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Press Release

ETSI releases White Paper on the role of standards for ICT to mitigate the impact of a pandemic

Sophia Antipolis, 28 May 2020

Today, ETSI unveils a new white paper, written by the officials of the ETSI EP eHealth group, highlighting the role of standards developing organizations (SDOs) in developing standards for ICT to mitigate the impact of a pandemic. COVID-19 is not a mild pandemic, it is a serious, often lethal, health condition, the impact of which is seriously detrimental to social and economic life across the world. The ETSI paper acts to identify a "call to arms" to standards bodies and their constituent members to ensure that when the next pandemic arrives, we can rely on greater harmonization of the supply chain.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 16288 Hits
2 arms shaking hand in front of group of people

ETSI signs MoUs with Khronos and OARC for Augmented Reality

Liaison agreements strengthen the outreach of the ETSI group on AR

Sophia Antipolis, 3 June 2020

ETSI has signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with the Khronos® Group and OARC (Open AR Cloud Association) to allow the exchange of views and expertise between ETSI and both organizations to further develop interoperability of AR components, systems and services necessary to enable a thriving ecosystem with a diverse range of technologies and solution providers.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 16043 Hits
Person in front of PC with pen and blocknote and security lock in the foreground

ETSI Security Week 2020 goes virtual!

Sophia Antipolis, 18 May 2020

From 8-19 June, nearly 50 security experts will walk you through the latest updates and challenges of four different key topics around cybersecurity: how to deploy 5G securely, the Cybersecurity Act, insights into the new Smart Secure Platform and advanced cryptography. High level executives from global telco operators, vendors, academia, security organizations such as ENISA or the National Cyber Security Center, other standards bodies such as GSMA or 3GPP, to name a few, will unfold their presentations, ready to answer your questions as the event goes on.

Written STOP with virus crossed out
Press Release

New ETSI group to develop standardization framework for secure smartphone-based proximity tracing systems, helping to break COVID-19 transmission chains

Sophia Antipolis, 12 May 2020

In response to the global coronavirus pandemic, the new ETSI Industry Specification Group “Europe for Privacy-Preserving Pandemic Protection” (ISG E4P) has been established to provide a standardization framework that will enable developers to build interoperable mobile apps for proximity detection and anonymous identification.

Traffice with cars, trains, planes, bikes etc.

Second ETSI C-V2X interoperability test event, remote, to connect vehicles in Europe and in the rest of the world

Register now for this remote event!

Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2020

ETSI, in partnership with the 5GAA, is organizing the second “Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything” (C-V2X) PlugtestsTM event. It will be held remotely, from 20 to 31 July 2020. ETSI has recently setup a remote lab for all participants, it leverages the ETSI Hub for Interoperability and Validation (HIVE) to interconnect participants’ labs and allow for multi-party interoperability testing.

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ETSI launches remote PlugtestsTM Programme for Mission Critical Services to accelerate adoption and interoperability

Sophia Antipolis, 28 April 2020

To accelerate Mission Critical Services (MCS) adoption and interoperability, a key enabler to MCS deployment, ETSI is running an innovative MCX PlugtestsTM Programme. Testing sessions will also benefit from the latest ETSI specification, ETSI TS 103 564, on Plugtests scenarios for Mission Critical Services.

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ETSI launches new webinars on AI, Non IP Networking, Augmented Reality, and more to come

Sophia Antipolis, 22 April 2020

In this unprecedented situation where face-to-face meetings are being postponed or cancelled, ETSI has increased the number of its webinars on the ETSI BrightTalk channel, which now comprises more than 10,000 subscribers.


Artificial Intelligence for networks: understanding it through ETSI ENI use cases and architecture

Sophia Antipolis, 20 April 2020

On 17 April, ETSI officials from the Experiential Network Intelligence group (ISG ENI) gave a webinar entitled Artificial Intelligence for networks: understanding it through ETSI ENI use cases. This webinar attracted more than 150 online attendees including operators, vendors, research institutions, and international standards development organizations.

Text: Digital evidence with man pushing icons like lock, red security guard, clouds on screen
Press Release

ETSI releases standard for cyber digital evidence bag to confirm integrity of data in legal proceedings

Sophia Antipolis, 21 April 2020

The ETSI Technical Committee CYBER has recently released a key standard for digital evidence bag (DEB). ETSI TS 103 643 covers “techniques for assurance of digital material used in legal proceedings” and provides a set of extra tools for those wanting to demonstrate the integrity of digital evidence.

24/7 support, man touching screen with @, envelope and telephone

Confinement: how ETSI helps its members and staff to work remotely round the world

Sophia Antipolis, 15 April 2020

With over 200 e-Meetings organized by ETSI and 3GPP technical groups in March (with up to 300 participants per meeting!) and with the entire ETSI staff now working remotely, the ETSI IT department has stepped up to ensure that all core standardization activities can continue to run smoothly during the COVID-19 lockdown. Even if the situation we are in is exceptional, e-Meetings are not new to ETSI groups. The ETSI IT department has been able to lean on their established business continuity plan to adapt and up-scale our online services, in these unusual times.