Security a challenge - and opportunity - for NFV development, says ETSI
Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19326 HitsSophia Antipolis, France and Düsseldorf, 19 October 2015
Dealing with security and coordinating SDO developments are the big issues for 2016, say ETSI ISG NFV Officials at Layer123 SDN Conference.
Security in the NFV/SDN environment is one of the major challenges the industry needs to address for 2016 but it should also be seen as an enormous opportunity. It will combine analytics with the network agility enabled by NFV and SDN to improve the resilience of networks to security threats. This was one of the key messages from a range of ETSI ISG NFV personalities speaking this week at the Layer 123 SDN & OpenFlow World Congress in Düsseldorf.