Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3971 Hits

ETSI 6th MCX Plugtests event reports a success rate of 97.6%

Sophia Antipolis, 16 December 2021

ETSI is pleased to release the Report of its sixth MCX Plugtests event. Organized with the support of the European Commission, EFTA, TCCA and UIC, it was held in hybrid mode from 8 to 19 November 2021, with LTE assisted testing at University of Malaga, Spain. Vendors had the possibility to send equipment to the University of Malaga (UMA) for participating in end-to-end testing. They could use the LTE test network available on the premises and rely on the UMA experts onsite to run interoperability test sessions on the network without being present.


ETSI Top 10 Webinars in 2021 - Starring: DECT2020, Ultra-Wide Band radio technology, IPv6, MEC.

Sophia Antipolis, 8 December 2021

As 2021 comes to an end, we have selected for you our most popular webinars of the year. If you missed them, listen to the recorded presentations and their Q&A sessions, deep dive into the non-cellular 5G radio DECT2020-NR, IPv6, Multi-access Edge Computing, Open Source MANO and much more.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 6531 Hits
Press Release

ETSI Open Source MANO announces OSM Release ELEVEN

Sophia Antipolis, 7 December 2021

ETSI is pleased to announce OSM Release ELEVEN. Committed since its foundation to the alignment with ETSI standardization work, this release completes the adoption of two new ETSI NFV specifications, ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 and ETSI GS NFV-SOL007 for package formats. Standards adoption is part of the OSM vision to enable interoperability and a large and healthy NFV ecosystem. In addition, Release ELEVEN includes significant functional extensions in areas such as interoperability with public clouds, interaction with cloud-native environments and integration of network functions of different natures.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3369 Hits

ASIA PKI Consortium signs MoU with ETSI

Sophia Antipolis, 2 December 2021

During the ETSI General Assembly, ASIA PKI and ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to structure and strengthen the relationship between both organizations and foster a closer relationship.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4293 Hits

Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Sophia Antipolis, 1 December 2021

The ETSI Fellowship Programme was established to honour and reward those individuals who have made an outstanding personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or raising its reputation in specific sectors of standardization.

This year, despite the challenges we all had to face due to the unpredictable sanitary situation, we should not forget about recognizing the outstanding contribution of our members’ peers through our ETSI Fellowship Programme.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3358 Hits

ETSI NFV and MEC IOP Plugtests Report 2021 published

Sophia Antipolis, 26 November 2021

In the context of the NFV Plugtests Programme and in order to accelerate NFV and MEC adoption and interoperability, ETSI organized the NFV&MEC IOP Plugtests 2021 event from 1 to 15 October 2021. The Report of this multi-vendor interoperability (IOP) event, held remotely, is now publicly available for download. NFV and MEC overall interoperability reached a 95% to 100% success rate.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 7306 Hits
Press Release

ETSI releases first comprehensive global standard for securing smart phones

Sophia Antipolis, 24 November 2021

Today our smartphones and tablets are fundamental for citizens and hold a wide range of user data and apps. At the same time, security attacks have increased with malicious applications and network eavesdropping. To define security and assurance requirements for smart phones and tablets, mitigate potential risks and protect users, ETSI has released a world class standard called Consumer Mobile Device Protection Profile, ETSI TS 103 732. The specification identifies key security and privacy risks for user data and provides appropriate protection.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2719 Hits

Congratulations to Optare solutions, winner of the 2021 ETSI MEC Hackathon

Sophia Antipolis, 10 November 2021

Following the ETSI MEC Hackathon that took place during the Edge Computing World from 12 to 15 October, you can now discover the winner, the A Team, from Optare solutions, on the event website. The A Team presented the “flex drone concept”, edge AI autonomous drone flights, compliant with ETSI MEC standards.

Press Release

ETSI NFV Release 5 kicks off with increased support for cloud-enabled deployments

Sophia Antipolis, 9 November 2021

The ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) has started working on its next specification release, known as "Release 5”, officially kicking off the new Release technical work after their September meeting.

The Release 5 work program is expected to drive ETSI NFV’s work into two main directions: consolidating the NFV framework and expanding its applicability and functionality set. On the one hand, some aspects of the NFV concepts and functionalities that have been addressed in previous Releases, but need additional work, will be further developed in Release 5. For instance, based on development, deployment experience and feedback collected during testing events such as the “NFV/MEC Plugtests”, additional work on VNF configuration was deemed necessary. Another example is the more detailed specification work related to fault management modelling which aims at further defining faults and alarms information to improve interoperability during network operations, in particular for root cause analysis and fault resolution in multi-vendor environments.

Press Release

World’s first non-cellular 5G technology, ETSI DECT-2020, gets ITU-R approval, setting example of new era connectivity

Sophia Antipolis, 19 October 2021

ETSI DECT-2020 NR, the world’s first non-cellular 5G technology standard, has been recognized by the WP5D of the International Telecommunication Union’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and included as part of the 5G standards in IMT-2020 technology recommendation. Dr. Günter Kleindl, Chair of the ETSI Technical Committee DECT, says: “With our traditional DECT standard we already received IMT-2000 approval by ITU-R twenty-one years ago, but the requirements for 5G were so much higher, that we had to develop a completely new, but compatible, radio standard.” Released last year, the standard sets an example of future connectivity: the infrastructure-less and autonomous, decentralized technology is designed for massive IoT networks for enterprises. It has no single points of failure and is accessible to anyone, costing only a fraction of the cellular networks both in dollars and in carbon footprint.