication media, and associated physical layer, network layer, security, data interoperability, QoS, and the provision of generic applications and services (e.g., web).

Our standardisation work covers ultra-low-power radio communications, a lower complexity Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for extended autonomy and enhanced robustness in the presence of interference, and the definition of interoperable data structures and formats enabling interoperability when communicating over heterogeneous networks in the IoT.

Future Smart BANs will exist within a wider IoT environment. Noting this coexistence, ETSI TC SmartBAN extended its work via contributions to various bodies, both within ETSI (including SmartM2M and ERM TG 30), as well as external bodies including AIOTI (Alliance for the Internet of Things Innovation), IEC TC 124 (wearable electronic devices and technologies) and IEC SyC AAL (Active Assisted Living), Bluetooth Special Interest Group (BT SIG), H2020 ACTIVAGE (Active & Healthy Ageing IoT based solutions and services) and the ITEA’s CareWare project.


A full list of related standards in the public domain is accessible via the SmartBAN committee page.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 51889 Hits


Technology has the potential to improve the way we live and work, but it can also carry risks to the environment. The ICT industry and its customers have a responsibility to minimize the adverse impact of ICT.

One way we can reduce the impact on climate change – and at the same time reduce operational costs – is by improving the energy efficiency of ICT products and services. Standards can help achieve this goal. ETSI works on these matters also answering to EC standardization requests continuing to develop the standards needed to support the EC’s energy efficiency targets.

Our Role & Activities

Our current work on the environmental aspects of ICT equipment includes energy efficiency.

Environmental Engineering committee (TC EE)

TC EE develops standards for reducing the eco-environmental impact of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) equipment. This includes:

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of ICT goods, networks and services Methods to assess the energy efficiency of wireless access networks and equipment, core networks and wireline access equipment including Efficiency metrics/KPI definition Off, standby and networked standby mode for electronic household and office equipment Eco-design standards for servers and data storage products, for mobile phones and tablets, enabling the development of the circular economy for ICT solutions Power feeding solutions based on higher DC voltage to reduce losses on the distribution cabling and innovative efficient storage solution

ETSI technical committee Environmental Engineering (EE) is responsible for defining the environmental and infrastructural aspects for all telecommunication equipment and its environment, including equipment installed in subscriber premises. Wherever possible this will be achieved by referencing existing international standards.

Environmental aspects considered include: 

climatic and biological conditions chemically and mechanically active substances mechanical conditions during storage, transportation and operation power supply issues including power distribution, earthing and bonding techniques thermal management for equipment and facilities noise emission of equipment. mechanical structure and physical design

TC EE and ITU-T SG5 are working together to develop technically aligned standards on energy efficiency, power feeding solution, circular economy and network efficiency KPI and eco-design requirement for ICT, with the aim to build an international eco-environmental standardization.

Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing committee (TC ATTM)

TC ATTM focuses on the ‘green’ needs of operational networks and sites and broadband transmission including:

developing global Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to provide users of ICT with the tools to monitor their eco-efficiency and energy management defining the networks connecting digital multi-services in cities, producing KPIs for monitoring the sustainability of broadband solutions improving our standards for transmission equipment to support the European Commission’s Eco‑design of Energy Related Products Directive supporting efficient ICT waste management (maintenance period and end of life)

Energy costs continue to rise, while broadband penetration is introducing new equipment to the network architecture. Energy consumption is therefore a major consideration affecting widespread broadband deployment.

TC ATTM defines the Energy efficiency for the general landscape of work required to address the energy consumption of all telecommunications equipment and systems. TC ATTM and CENELEC are working together on broadband implementation in Europe.

Industry Specification Group (ISG) on Operational energy Efficiency for Users (OEU)

ISG OEU is working to minimize the power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of infrastructure, utilities, equipment and software within ICT sites and networks. This includes:

the measurement of energy consumption by IT servers, storage units, broadband fixed access and mobile access, with a view to developing global KPIs the management of the end of life of ICT equipment the definition of global KPI modelling for green smart cities the description of operational tools to support and develop efficient sustainable services of smart communities


A full list of related standards in the public domain is accessible via the EE, ATTM and OEU committee pages. 

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 137680 Hits


Quantum Computing and the risk to security and privacy

The advent of large-scale quantum computing offers great promise to science and society, but brings with it a significant threat to our global information infrastructure. Public-key cryptography - widely used on the internet today - relies upon mathematical problems that are believed to be difficult to solve given the computational power available now and in the medium term.

However, popular cryptographic schemes based on these hard problems – including RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography – will be easily broken by a quantum computer. This will rapidly accelerate the obsolescence of our currently deployed security systems and will have dramatic impacts on any industry where information needs to be kept secure.

Quantum-safe cryptography refers to efforts to identify algorithms that are resistant to attacks by both classical and quantum computers, to keep information assets secure even after a large-scale quantum computer has been built.

What is at risk?

Without quantum-safe cryptography and security, all information that is transmitted on public channels now – or in the future – is vulnerable to eavesdropping. Even encrypted data that is safe against current adversaries can be stored for later decryption once a practical quantum computer becomes available. At the same time it will be no longer possible to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of transmitted information, as tampered data will go undetected. From business, ethical, and legal perspectives, this would violate the regulatory requirements for data privacy and security that are in existence today.

Our Role & Activities

Cryptanalysis and the standardization of cryptographic algorithms require significant time and effort for their security to be trusted by governments and industry. ETSI is taking a proactive approach to define the standards that will secure our information in the face of technological advance.

Quantum-safe cryptography and security is essential for:

Protecting government and military communications Securing financial and banking transactions Assuring the confidentiality of medical data and healthcare records Safeguarding the storage of personal data in the cloud Restricting access to confidential corporate networks ETSI Quantum-Safe Cryptography (QSC) working group

The ETSI Cyber Quantum Safe Cryptography (QSC) Working Group aims to assess and make recommendations for quantum-safe cryptographic primitives protocols and implementation considerations, taking into consideration both the current state of academic cryptography research and quantum algorithm research, as well as industrial requirements for real-world deployment. Our focus is on the practical implementation of quantum safe primitives, including performance considerations, implementation capabilities, protocols, benchmarking and practical architectural considerations for specific applications. Our objectives DON’T include the development of cryptographic primitives.

This group considers the security properties of the proposed algorithms and protocols along with practical considerations, such as extensible security architectures and technology switching costs, which will allow these recommendations to support a variety of industrial use cases. We make pragmatic comparisons and concrete characterizations and recommendations to assist the global technology community to select and deploy the best available quantum-safe alternatives.

To assist the community to prepare their digital systems for the quantum computers era, we published TR 103 619 defining migration strategies and recommendations for Quantum-Safe schemes, and enhancing cryptography awareness across all business sectors.


A list of related specifications in the public domain is accessible via the ETSI standards search.