Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 13685 Hits
Image of ETSI executive's and Huawei team

Welcome to Sophia Antipolis technology park!

Sophia Antipolis, 7 January 2019

We would like to wish Huawei well as they settle in to their Research centre, opened in 2013 and located just a few minutes away from ETSI’s Sophia Antipolis headquarters.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 23277 Hits
Image showing man with PC sitting on cube
Press Release

ETSI launches new Industry Specification Group on blockchain

Sophia Antipolis, 18 December 2018

Permissioned Distributed Ledger

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group on Permissioned Distributed Ledger (ISG PDL).

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 9243 Hits
Image showing person looking at news

ETSI’s Director General issues public statement on IPR policy

Sophia Antipolis, 3 December 2018

During ETSI’s 72nd General Assembly, 27-28 November, Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI’s Director General reminded ETSI’s position regarding its IPR policy and IPR Guide.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 8433 Hits
Image showing newly elected ETSI officials
Press Release

New governance for ETSI’s General Assembly and IPR committee

Sophia Antipolis, 29 November 2018

Diversity, experience and inclusiveness

The 72nd ETSI’s General Assembly came to a close today with a newly elected governance and new partnerships bringing diversity, experience and inclusiveness, values that prove to be important to ETSI’s members and the organization as a whole.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 11258 Hits
Press Release

ETSI releases specification and reports on next generation IP Protocols

Sophia Antipolis, 27 November 2018

to support the new 5G services

ETSI group on Next Generation Protocol (ISG NGP) has just released a new specification and reports to optimize the performance, efficiency, and scalability of new services proposed for 5G such as network slicing or ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 11954 Hits
Image showing Hacker with PC and USB key
Press Release

ETSI releases standards for enterprise security and data centre management

Sophia Antipolis, 5 November 2018

eTLS was created by industry, for industry

ETSI Technical Committee CYBER has recently released a Middlebox Security Protocol specification, Profile For Enterprise Network and Data Centre Access Control, TS 103 523-3, known as Enterprise TLS or “eTLS”.