Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24199 Hits
Press Release

Sophia Antipolis, 2 June 2015

Disaster situations often require additional emergency communications networks to be set up locally to enable responders (e.g. medical, rescue, care etc.) to coordinate their operations more effectively in the disaster area. To set up these networks efficiently, a standardized basis for estimating the capacity and other characteristics for communications by responders is highly desirable. This basis could then be used by many organizations including satellite network operators, equipment manufacturers and responders for design and development of systems, equipment and applications, not only for voice and data but also multimedia services.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 21445 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 26 May 2015

On 28 April, the Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI) signed a cooperation agreement with ETSI, strengthening relations after the establishment of a first Letter of Intent to cooperate with ETSI in November 2014. Collaboration between the two standards organizations now happens at the level of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) initiative where TSDSI is a full member. GSC fosters cooperation among standards organizations from different regions of the world to facilitate the exchange of information on standards development, build synergies and reduce duplication of work.

Posted by Yvette Pachoud 31187 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 7 May 2015

2,500 lives per year expected to be saved throughout Europe with eCall

On 28 April 2015, the European Parliament adopted the legislation on eCall type approval requirements and made it mandatory for all new models of cars to be equipped with eCall technology from 31 March 2018 onward.


Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2015

Collaboration to Help Ensure Secure Telecommunications Infrastructure and Mobile Services

The Trusted Computing Group and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute announced today that they recently agreed to collaborate on the development of international standards for a secure global telecommunications infrastructure.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20443 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 April 2015

IP6 Industry Specification Group to help stakeholders adopt IPv6 and anticipate IPv4 address exhaustion

ETSI’s newly established IP6 Industry Specification Group (ISG), created to focus on better IPv6 integration and deployment, held its kickoff meeting on 22-23 April at ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France.