
Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1675 Hits
ETSI Fellows 2024

Sophia Antipolis, 11 June 2024

ETSI, the Standards People, are putting high emphasis on enhancing education to help prepare the next generation of standards professionals master tech standardization.

The European standardization organization provides a comprehensive set of high-quality educational materials on ICT standardization aimed at universities, NSOs and member organizations for training purposes. This comprises a textbook on ‘Understanding ICT Standardization’ which is complemented by a modular slide set allowing components to be used in a range of engineering, business, and law courses.

ETSI is pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Utrecht University Summer School on ‘Global Power and Technology’ covering ‘Competition, Innovation & Technological Advancement through Standardization in the EU’, taking place on 15-19 July 2024 in the Netherlands.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3691 Hits
ETSI Fellows 2024

Sophia Antipolis, 18 April 2024

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2024 ETSI Fellows who were announced at the 83rd ETSI General Assembly on 16 April 2024.
The Award Committee, composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairs, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General, unanimously named Dr. Howard Benn, Mr. Philippe Magneron, Dr. Matthias Schneider, Mrs. Isabelle Valet Harper and Mr. Dirk Weiler, as ETSI Fellows 2024 for their outstanding personal contributions to the organization.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 920 Hits
In Memory of Thomas HAUG

Sophia Antipolis, 02 January 2024
*This article was updated with additional details on January 4, 2024.

In Memory of Thomas Haug 

All at ETSI are saddened to hear of the passing on December 9, 2023 of one of the great early champions of European mobile communications. Thomas Haug made a massive contribution to the work that led to the creation of ETSI in 1988, as one of the leaders in the Nordic project for cellular communication (NMT) and Chair of the CEPT* GSM group.

ETSI Open Source MANO announces Release FIFTEEN

Sophia Antipolis, 21 December 2023

The ETSI Open Source MANO community is proud to announce OSM Release FIFTEEN, meeting the well-established cadence of two releases per year. The OSM community delivers one Long Term Support (LTS) and one regular release every year, to ensure the OSM user base is provided with continuous innovations and production-ready stability.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5345 Hits
ETSI's Committee on Securing AI Decides on New Work

Sophia Antipolis, 7 December 2023 

In order to have the capability to directly contribute to standardization requests, which may include, but not limited to, the future AI Act, Cybersecurity Resilience Act and NIS2, it was decided to transfer the SAI Industry Specification Group into a Technical Committee.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5108 Hits
Pledge to Future Standardization Professionals

Sophia Antipolis, 30 November 2023

On 28 November, the ETSI General Assembly announced the appointment of a diverse group of 27 board members to serve a new three-year term. Dr. Markus Mueck, Intel Deutschland GmbH, was elected as the new Chair while Mr. Nick Sampson, Orange, Dr. Colin Willcock, Nokia and Dr. Thomas Zielke, BMWK (Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) were elected as Vice Chairs during the board meeting on 30 November.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10071 Hits
3GPP Commits to Develop 6G Specifications

As the project celebrates the 25th anniversary of the signing of the 3GPP Project Agreement, the 3GPP Organizational Partners have today issued the following joint press release.

Sophia Antipolis, 4 December 2023

With its work on 3G, 4G and 5G specifications used by billions of communications services consumers globally, 3GPP stands ready to create the 6G future.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3997 Hits
Pledge to Future Standardization Professionals

Sophia Antipolis, 30 November 2023

ETSI proudly announces its commitment to fostering the education and skills development of the next generation of European standardization professionals. This initiative is part of a voluntary pledge which ETSI’s Director-General Luis Jorge Romero signed today in Brussels in the presence of the Commissioner for Internal Market of the European Union, Thierry Breton. It was launched by the European Commission’s High-Level Forum on European Standardization, specifically under the workstream on Education and Skills.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4455 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 November 2023

The Report of the eight MCX Plugtests™ event that took place from 9 October to 13 October 2023 at University of Malaga (UMA) is now available. The Report shows a success rate of 95% interoperability of the 3GPP mission critical services executed tests.  

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4251 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 19 October 2023

ETSI’s well-known Security Conference came to a close today with nearly 250 onsite attendees from 29 countries. This year’s event focused on security research and global security standards in action, considering broader aspects such as attracting the next generation of cybersecurity standardization professionals and supporting SMEs.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3706 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 16 October 2023

The ETSI’s 8th MCX (mission-critical) Plugtests event concluded last week at the University of Malaga. The event received support from the European Union (EU), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), EUTC (European Utilities Telecom Council) and the International Union of Railways (UIC).

Sophia Antipolis, 20 September 2023

ETSI has published a new standard on “Requirements for trust service providers issuing publicly trusted S/MIME certificates” (ETSI TS 119 411-6 ) helping Trust Service Providers comply with new standards for S/MIME certificates that are enforced since 1 September 2023. Secure MIME (S/MIME) certificates are used to sign, verify, encrypt, and decrypt email messages. 

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 6325 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2023

Following a cyberattack observed on ETSI portal, the IT system dedicated to its members’ work, the ETSI IT team worked in close collaboration with the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) to investigate and repair the information systems. The vulnerability on which the attack was based has been fixed.

Sophia Antipolis, 7 July 2023

The new edition of the ETSI IoT Conference, IoT Technologies for Green and Digital Transformation, ended on 6 July, highlighting through use cases and demonstrations how IoT standards can be real enablers in achieving the green and digital transformation. The programme is available here and the very stimulating presentations from our 54 international speakers are available here.

Sophia Antipolis, 3 July 2023

ETSI is starting today its 3rd FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Plugtests™ event. GSM-R is one of the main standards for railway telecommunication services. It is developed and maintained by the ETSI Technical Committee Railway Telecommunications. With the increased need for more throughput, higher capacity and flexible deployment options, FRMCS is being developed based on 3GPP Mission Critical Services.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2290 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 June 2023

On 21 June, a panel debate on ‘30 years of Standards for the Single Market: what way ahead?’ brought together the key stakeholders of the European standardization system. Reflecting on the role of standards in the first 30 years of the Single Market, panelists also discussed challenges ahead in the current geopolitical context.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5018 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 April 2023

Organized on 30 March as a hybrid event in ETSI facilities, France, the ETSI Summit on how ICT developments and standards can enable sustainability and have a positive impact on society, focused on the key role of the ICT industry and related standardization activities to support Green initiatives. The event brought a large and global audience of over 220 stakeholders including operators, solution providers, policy makers and standards bodies or fora working on the topic.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4340 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 31 March 2023

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2023 ETSI Fellows who were announced at the 81th ETSI General Assembly on 29 March. The award ceremony took place in the Fernand Leger museum, in Biot, near ETSI facilities in the South of France where art, science and technology mixed beautifully. Scott Cadzow, Hans Johansson and Robert Sarfati were unanimously nominated as ETSI Fellows for their outstanding personal contributions to the organization by the Award committee, composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairs, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3831 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 14 March 2023

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of ETSI NFV, ETSI organized a conference on the “Evolution of NFV towards the next decade” on 6 and 7 March at its facilities. The face-to-face event provided a unique opportunity for the NFV community to reflect on their achievements in the past 10 years and on the way forward. Carriers, vendors, SDOs representatives, and stakeholders from the whole ecosystem came together to debate on challenges and opportunities. They also addressed how to increase the cooperation between various SDOs and the open-source communities to enhance interoperability and to smooth the deployment of cloudified network telecom functions.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3360 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 10 March 2023

ETSI has just published the Report of the fifth NG112 remote Plugtests™ event, documenting an overall success rate of 100% of the executed tests carried out during the testing sessions. The interoperability event was organized in cooperation with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA), from 23 January to 3 February 2023 with the support of the ETSI Technical Committee Emergency telecommunications.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2228 Hits

Testing end-to-end service configuration of Millimetre Wave network devices in a Software Defined network using NETCONF

Sophia Antipolis, 8 March 2023

ETSI has organized the fourth millimetre Wave Transmission (mWT) Software Defined Networking (SDN) Plugtests™ event from 20 to 24 February 2023. The event took place at the ETSI headquarters, in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2654 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 March 2023

The ETSI group on Encrypted Traffic Integration (ISG ETI) is pleased to announce the release of the group report GR-ETI-002 “Requirements definition and analysis”, the next step for the problems previously outlined in the report GR-ETI-001 “Problem Statement”.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2202 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 February 2023

During the 17th meeting of ETSI’s Securing AI Industry Specification Group, Scott Cadzow from Cadzow Communications, was elected as the new Chair.

His vision is to confirm ISG SAI as the European Union’s and Standards Development Organizations’ centre of excellence in the topic of securing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

AI is, or is likely to become, endemic. All reasonably complex software will eventually include AI elements and he is convinced that ETSI is well placed to become thought leader on the role of AI and, particularly, the role of standards for AI, addressing the challenges to standardization of the forthcoming AI Act.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3592 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 16 February 2023

The 9th face-to-face ETSI-IQC Quantum-Safe Cryptography event this week attracted a large audience of nearly 200 people from Europe, North America and Asia, bringing together industry, academia and government. The event was kicked off by ETSI Director-General Luis Jorge Romero, who gave an overview of the quantum-safe standardization journey since the first workshop in 2013 and reiterated ETSI’s continued support for this important global effort.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1718 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 10 February 2023

With more than 170 face-to-face attendees, coming from 30 countries, the three day ETSI conference on Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through Standardization came to a close on 8 February. The event provided a unique opportunity for the research community to come together with industry representatives and standardization experts to discuss future technology research and building stronger links to standardization.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2053 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 8 February 2023

On 7 February, the European Standards Organizations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 7th annual conference. The hybrid conference took place at the Brussels Renaissance Hotel and focused on “European Standardization in support of the EU cybersecurity legislation”.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2756 Hits

New Extension for Disabled People to the ETSI Mobile Emergency App Framework

Sophia Antipolis, 16 January 2023

The ETSI emergency communications technical committee has just released a specification for a Pan-European Mobile Emergency Application framework (PEMEA) Real-Time Text Extension. Real-Time Text (RTT) communications are used extensively by people with hearing and speech disabilities around the world. These systems convey letters as they are typed from the source to the destination.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2143 Hits

A successful European Standardization System

Sophia Antipolis, 20 December 2022

The European standardization system is a global success story. After the release of the European Standardization Strategy in 2022, it became clear that the work of standardization was growing in its role as an integral tool of the European Single Market.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1927 Hits

ETSI Mission Critical testing event reports a 96% success rate

Sophia Antipolis, 16 December 2022

The capabilities of Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT), Mission Critical Data (MCData) and Mission Critical Video (MCVideo) – together abbreviated as MCX services – were tested during the seventh MCX Plugtests™ from 07 November to 11 November 2022 at the University of Malaga (UMA). The MCX ETSI Plugtests series is the first independent testing of public safety and other mission critical services over LTE and 5G networks.

ETSI OSM launches Release THIRTEEN with a new scalable architecture for massive closed-loop operations

Sophia Antipolis, 15 December 2022

The ETSI Open Source MANO community is proud to announce OSM Release THIRTEEN, meeting the already established cadence of two releases per year, alternating between Long Term Support (LTS) releases such as Release TWELVE (2 years’ support) and Standard releases (6 months support).

ETSI TeraFlowSDN Wins Layer123 Network Transformation ‘Upstart of the Year’ Award

Sophia Antipolis, 7 December 2022

The ETSI TeraFlowSDN group (ETSI TFS), launched only six months ago, has won the ‘Upstart of the Year’ award at the Layer123 Network Transformation Awards ceremony, held at the prestigious Berkley Hotel in Knightsbridge, London, last night. This award also recognizes the ETSI strategy to provide new software development tools and practices to an evolving standardization ecosystem.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2235 Hits

ETSI workshop: improving Quality of Emerging Services for Speech and Audio

Sophia Antipolis, 23 November 2022

The ETSI STQ (Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality) Workshop that took place on 21-22 November 2022 in Bratislava (Slovakia) was hosted by Amazon. It focused on a user-centred perspective of the Quality of Emerging Services for Speech and Audio.

The event was attended by organizations providing a rich mix of inputs and perspectives from industry, regulators, and academia. Through presentations, discussions and professional networking, this STQ Workshop demonstrated a very high level of engagement by all participants, with stimulating interaction among all speakers and the audience.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2301 Hits

ETSI General Assembly elects new Chair and Vice Chair

Sophia Antipolis, 1 December 2022

On 29 and 30 November, ETSI held its 80th General Assembly in Sophia-Antipolis, France. The agenda included the election of a new Chair and two Vice Chairs. The evening dinner, held at the prestigious Negresco hotel in Nice on the first night of the assembly, saw the celebration of the ETSI Fellowship Award Ceremony, honouring Members for their outstanding contributions to the Institute.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1853 Hits

ETSI signs MoU with the OpenID Foundation

Sophia Antipolis, 25 October 2022

ETSI and the OpenID Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 12 September to contribute to the establishment of a global information infrastructure.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3416 Hits

ETSI signs MoU with the French organization for railway standardization

Sophia Antipolis, 24 October 2022

ETSI and the Bureau de normalisation ferroviaire (BNF), the French organization for railway standardization, have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding to structure and strengthen their relationship.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1531 Hits

ETSI organizes the first TeraFlowSDN Hackfest during Network X in Amsterdam

Sophia Antipolis, 21 October 2022

ETSI organized the first TeraFlowSDN Hackfest during the Network X event in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on 20 October. With the support of the European Commission (EC) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) the Hackfest brought together 25 developers eager to get a first hands-one experience with the software developed by TeraFlowSDN, the open source group created by ETSI in May this year.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1378 Hits

ETSI Event: How to teach the Next Generation of ICT Standards People

Sophia Antipolis, 12 October 2022

On 6 October, ETSI organized its first workshop dedicated to present the full teaching material for ICT standardization, available from our website. The ETSI education about standardization programme started in 2016. This event was addressed to educators at university level and professionals. The audience comprised national standards organizations, university professors and Intellectual Property experts.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2832 Hits

ETSI IoT week highlights how ICT standards can help sustainability

Sophia Antipolis, 17 October 2022

Last week ETSI hosted the 2022 ETSI IoT Week event, focused on “Pursuing the Digital and Green Transformation”. 52 speakers from industry, research, universities, cities and other SDOs demonstrated, with concrete examples, how ICT standards can help reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Green Deal to an audience from 22 countries around the world.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4918 Hits

ETSI releases new Report on IPv6-based Blockchain

Sophia Antipolis, 31 August 2022

ETSI has just released ETSI GR IPE 012, a new IPv6 Enhanced innovation (IPE) Group Report “IPv6-based Blockchain”. The report outlines how IPv6 can be utilized by blockchain networks to secure direct peer-to-peer payments between end users, as well as the potential future role of IPv6 as vital infrastructure, supporting the blockchain.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2692 Hits

Testing of trustworthy systems. Register now for the ETSI UCAAT event!

Sophia Antipolis, 25 July 2022

The well-established UCAAT event addresses the practical challenges of testing and test automation faced by industry today. UCAAT 2022 will be hosted by Siemens in Munich on 13-15 September. Registration is now open. Join us!

ETSI eSignature testing event helps industry to comply with EU regulation

Sophia Antipolis, 22 July 2022

With the eIDAS Regulation, European Union Member States have put in place the necessary technical means to process electronically signed documents that are required when using an online service offered by, or on behalf of, a public sector body. In order to ensure that the cross-border dimension works in practice, testing needs to be done to mutually check Member States’ signatures against their existing digital signature validation applications.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3426 Hits

ETSI releases new specification on Quality of Service for F5G

Sophia Antipolis, 20 June 2022

The ETSI's 5th-Generation Fixed Network group (F5G ISG) has released a new specification, ETSI GS F5G 005 on “High-Quality Service Experience Factors”. This specification studies the end-to-end Quality of Experience (QoE) factors for services over the broadband network. High QoE reflects the overall performance of services from the end user's perspective. It also analyses the general factors that impact service performance and identifies the overall high-QoE dimensions for each service, mainly using Virtual Reality (VR) as a benchmark for F5G applications.

Sophia Antipolis, 13 June 2022

The 2nd FRMCS PlugtestsTM event, organized remotely by ETSI with the support of the European Commission, EFTA, TCCA and UIC from 16 to 20 May 2022, has concluded with a success rate of 95% of the executed tests.

ETSI Plugtests events are essential to ensure seamless access to mission critical services across different vendors’ products and implementations. The MCX ETSI Plugtests series is the first independent testing of public safety and other mission critical LTE services. The MCX services are the basis for the Future Rail Mobile Communications System (FRMCS), and tests are based on the MCX (collectively for MCPTT, MCVideo and MCData services) framework.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1590 Hits

ECSO and ETSI renew Memorandum of Understanding

Sophia Antipolis, 10 June 2022

ECSO and ETSI are pleased to strengthen their relationship and foster a close co-operation in the field of cybersecurity and standardization.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2120 Hits

ETSI ISG IPE releases the latest IPv6 Enhanced innovation Report

Sophia Antipolis, 9 June 2022

Facilitating IPv6-based Network-Cloud Convergence

ETSI has just published a new Group Report (GR), ETSI GR IPE 002, entitled “IPv6 based Data Centres, Network and Cloud Integration”“IPv6 based Data Centres, Network and Cloud Integration”. Developed by the ETSI IPv6 enhanced group (ISG IPE), this Report comprehensively illustrates Network-Cloud convergence architecture and the requirements to the underlying network. In addition, it highlights the role of IPv6 and its enhanced features in Network-Cloud convergence.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1190 Hits

ITU, UN Environment Programme and ETSI celebrate the EU Green Week

Sophia Antipolis, 8 June 2022

On 1 June 2022, during the EU Green Week, ITU in collaboration with UN Environment Programme and ETSI organized a Workshop on “Global Digital ICT Product Passport to achieve a Circular Economy”. Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director-General and Malcolm Johnson​, Deputy Secretary General, ITU gave the opening remarks.

ETSI provides lectures to the University of Luxembourg on standardization for their Master’s course

Sophia Antipolis, 1 June 2022

Continuing our role in encouraging the new generation of standards people, ETSI has recently provided online lectures to the University of Luxembourg. A series of 6 presentations for students following the MTECH Master degree project "Technopreneurship: mastering smart ICT, standardization and digital trust for enabling next generation of ICT solutions". The first post-graduates from this course will receive their degrees at the end of 2022.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2047 Hits

Bureau of Indian Standards signs MoU with ETSI

Sophia Antipolis, 16 May 2022

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), India’s national standards body, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the European standards body ETSI with a common objective to perform & promote international standardization, which will benefit both by adopting a complimentary approach to the standardization, fostering closer cooperation, and further strengthening their relationship.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2317 Hits

ETSI selected for special Research session at 2022 EuCNC & 6G Summit

Sophia Antipolis, 11 May 2022

ETSI is pleased to have been selected for a special session at 2022 EuCNC & 6G Summit, on 9 June 2022 in Grenoble, France. Entitled Research results impacting B5G and 6G through Standardization, it will be jointly chaired by Markus Mueck, Chair of the ETSI board RISE (Research, Innovation and Standards Ecosystem) group, and Riccardo Trivisonno, Chair of 6G-IA Pre-Standardization Working Group. The latter represents industry in the novel Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS-JU) which is Europe’s key funding framework for future 6G and related technology.

ENISA and ETSI joint workshop tackles challenges for European identity proofing

Sophia Antipolis, 3 May 2022

Today ENISA (the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) and ETSI organized a workshop as part of their joint effort and collaboration to support EU requirements for identity proofing. The event was mainly addressed at EU companies and other public or academic organizations that run or prepare to launch their remote ID solution.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3212 Hits

ETSI C-V2X Plugtests event achieves a 93% interoperability success rate

Sophia Antipolis, 21 April 2022

The 3rd ETSI C-V2X PlugtestsTM event, held in partnership with 5GAA and hosted by DEKRA from 28 March to 1st April, achieved a success rate of 93% of the executed tests, showing an extremely positive level of multi-vendor interoperability. 226 test scenarios were executed in a laboratory and outdoor environment for interoperability, with 80 people from 25 companies participating in onsite and remote testing. All results are available in the newly released Report.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1875 Hits

ETSI unveils 2022 Fellows rewarding outstanding personal contribution

Sophia Antipolis, 6 April 2022

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2022 ETSI Fellows. The Award committee, composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairs, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General, unanimously nominated Dr. Diego López, Dr. Günter Kleindl, Mr. Larry Taylor and Mr. Lindsay Cornell as ETSI Fellows for their outstanding personal contributions to the organization.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2722 Hits

Newly launched C-V2X service demonstrated at ETSI Plugtests event

Sophia Antipolis, 31 March 2022

Today at the 3rd ETSI C‑V2X PLUGTESTSTM interoperability event, held in partnership with 5GAA and hosted by DEKRA, Vodafone has demonstrated a new C-V2X platform designed to connect road users directly with transport authorities, enabling safety information, hazard warnings and traffic updates to be shared with users in real-time. Announced yesterday, the new C-V2X platform is based on ETSI TC ITS and 3GPP mobile communication standards. Vodafone plans to launch the platform within its own Vodafone Automotive apps later this year.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1596 Hits

ETSI extends its ecosystem for the twin transition with new partners

Sophia Antipolis, 29 March 2022

Today, ETSI’s General Assembly has approved two new Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with Direct Trust and FIDO and two cooperation agreements with the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) and Information Technology Industry Council’s (ITI) The Green Grid (TGG).

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1289 Hits

ETSI celebrates International Women’s Day

Sophia Antipolis, 8 March 2022

Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness are key pillars of the ETSI community. ETSI is committed to help raise awareness of the value of gender diversity and we wanted to highlight the people behind our standards: #TheStandardsPeople.

To start this campaign and to mark International Women’s Day, we dedicate the month of March to showcase our female contributors.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3612 Hits

ETSI 6th MCX Plugtests event reports a success rate of 97.6%

Sophia Antipolis, 16 December 2021

ETSI is pleased to release the Report of its sixth MCX Plugtests event. Organized with the support of the European Commission, EFTA, TCCA and UIC, it was held in hybrid mode from 8 to 19 November 2021, with LTE assisted testing at University of Malaga, Spain. Vendors had the possibility to send equipment to the University of Malaga (UMA) for participating in end-to-end testing. They could use the LTE test network available on the premises and rely on the UMA experts onsite to run interoperability test sessions on the network without being present.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1829 Hits

PKI Consortium signs MoU with ETSI

Sophia Antipolis, 1 February 2022

On 26 January PKI Consortium and ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to structure and strengthen the relationship between both organizations and foster a closer relationship.

ETSI Top 10 Webinars in 2021 - Starring: DECT2020, Ultra-Wide Band radio technology, IPv6, MEC.

Sophia Antipolis, 8 December 2021

As 2021 comes to an end, we have selected for you our most popular webinars of the year. If you missed them, listen to the recorded presentations and their Q&A sessions, deep dive into the non-cellular 5G radio DECT2020-NR, IPv6, Multi-access Edge Computing, Open Source MANO and much more.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2887 Hits

ASIA PKI Consortium signs MoU with ETSI

Sophia Antipolis, 2 December 2021

During the ETSI General Assembly, ASIA PKI and ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to structure and strengthen the relationship between both organizations and foster a closer relationship.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3941 Hits

Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Sophia Antipolis, 1 December 2021

The ETSI Fellowship Programme was established to honour and reward those individuals who have made an outstanding personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or raising its reputation in specific sectors of standardization.

This year, despite the challenges we all had to face due to the unpredictable sanitary situation, we should not forget about recognizing the outstanding contribution of our members’ peers through our ETSI Fellowship Programme.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2945 Hits

ETSI NFV and MEC IOP Plugtests Report 2021 published

Sophia Antipolis, 26 November 2021

In the context of the NFV Plugtests Programme and in order to accelerate NFV and MEC adoption and interoperability, ETSI organized the NFV&MEC IOP Plugtests 2021 event from 1 to 15 October 2021. The Report of this multi-vendor interoperability (IOP) event, held remotely, is now publicly available for download. NFV and MEC overall interoperability reached a 95% to 100% success rate.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2504 Hits

Congratulations to Optare solutions, winner of the 2021 ETSI MEC Hackathon

Sophia Antipolis, 10 November 2021

Following the ETSI MEC Hackathon that took place during the Edge Computing World from 12 to 15 October, you can now discover the winner, the A Team, from Optare solutions, on the event website. The A Team presented the “flex drone concept”, edge AI autonomous drone flights, compliant with ETSI MEC standards.

ETSI releases two Technical Reports to support US NIST standards for post-quantum cryptography

Sophia Antipolis, 6 October 2021

In 2016 the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced their intention to develop new standards for post-quantum cryptography. They subsequently initiated a competition-like standardization process with a call for proposals for quantum-safe digital signatures, public-key encryption schemes, and key encapsulation mechanisms. NIST have stated that they intend to select quantum-safe schemes for standardization at the end of the current, third round of evaluation.


Sophia Antipolis, 29 September 2021

Industrial data has become one of the top strategic priorities for European and international industry in the recent years. Well managed and duly exploited, industrial data bring a significant competitive edge to businesses and can greatly improve overall efficiency, be it by supporting core processes or by providing a new source of insights.

In this data-driven era, industrial data play an essential role in building the foundation of the next wave of digitization in Europe. For this reason, it is key to the success of a harmonized Single Market and European competitiveness in the global market, but also for the success of the twin transition (green and digital) at the heart of the EU policy agenda.

Listen to ETSI webinar: “IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era"

Sophia Antipolis, 17 September 2021

ETSI has successfully held two webinars on ‘IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-Only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era’ on 13 September. They are available at the following locations:

Part 1:;

Part 2:

Ten experts from government institutions, operators, manufacturers and research institutes, shared their vision and the progress made to date within ETSI ISG (Industry Specification Group) IPE (IPv6 Enhanced innovation).


Draft of ETSI Coordinated vulnerability disclosure guide available for public comments

Sophia Antipolis, 24 August 2021

ETSI will soon release a Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. Before publication, it made the draft publicly available for comments. Please send your feedback by 15 September to the technical committee CYBER at 

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4180 Hits

Testing to the edge: join us at our virtual UCAAT 2021

Sophia Antipolis, 16 August 2021

The automation of test processes is proven to increase productivity and product quality. The global pandemic has increased the demands on various IT systems and services in terms of interoperability, scalability and adaptability, making test automation even more critical for the delivery of agile solutions in uncertain times.

To tackle these challenges, ETSI is organizing the 8th User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) as a virtual conference on 19-21 October.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5680 Hits

ETSI FRMCS Plugtests Report now available

Sophia Antipolis, 5 July 2021

ETSI, with the support of the European Commission (EC), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA) and the Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC), released its Report following the FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Plugtests remote-only event which took place from 14 to 18 June 2021.


Homage to Pierre Laffitte, founder of Sophia-Antipolis and former Senator

Sophia Antipolis, 8 July 2021

We were very sad to hear that Pierre Laffitte passed away on 7 July, at the age of 96. President and founder of the Sophia-Antipolis technopole, a scientist and politician, he has spent countless hours contributing to making Sophia-Antipolis the largest technopole in Europe.


ETSI's Director-General speaks of the future of railway mobile communication systems at COIT event

Sophia Antipolis, 28 June 2021

On 23 June, as part of the commemoration of the European Year of Rail, the COIT Smart Railways Working Group conducted an online session to publicise the features and advantages of the FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System). This system will replace the current GSM-R and technologically mark the next decades of a means of transport that is living its best moment.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5260 Hits

ETSI unveils 2021 Fellows rewarding outstanding personal contribution.

Sophia Antipolis, 22 April 2021

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2021 ETSI Fellows. The Award committee composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairs, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General, nominated Dr. Gabrielle Owen, Mr. Charles Brookson, Ms. Nurit Sprecher, Dr.- Ing.Hans Wilhelm Gierlich and Dr. Jamshid Khun-Jush and  Mr. Anthony Wiles as ETSI fellows for their outstanding personal contribution to ETSI.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 9177 Hits

ETSI NFV and MEC API 2021 testing event Report now available

Sophia Antipolis, 16 April 2021

The ETSI NFV&MEC API Plugtests™ 2021 event, which ran remotely during the whole month of February, allowed participants to self-evaluate the conformance of their API server implementations with network function virtualization and multi-access edge computing API specifications. The event allowed also to validate and gather feedback on ETSI NFV and MEC API and Conformance Testing Specifications, and associated Robot test suites. The full Report, including results, findings and lessons learnt is now available HERE.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 7985 Hits

ETSI’s CTO granted the prestigious award of Wireless World Research Forum

Sophia Antipolis, 18 February 2021

During WWRF 45th meeting ETSI’s Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Adrian Scrase, has been granted the prestigious award of the Wireless World Research Forum in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of mobile communications standards, and for his longstanding support of the work of WWRF.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10672 Hits

ETSI launches new group on IPv6 Enhanced Innovation

Sophia Antipolis, 25 January 2021

In the 5G and cloud era, IPv6 will grow rapidly. Strengthening new generation IP network technologies based on IPv6 and its innovative technologies has become the common direction of the IP industry.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 7420 Hits

Highlights of the Cybersecurity Standardization Conference

Sophia Antipolis, 5 February 2021

The European Standards Organizations, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organize its annual conference virtually this year. The event, which took place from 2 to 4 February, attracted over 2000 participants from the EU and from around the world.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 8258 Hits

ETSI participates to IEEE Workshop on Autonomic/Autonomous Networking

Sophia Antipolis, 20 January 2021

The ETSI Working Group on the evolution of management toward Autonomic Future Internet (AFI) has been invited at the Systems Optimization Imperatives, Techniques, and Opportunities for Future Networks virtual workshop organized by IEEE on 21, 22 and 25 January.


Developers at MEC Hackathon challenged to trial edge computing for 5G at the Droidcon virtual event

Sophia Antipolis, 10 December 2020

The successful last edition of MEC Hackathons endorsed by ETSI took place on 25 to 26 November and was hosted by Droidcon Italy 2020 as a fully virtual event. The competition was open for developers to test their applications with ETSI MEC APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in a variety of use cases. The organizing committee received a total of 14 submissions, including several topics, from Augmented Reality for Construction Sector, to consumer, media and entertainment application, to automotive services. Admitted teams were offered remote access to MEC servers and software platforms to develop mobile applications for advanced services in MEC-enabled 5G networks, using ETSI MEC technologies. They were also required to onboard their applications in real-life MEC systems and connect with the MEC APIs to receive simulated in-network data.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10078 Hits

ETSI 3rd SDN mWT Plugtests Report published

Sophia Antipolis, 4 December 2020

The third ETSI mWT (millimetre Wave Transmission) SDN (Software Defined Network) Plugtests™ event was completed on 19 November 2020. The event report with all interoperability results is now available.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10077 Hits

ETSI experts complete specifications for Vulnerable Road Users

Sophia Antipolis, 24 November 2020

A group of experts in ETSI TC ITS, the committee in charge of Intelligent Transport Systems, has just completed a set of three standards related to Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) protection with the specification ETSI TS 103 300-3. This standard defines the VRU awareness service together with its key interfaces and protocols as well as the VRU awareness message (VAM) format, semantics and syntax. The specification completes the Technical Report, ETSI TR 103 300-1 on use cases and the Technical specification, ETSI TS 103 300-2, addressing the functional architecture and requirements for VRU. The development of the standards included stakeholders from around the world and received a large set of contributions from representatives working on different types of vulnerable road users, for example bicycles and motorcycles.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 6197 Hits

Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Sophia Antipolis, 3 December 2020

The ETSI Fellowship Programme was established to honour and reward those individuals who have made an outstanding personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or raising its reputation in specific sectors of standardization.


ETSI Top 10 Webinars in 2020 - Starring: cybersecurity, the Radio Equipment Directive, the new smart secure platform and AI

Sophia Antipolis, 8 December 2020

As 2020 comes to an end, we have selected for you our most popular webinars of the year. If you missed them, listen to the recorded presentations and their Q&A sessions, deep dive into cybersecurity novelties, discover the RED latest developments and find out about the new smart secure platform and AI.


ETSI Mission Critical Plugtests event achieves a 95% interoperability success rate

Sophia Antipolis, 2 November 2020

ETSI is pleased to announce it has now released the Report of its fifth MCX PlugtestsTM remote event that took place from 21 September to 2 October 2020. Results of the testing sessions outline an interoperability rate of 95%, giving industry a reliable set of standards for successful implementations.

Highlights of this event included initial railway-oriented capabilities in 3GPP Release-15, such as functional aliases, multi-talker, helping Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) move forward. 173 delegates from all over the world executed around 1350 test cases in 169 test sessions, interoperability results were reported in the ETSI Test reporting tool. Around fifty new test cases were developed for this event and will be added to ETSI TS 103 564.


ETSI virtual conference on boosting the impact of research & innovation through standardization

Sophia Antipolis, 6 November 2020

Standardized commercial products and services substantially contribute to the overall global economy and quality of life of citizens around the world.

Join ETSI and TelecomTV for a two-day virtual conference focused on the Research Innovation Standards Ecosystem and Research Opportunities in Standards.

The virtual event will take place on 24 and 25 November, and each of the two days will comprise multiple sessions, including presentations and panel discussions followed by LIVE Q&A sessions where you'll be able to interact and ask your questions to the experts.


ETSI Fifth Generation Fixed Network White Paper paves the way for Fibre to Everywhere and Everything

Sophia Antipolis, 30 September 2020

The ETSI ISG F5G (Fifth Generation Fixed Network) has released a White Paper that sets the scene for the evolution of on-premise, fixed access, and aggregation networks. In this White Paper, ETSI presents the vision, value, use cases, features, and technologies of F5G, aiming to foster a global effort to realize its full potential.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10342 Hits

ETSI White Paper and webinar map the way forward with IPv6

Sophia Antipolis, 21 September

An ETSI webinar has examined the global status of IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) with discussions on deployment, industrial applications, transition solutions and progress on standardization.


ETSI Mission Critical Plugtests to drive Future Railway Mobile Communication System

Sophia Antipolis, 10 September 2020

ETSI, with the support of the European Commission, EFTA, TCCA and UIC, is organizing its fifth MCX PlugtestsTM event. The remote-only event will take place from 21 September to 2 October 2020. Pre-testing started on 31 August to debug any connectivity issues before the main event.

Lady with megaphone shouting IPv6

Sophia Antipolis, 26 August 2020

The ETSI IP6 Industry Specification Group has just released a White Paper on the lessons learned from IPv6 best practices, use cases, benefits and deployment challenges. This White Paper puts forward recommendations to ease the adoption of IPv6 and to motivate the industry for the upcoming large-scale deployment of IoT, 4G/5G, IoT Cloud Computing benefiting from the restoration of the end to-end model.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 14209 Hits

ETSI C-V2X Plugtest achieves interoperability success rate of 94%

Sophia Antipolis, 18 August 2020

ETSI has just released the report of its 2nd C-V2X Plugtests event organized remotely in partnership with the 5GAA the last week of July. The 81 remote participants benefited from ETSI’s remote lab to run their sessions in their own labs. Observers from different organizations witnessed the execution of 288 test sessions based on the ETSI test specification ETSI TS 103 600, and interoperability results were reported in the Test reporting tool. An overall interoperability success rate of 94% was achieved.

SESAR Deployment Manager signs MoU with ETSI for European Air Traffic Management modernization

Sophia Antipolis, 27 July 2020

SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) has recently signed an MoU with ETSI, namely to participate to the ETSI technical group making standards for aeronautics (TG AERO). SESAR aims at the modernization of Europe’s Air Traffic Management (ATM), crucial for the sustainability of European aviation and the forecasted increase in air traffic by 2035 (pre covid-19 forcast). SDM synchronizes and coordinates the deployment of common projects, translating the regulatory requirements to the industry.


New ETSI white paper: Harmonizing standards for edge computing, a synergized architecture leveraging ETSI ISG MEC and 3GPP specifications

Sophia Antipolis, 27 July 2020

Members and officials of the ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing group and the 3GPP SA WG6 have just published a new white paper which aims to harmonize standards for edge computing. The white paper highlights the role of standards for edge when edge computing is deployed in conjunction with mobile networks. It also reviews the leading efforts in the industry and introduces a synergized architecture which leverages the ETSI ISG MEC and 3GPP specifications. This paper highlights the value proposition of different standards streams and how those standards may be combined when it comes to deployments. Some deployment options are discussed.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 9907 Hits
cover page of magazine enjoy July 2020

Fighting pandemic: special edition of Enjoy! now available

Sophia Antipolis, 7 July 2020

ETSI is pleased to unveil a special edition of its magazine Enjoy! As a global pandemic hit the world at all levels, people and companies had to cope with this crisis each in their own way. Through a variety of interviews and articles, this new issue reflects the challenges and perspectives of our international members.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 36896 Hits
man in blue blouse holding red heart with Ai written in white on it and icons related to health in background

ETSI issues New White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

Sophia Antipolis, 29 June 2020

ETSI is pleased to unveil a new White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This White Paper explores key issues of AI that present both huge opportunities and new challenges for information and communication technologies (ICT).

This ETSI White Paper surveys the many technical activities in ETSI that consider AI. They include 5G systems, network optimization, privacy/security, data management, semantic interoperability and testing across all areas. Each area is considering the use of aspects of AI, including Health and Human Factors scenarios. Key references from other bodies are included for global context.

Security shield with man & woman inside, blue circle with yellow stars for Europe and red ribbon with text Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group

ETSI advisor at the Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group launched by the EC

Sophia Antipolis, 24 June 2020

ETSI is pleased to announce that it has been invited to be part of the newly formed Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group. The kick-off meeting took place today. Together with the European Cybersecurity Certification Group (ECCG), composed of Member States’ representatives, the newly established Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG) will advise the Commission on strategic issues regarding the European cybersecurity certification framework. It will also assist the Commission in the preparation of the Union rolling work programme, which sets the priorities for the definition of schemes within the EU cybersecurity certification framework. ETSI will bring in its long-standing experience in cybersecurity, with standards developed both for enterprises and consumers within several of its technical bodies, including the Technical Committee CYBER.

ETSI publishes new work programme, keeping up the pace of ongoing activities

Sophia Antipolis, 22 June 2020

ETSI is pleased to release its 2020-2021 work programme.

In ETSI we are constantly exploring new ways to make the development of standards faster and more efficient. Our FORGE platform, for example, gives developers free access to open-source code produced by our members. And as we have already seen this year, the need for effective virtual collaboration between individuals and teams has never been keener.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 14533 Hits
Person with pen in front of PC and blue security shield in foreground

Successful ETSI virtual Security Week 2020 with over 4000 viewers

Sophia Antipolis, 24 June 2020

The ETSI virtual Security Week 2020, that took place from 8 June to 23 June, successfully closed with a record audience of more than 4000 viewers joining from over 50 countries. Speakers and moderators comprised a variety of stakeholders ranging from global telco operators, vendors and academia to security organizations and other standards bodies.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10976 Hits

ETSI virtual Security Week 2020: a record audience for first sessions

Sophia Antipolis, 12 June 2020

Register for next week.

Our virtual Security Week started this Monday, 8 June and will end on 19 June with nearly 50 speakers discussing the latest updates and challenges of four different key topics around cybersecurity in 14 webinars.

Students in laboratory with PC and equipement

ETSI increases outreach to the research community to accelerate innovation and standards cooperation

Sophia Antipolis, 16 June 2020

Engaging with Standards at the appropriate stages of research and innovation cycles is crucial to the development of new and evolved technologies. Identifying research topics for standardization at an early stage ensures that the requisite standards will be available to the industry when they are needed to support the relevant new technologies and products as they go to market.

Currently ETSI’s research and academic membership includes over 120 organizations, including public and private research institutes and universities from Europe and beyond. ETSI seeks to expand the existing research and academic community as well as reinforce the links with European research projects and platforms in order to build an active community of research and industrial partners, working towards a shared goal.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10430 Hits
Person holding a smart phone with icons in front of a lift in a hallway

ETSI releases Technical Report on requirements for smart lifts for IoT

Sophia Antipolis, 4 June 2020

To facilitate upcoming standards, the ETSI SmartM2M technical committee has released ETSI TR 103 546, a Technical Report on smart lifts, collecting and developing the type and range of data which should be exchanged between lifts and their relevant management applications. This study paves the way for technical requirements to monitor the activities and the performance of such lifts and describe their interaction with IoT devices and applications.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 15669 Hits
2 arms shaking hand in front of group of people

ETSI signs MoUs with Khronos and OARC for Augmented Reality

Liaison agreements strengthen the outreach of the ETSI group on AR

Sophia Antipolis, 3 June 2020

ETSI has signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with the Khronos® Group and OARC (Open AR Cloud Association) to allow the exchange of views and expertise between ETSI and both organizations to further develop interoperability of AR components, systems and services necessary to enable a thriving ecosystem with a diverse range of technologies and solution providers.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 15701 Hits
Person in front of PC with pen and blocknote and security lock in the foreground

ETSI Security Week 2020 goes virtual!

Sophia Antipolis, 18 May 2020

From 8-19 June, nearly 50 security experts will walk you through the latest updates and challenges of four different key topics around cybersecurity: how to deploy 5G securely, the Cybersecurity Act, insights into the new Smart Secure Platform and advanced cryptography. High level executives from global telco operators, vendors, academia, security organizations such as ENISA or the National Cyber Security Center, other standards bodies such as GSMA or 3GPP, to name a few, will unfold their presentations, ready to answer your questions as the event goes on.

Finger on smart phone with various icons around

ETSI launches remote PlugtestsTM Programme for Mission Critical Services to accelerate adoption and interoperability

Sophia Antipolis, 28 April 2020

To accelerate Mission Critical Services (MCS) adoption and interoperability, a key enabler to MCS deployment, ETSI is running an innovative MCX PlugtestsTM Programme. Testing sessions will also benefit from the latest ETSI specification, ETSI TS 103 564, on Plugtests scenarios for Mission Critical Services.

Traffice with cars, trains, planes, bikes etc.

Second ETSI C-V2X interoperability test event, remote, to connect vehicles in Europe and in the rest of the world

Register now for this remote event!

Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2020

ETSI, in partnership with the 5GAA, is organizing the second “Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything” (C-V2X) PlugtestsTM event. It will be held remotely, from 20 to 31 July 2020. ETSI has recently setup a remote lab for all participants, it leverages the ETSI Hub for Interoperability and Validation (HIVE) to interconnect participants’ labs and allow for multi-party interoperability testing.

Artificial Intelligence for networks: understanding it through ETSI ENI use cases and architecture

Sophia Antipolis, 20 April 2020

On 17 April, ETSI officials from the Experiential Network Intelligence group (ISG ENI) gave a webinar entitled Artificial Intelligence for networks: understanding it through ETSI ENI use cases. This webinar attracted more than 150 online attendees including operators, vendors, research institutions, and international standards development organizations.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 9964 Hits
3 Fellows

ETSI unveils 2020 Fellows rewarding outstanding personal contribution

Sophia Antipolis, 7 April 2020

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2020 ETSI Fellows. The Award committee composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairmen, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General, nominated Brian Copsey, Kiritkumar P. Lathia, and Edgard Vangeel as ETSI fellows for their outstanding personal contribution to ETSI.

24/7 support, man touching screen with @, envelope and telephone

Confinement: how ETSI helps its members and staff to work remotely round the world

Sophia Antipolis, 15 April 2020

With over 200 e-Meetings organized by ETSI and 3GPP technical groups in March (with up to 300 participants per meeting!) and with the entire ETSI staff now working remotely, the ETSI IT department has stepped up to ensure that all core standardization activities can continue to run smoothly during the COVID-19 lockdown. Even if the situation we are in is exceptional, e-Meetings are not new to ETSI groups. The ETSI IT department has been able to lean on their established business continuity plan to adapt and up-scale our online services, in these unusual times.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 8740 Hits
Hand holding globe with light bulb & service icons

How and why SMEs get involved in ETSI

Sophia Antipolis, 2 April 2020

Within ETSI, small and medium enterprises account for more than 25% of our membership, they represent 35 nationalities and over 50% of them hold official positions in our technical groups.

Automation written and hand pointing on virtual icons

ETSI releases a Technical Report on autonomic network management and control applying machine learning and other AI algorithms

Sophia Antipolis, 5 March 2020

The ETSI Technical Committee on Core Network and Interoperability Testing (TC INT) has just released a Technical Report, ETSI TR 103 626, providing a mapping of architectural components for autonomic networking, cognitive networking and self-management. This architecture will serve the self-managing Future Internet.

The ETSI TR 103 626 provides a mapping of architectural components developed in the European Commission (EC) WiSHFUL and ORCA Projects, using the ETSI Generic Autonomic Networking Architecture (GANA) model.

The objective is to illustrate how the ETSI GANA model specified in the ETSI specification TS 103 195-2 can be implemented when using the components developed in these two projects. The Report also shows how the WiSHFUL architecture augmented with virtualization and hardware acceleration techniques can implement the GANA model. This will guide implementers of autonomics components for autonomic networks in their optimization of their GANA implementations.

The TR addresses autonomic decision-making and associated control-loops in wireless network architectures and their associated management and control architectures. The mapping of the architecture also illustrates how to implement self-management functionality in the GANA model for wireless networks, taking into consideration another Report ETSI TR 103 495, where GANA cognitive algorithms for autonomics, such as machine learning and other AI algorithms, can be applied.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 14039 Hits
Finger touching a screen

ETSI releases a Technical Report on Global Acceptance of EU Trust Services

Sophia Antipolis, 16 January 2020

The ETSI Technical Committee on Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (TC ESI) is pleased to release the ETSI TR 103684 technical report. This report addresses existing trust service infrastructures that operate in different regions of the world and their possible mutual recognition/global acceptance. The report identifies ways to facilitate cross recognition between EU trust services and trust services from other schemes. The trust services are based on ETSI standards and support the eIDAS Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 14466 Hits
Meeting participants in front of DEKRA building

First ETSI C-V2X interoperability event: success rate of 95% achieved

Sophia Antipolis, 11 December 2019

The first ETSI C-V2X PlugtestsTM, performed in partnership with 5GAA, came to a close with a success rate of 95% of the executed tests, showing an extremely positive level of multi-vendor interoperability. 320 test scenarios were executed in lab and field environments for interoperability with 70 people present onsite for testing.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 14424 Hits
Participants during showcases at IoT week

ETSI IoT Week: semantics, experiences and security

Sophia Antipolis, 28 October 2019

ETSI IoT Week 2019 (21-25 October) drew more than 200 attendees to ETSI’s headquarters for what has become a must attend event for anyone who wants to understand the importance of standard-enabled technologies for IoT service deployments, in many different sectors.

Image with text IOT - Internet of Things - AIOTI White Paper and icons representing IoT around

AIOTI, ISO/IEC JTC1, ETSI, oneM2M and W3C Collaborate on Two Joint White Papers on Semantic Interoperability Targeting Developers and Standardization Engineers

Cross-organization expert group works together on accelerating adoption of semantic technologies in IoT.

AIOTI today announced its collaborative role in the publication of two joint white papers on semantic interoperability entitled Semantic IoT Solutions - A Developer Perspective and Towards semantic interoperability standards based on ontologies in conjunction with organizations closely tied to the advancement of the IoT ecosystem.

Cover page of the report with globe image and connections

"CALLING THE SHOTS" A report commissioned by ETSI calls on EU to retake global leadership in digital standard setting

Sophia Antipolis, 10 October 2019

The report Calling the Shots: Standardization for EU Competitiveness in a Digital Era, was drawn up by an independent panel of experts brought together by Kreab at the request of ETSI and led by Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden. The panel who met during the first half year of 2019, gathered insights and experience from industry, politics and academia. 

Bordeaux the event location

ETSI’s UCAAT, the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing is coming up, REGISTER NOW!

Sophia Antipolis, 9 October 2019

ETSI’s User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) is an annual and international conference dedicated to application aspects of automated testing including model-based testing, cloud testing, mobile testing, test methodologies, test management and standardized test specification by focusing on the practical challenges that are often faced in industry. Organized by ETSI, this year’s event is hosted by Sogeti in Bordeaux with Hustef and Testistanbul as partners and will take place on 22-24 October 2019.

Other sponsors of the event include Agilitest, Henix, Kalifast, Tricentis and MTP. 

Rapid technical advances in IT services, transport (of all kinds), healthcare, finance, telecoms, broadcasting and smart cities are blurring the lines between the various industry sectors. Solutions bringing together previously disparate actors and technologies now need to co-exist and inter operate to an unprecedented extent. This, and the increasing presence of Artificial Intelligence, whether it be for the use of AI in testing or the testing of AI systems, brings challenges and opportunities to the entire testing community.

The UCAAT conference will open on the 22 with two tutorials and will be followed by sessions dedicated to test automation, artificial intelligence, test approaches and experiences and test languages.

So if you want to join the testing experts of this very global community, just REGISTER.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 12787 Hits
IPv6 image

ETSI’s group on IPv6 extended to release V2X and security reports

Sophia Antipolis, 23 August 2019

The ETSI Industry Specification Group working on IPv6 (ISG IP6) has been extended until December 2020 in order to complete an IPv6-based vehicular networking report and a report on IPv6 security, cybersecurity and privacy.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10519 Hits
Image showing man representing security

ETSI new upcoming mission critical Plugtests event

Sophia Antipolis, 18 September 2019

ETSI, in partnership with ERILLISVERKOT (State Security Networks Group Finland) and the support of TCCA and the European Commission, organizes the fourth MCX Plugtests event which will take place from 23 to 27 September 2019 at the Savonia University of Applied Sciences, KUOPIO, FINLAND. 

Windmills and tulips in Netherlands

ETSI specifications on licensed shared spectrum successfully implemented in the Netherlands for the entertainment industry

Sophia Antipolis, 8 July 2019

After a successful pilot in 2017, the Dutch administration (Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands) has decided to implement Licensed Shared Access (LSA) technology, based on ETSI specifications.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10529 Hits

ETSI hosts another successful Security Week

Sophia Antipolis, 21 June 2019

ETSI Security Week 2019 (17-21 June) attracted over 300 attendees to ETSI’s headquarters to listen to presentations and engage in panel discussions and networking with leading experts in cybersecurity from industry, universities, governmental bodies and national security agencies.

Image of boat rescue

ETSI launches a new group on information exchange between maritime surveillance authorities

Sophia Antipolis, 3 May 2019

ETSI has recently launched a new Industry Specification Group on a European Common Information Sharing Environment Service and Data Model (ISG CDM). The ETSI group will define technical standards to allow data exchange among different maritime legacy systems in a cooperative network. Enhancing information exchange between maritime surveillance authorities is one of the key strategic objectives of the European Union under the Integrated Maritime Policy with increased coordination between different policy areas (transport, environmental protection, fisheries control, border control, general law enforcement, customs and defence).

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 11347 Hits
Image of NFV interoperability event

First ETSI NFV API conformance test event in remote mode

Sophia Antipolis, 10 May 2019

From February 4 to April 15, 2019, ETSI organized a remote NFV API Plugtests® event with the support of its Centre for Testing and Interoperability. The Remote NFV API Plugtests was not only the first to be entirely remote; it was also the first entirely dedicated to the testing of NFV APIs.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10676 Hits
COMPASSIntelligence logo with text "The 2019 CompassIntel Spring Awards - Honoring Mobile, IoT, Emerging Tech, & Automation Vendors"

oneM2M announced as the “Top IoT Standards Body of the Year”

Sophia Antipolis, 9 April 2019

On April 8, winners for the 7th Annual Compass Intelligence Awards in IoT, Mobile, and Emerging Tech were announced. oneM2M was the winner in the category “Top IoT Standards Body of the Year”. ETSI is a founding partner of the oneM2M partnership project, along with 6 other standards bodies, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, TTA, TTC and TIA. TSDSI joined the project in 2015.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 12849 Hits
Man with tablet and roboter arm representing Artificial Intelligence

ETSI Artificial Intelligence Summit puts things into perspective

Sophia Antipolis, 5 April 2019

Luis Jorge Romero, the ETSI Director-General, opened the day’s proceedings by recognizing the quantity of “natural intelligence” attending the ETSI summit on AI. Dirk Weiler, the ETSI Board Chair, launched the debate by asking the provocative question to the audience: “does AI really need standardization?”.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 16667 Hits
Showing people being given the award

2019 ETSI Fellows unveiled at General Assembly award ceremony

Sophia Antipolis, 3 April 2019

On 2 April during the 73rd General Assembly dinner, ETSI unveiled its three 2019 ETSI Fellows for their outstanding contribution to ETSI’s work. Awards were granted to Roberto Macchi, David Chater-Lea and Friedhelm Hillebrand.

The award ceremony took place in the beautiful Domaine de Barbossi, a resort comprising high class hotel and restaurants, a golf and tennis course and a country club, located in Mandelieu la Napoule on the Côte d’Azur.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 12535 Hits
Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director General

ETSI re-elects Director-General Luis Jorge Romero

Sophia Antipolis, 2 April 2019

During their 73rd General Assembly, 2-3 April 2019, ETSI members re-elected the current ETSI Director-General Mr. Luis Jorge Romero with an overwhelming majority on the first ballot.

Meeting room with GSC-22 and lake and mountains projected on the wall

22nd Global Standards Collaboration meeting convenes world’s leading standards bodies in Montreux, Switzerland

Sophia Antipolis, 28 March 2019

The 22nd meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), a high-level gathering of the world’s leading information and communication technologies (ICT) standards organizations, took place from 26-27 March 2019, hosted by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in Montreux, Switzerland.  GSC members shared their priorities and focused on Smart Sustainable Cities and AI (Artificial Intelligence). 

Participants of the event standing on stairs

ETSI Licensed Shared Access specifications for a trial in Portugal to support 5G deployment

Sophia Antipolis, 27 March 2019

Spectrum usage in the mid-term will tend to focus more on spectrum sharing among the various radiocommunications systems, as a principle rather than as an exception and technological and regulatory solutions need to be found that allow for this implementation. With 5G coming soon, Licensed Shared Access (LSA) gives carriers new spectrum capabilities in the absence of incumbent.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10274 Hits
Banner with traffic and digital numbers representing the ITS event

ETSI Intelligent Transport Systems workshop outlines global projects

Sophia Antipolis, 8 March 2019

The annual ETSI Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) workshop ended after 2 days of intensive discussions and networking opportunities between industry, the European Commission and stakeholders involved in Cooperative ITS deployment (C-ITS) worldwide.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 13559 Hits
Image of ETSI executive's and Huawei team

Welcome to Sophia Antipolis technology park!

Sophia Antipolis, 7 January 2019

We would like to wish Huawei well as they settle in to their Research centre, opened in 2013 and located just a few minutes away from ETSI’s Sophia Antipolis headquarters.

Image showing UCAAT participants holding UCAAT letters

Testing and interoperability challenges made simple by the users to the users at ETSI’s annual UCAAT Conference in Paris

Sophia Antipolis, 25 October 2018

The ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) that took place from 16-18 October gathered users, vendors and service providers around testing and automation in the beautiful city of Paris.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 8342 Hits

An homage to Professor Michael Walker OBE

Professor Michael Walker OBE, who has died aged 71, moved from being a mathematics Professor (Privatdozent) at the University of Tübingen to being a world renowned expert on Cyber and Mobile Security and Cryptography within the telecommunications industry and academia.

ETSI publishes Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defence as Technical Reports

Sophia Antipolis, 3 October 2018

The ETSI technical committee CYBER has updated its five-part international compendium of Technical Reports to protect networks from cyber-attacks: the “Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defence” are based on the CIS Controls® and related materials.

Image showing from left to right: Michele Carignani, ETSI - Mathieu Duperré, founder of Edgegap, winner of Berlin MEC Hackathon

ETSI MEC Hackathons bring developers together in China, Germany and Italy to trial edge computing solutions

Sophia Antipolis, 8 October 2018

ETSI’s Industry Specification Group (ISG) on Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) has declared its first MEC Hackathons series a success after developers gathered in Europe and China to test their applications with ETSI MEC APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in a variety of use cases.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 9338 Hits

ETSI Mission Critical Plugtests event reports a 92% success rate

Sophia Antipolis, 28 August 2018

The capacities of Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT), Mission Critical Data (MCData) and Mission Critical Video (MCVideo) based on 3GPP release-14 were tested during the week of the second MCPTT Plugtests on 25-29 June 2018 in College Station, Texas.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 12115 Hits
Image showing Berlin

Join the 1st ETSI MEC Hackathon at Edge Computing Congress, Berlin!

Sophia Antipolis, 14 June 2018

ETSI will be organising its first ETSI MEC Hackathon on 18 and 19 of September 2018, taking place in Berlin, and co-located with Knect365’s event at the annual Edge Computing Congress on 18-20 September.

CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, the European Commission and EFTA organize third Indo-European conference on standards and emerging technology

New Delhi, India, 26 April 2018

Today, CEN, CENELEC, ETSI along with the European Commission (EC) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), in the framework of their Project SESEI (Seconded European Standardization Expert in India) and in association with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), organized the third Indo-European conference on Standards and Emerging Technologies, held in New Delhi, India.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 20438 Hits

ETSI Summit round up on Data Protection and Privacy

Sophia Antipolis, 19 April 2018

ETSI summit “Releasing the Flow - Data Protection and Privacy in a Data-Driven Economy” organized today at ETSI was the place to exchange views and concerns on data protection and privacy, topics that impact both enterprises and citizens’ lives. 

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 23139 Hits

ETSI releases standard on Pan-European Mobile Emergency Application

Sophia Antipolis, 28 March 2018

Toward a 112 pan-European app on your smart phone

ETSI has released today the Technical Specification TS 103 478. Developed by the ETSI special committee on Emergency Communications (EMTEL), the specification defines the requirements and architecture of Pan-European Mobile Emergency Applications (PEMEA).

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 20353 Hits

ETSI and OPNFV Announce Co-Located Testing and Interoperability Events

Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 March 2018

The Third ETSI NFV Plugtests Event and OPNFV Fraser Plugfest will take place at ETSI from 29 May to 8 June

ETSI and OPNFV will co-locate their next community testing events in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 18278 Hits

Some ETSI news at Mobile World Congress 2018

Sophia Antipolis, 16 March 2018

Missed the show? Get some hints there

This year again, ETSI was present at Mobile World Congress, meeting our members and searching the halls for the latest innovations and demos of our technologies (NFV, MEC, OSM and much more).

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 24394 Hits

ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing keeps pace with 5G

Sophia Antipolis, 22 February 2018

ETSI’s group on Multi-access Edge Computing (ETSI MEC ISG) is pleased to announce upcoming Hackathons and the release of two white papers entitled “Cloud RAN and MEC: a perfect pairing” and “MEC deployments in 4G and evolution towards 5G” respectively.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 25379 Hits

ETSI signs Memorandum of Understanding with Broadband India Forum

Sophia Antipolis, 18 December 2017

During its 70th General Assembly, which took place from 28 to 29 November, ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Broadband India Forum to promote topics such as 5G, M2M and IoT, IPRs as well as privacy and security related matters in India.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 32886 Hits

ETSI launches Zero touch network and Service Management group

Sophia Antipolis, 14 December 2017

Enabling agile, efficient and qualitative management and automation of future services

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of the Zero touch network and Service Management Industry Specification Group (ZSM ISG).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22747 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 29 November 2017

Bringing 24 trade associations comprising 3000 companies

During its 70th General Assembly, ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the French Federation of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Industries (Fédération des Industries Électriques, Électroniques et de Communication - FIEEC), an industrial federation gathering 24 trade associations in the sectors of electrical, electronic, digital and durable consumer goods industries.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 28277 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 14 November 2017

Expedites adoption in production environments

ETSI Open Source MANO group (ETSI OSM) announces the general availability of OSM Release THREE, keeping the pace of a release every 6 months.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24552 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 9 November 2017

The US based VR/AR Association signs Letter of Intent with ETSI

ETSI is pleased to announce that the Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Association (VRARA) has recently signed a Letter of Intent to collaborate on interactive VR and AR technologies delivered over emerging 5G networks and hosted on Multi-access Edge Computing sites.

Posted by Claire Boyer 28278 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 2 November 2017

Cities to procure interoperable smart solutions for their citizens

ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group "City Digital Profile" (ISG CDP) that will help accelerate the delivery of integrated citizen services and provide a technology road map for city leaders who will benefit from standardized solutions from their suppliers.

Sophia Antipolis, 3 October 2017

The ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group (ETSI NFV ISG) has taken further steps towards establishing a ubiquitous platform upon which the global adoption of network functions virtualization (NFV) technology can be driven thanks to the completion of a series of key specifications.

Sophia Antipolis, 2 October 2017

The 21st meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), a high-level gathering of the world’s leading information and communication technologies (ICT) standards organizations, took place from 26-27 September 2017, hosted by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) at the IEEE European office in Vienna, Austria.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 25406 Hits

MEC Congress, Berlin, Germany, 25 September 2017

Leading organizations in fog and multi-access edge computing sign MOU to share work related to global standards development for fog-enabled mobile edge applications and technologies

ETSI and the OpenFog Consortium will collaborate to develop fog-enabled mobile edge applications and technologies.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 35995 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 July 2017

Facilitating interoperability to advance MEC deployment

Today, the ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) Industry Specification Group (ISG) has achieved a major milestone with the release of a first package of standardized Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to support edge computing interoperability.

Sophia Antipolis, 26 June 2017

TCCA to deliver vendor certification process for LTE mission-critical products and applications

The first ETSI Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT) PlugtestsTM event – interoperability test sessions for mission-critical LTE equipment – concluded on Friday, 23 June 2017, with 140 participants from 19 vendors.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 29369 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 April 2017

Advanced interoperability, scalability and hybrid cloud capabilities to meet operators’ needs

Continuing to meet operators’ needs for predictable, high-quality open source MANO releases, the ETSI Open Source MANO group (ETSI OSM) today announces OSM Release TWO.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22799 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 7 April 2017

Award granted for outstanding contribution to ETSI’s work

On 4 April, during the 69th General Assembly, ETSI awarded three ETSI Fellowship awards to Frede Ask, Nuno Encarnação and John Phillips. All three awards were granted in recognition of outstanding contribution to the work of ETSI.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 28422 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 April 2017

Enabling spectrum sharing and improved Quality of Service

The ETSI Technical Committee for Reconfigurable Radio Systems (TC RRS) has announced the completion of the specification for the support of Licensed Shared Access (LSA).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 23909 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 13 March 2017

Collaboration ensures predictable behavior of an NFC service regardless of where it is hosted and other services being delivered

ETSI, GlobalPlatform and the NFC Forum today detailed a standardized approach to implementing and managing NFC services across all technologies and platforms.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 22176 Hits

Interoperability of content-rich emergency calling solutions

Sophia Antipolis, 10 March 2017

NG112 Communications Plugtests event - Optimizing interoperability of emergency communications!

The 2nd edition of 'Next Generation 112 (NG112) Emergency Communications PlugtestsTM event in Europe' has been completed in ETSI.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 25716 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 February 2017

Open Source MANO, the largest open source MANO initiative, showcases momentum with new members Atos, CableLabs and Verizon, and Mobile World Congress demonstrations

ETSI’s Open Source MANO today welcomes its newest members, with Atos, CableLabs and Verizon joining the group making a total of 60 organizations working together to shape NFV networks in the largest open source MANO initiative.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 19048 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 29 November 2016

Three Home Gateway Initiative specifications have been published as Technical Specifications by ETSI. Following the closure of the Home Gateway Initiative in June 2016, work on the three specifications was transferred to ETSI. They have now been published using the ETSI Publicly Available Specification process.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 21853 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 December 2016

Award granted for outstanding contribution to ETSI’s work

On 29 November, during the 68th General Assembly, ETSI awarded three ETSI Fellowship awards to Alain Maloberti, Francisco da Silva and Oliver Wheaton.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 27248 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 10 October 2016

Scenarios for a 21st century Internet

Today, the ETSI Industry Specification Group on Next Generation Protocols (NGP ISG) announced the release of its first specifications, GS NGP 001: Next Generation Protocols; Scenarios Definitions.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 30920 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 October 2016

Delivering superior interoperability, modelling and installation experience

ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) group has today announced the availability of its OSM Release ONE, an open source Management and Orchestration (MANO) software stack closely aligned with ETSI NFV, and focused on helping industry accelerate the implementation of network virtualization.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20146 Hits

IoT ecosystem expands significantly with new global standards from oneM2M

Sophia Antipolis, 29 September 2016

The full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) advanced significantly today as oneM2M, the global standards initiative for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and the IoT, published a new landmark set of specifications, Release 2.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 17673 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2016

ETSI welcomes the recognition by the White House of our participation in an international group developing a Smart City Framework. The announcement comes on the opening of the Smart Cities Week event in Washington D.C.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18357 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 September 2016

Over 20 countries worldwide benefit from HbbTV services

The newly published ETSI specification TS 102 796 V1.4.1 on hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV) will allow the United Kingdom and Italy to implement the latest technologies in their receivers.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 13561 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 8 September 2016

The 4th ETSI/IQC Workshop will take place in Toronto, Canada, from 19 to 21 September 2016. The event is organized by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and the Institute for Quantum Computing and sponsored by ISARA and Evolutionq.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 14397 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 7 September 2016

Don’t miss out on the early bird rate: book before 15 September

ETSI’s User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2016, now in its fourth year, is an annual, international conference dedicated to application aspects of automated testing including model-based, cloud and mobile testing, test methodologies and management and standardized test specification by focusing on the practical challenges that industry often faces.

Posted by Claire Boyer 16868 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 25 August 2016

Major standards organizations from around the world agree to work together to help move cities faster to greater smartness

In the wake of the World Smart City Forum, which was held on 13 July 2016 in Singapore, representatives of IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE, CEN-CENELEC and ETSI gathered for a meeting initiated by the IEC. This, meeting was a global first and part of an ongoing dialog among standards organizations.  The aim was to accelerate and better align Smart City standardization work, which is essential for successful Smart City deployment. Between 60% and 70% of humanity is expected to be living in urban environments by 2050. 

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 16821 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 28 July 2016

Diego Lopez, Telefonica, elected as ETSI NFV Chairman from 1 August 2016

ETSI’s Industry Specification Group for Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) has renewed its leadership team and established a new structure to meet the demands of its forthcoming set of protocol and data model specifications.

Posted by Claire Boyer 13521 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 8 July 2016

The 4th User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing now on track!

ETSI's User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2016, now in its fourth year, is an annual and international conference dedicated to application aspects of automated testing including model-based testing, cloud testing, mobile testing, test methodologies, test management and standardized test specification by focusing on the practical challenges that are often faced in industry. Organized by ETSI, this year's event is hosted by Ericsson and Nokia in Budapest, in partnership with the Hungarian Testing Board on 26-28 October 2016.

Posted by Claire Boyer 34368 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 8 July 2016

Electronic signatures, electronic seals and electronic time-stamps support the digital economy

Since 1 July 2016 the major part of the European Union's (EU) eIDAS regulation applies. The eIDAS regulation is Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.

Posted by Yvette Pachoud 14254 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 12 May 2016

On 19 April 2016 during the 67th General Assembly dinner, ETSI awarded the first of its newly-launched ETSI Fellowship awards to Karsten Meinhold, Julian Pritchard and Karl Heinz Rosenbrock.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 21644 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 29 April 2016

ETSI's 5G summit, "from Myth to Reality", held last week at ETSI, attracted nearly 250 attendees. The summit focused on three key drivers for future 5G networks: massive mobile broadband, massive machine-type communication and ultra‐reliable and low latency communication. The summit was composed of four sessions of presentations, posters and panel discussions with speakers from across industry sectors.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19273 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 28 April 2016

The Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Security and Privacy and the Role of Small and Medium-sized Business Enterprises (SMEs) were the focus of the 20th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), hosted by TSDSI in New Delhi, India 26-27 April 2016. These topics were chosen due to their significance for the development of future global communications. Approximately one hundred people from the twelve member organizations participated in the event.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 16235 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 19 April 2016

During its 67th General Assembly on 19 April 2016, ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Eurosmart. This agreement will enrich the ecosystem of security-related issues in ETSI and help to ensure the security robustness of next generation (5G) telecommunications networks.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24728 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 18 April 2016

ETSI Mobile Edge Computing Industry Specification Group (MEC ISG) has just released three foundation-level Group Specifications which define mobile edge computing terminology, study technical requirements and use cases, and specify the framework and reference architecture of MEC.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 15937 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 12 April 2016

New open source NFV initiative settles leadership and structures, plans Release 0 within two months

The ETSI Open Source MANO (OSM) group successfully completed its inaugural meeting at ETSI in Sophia Antipolis, France, to lay the technical and community engagement foundations for the group’s 2016 roadmap.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 14351 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 31 March 2016

Exclusive event includes special focus on HetNet and SON configurations / Tests enable interoperability and drive effective small cell ecosystem / Integration with unlicensed spectrum also included in the available tests

Small Cell Forum, in partnership with ETSI, is to stage its fourth small cell LTE Plugfest in Naples in June. Taking place in TIM specialist labs, the Plugfest will enable key players and suppliers in the small cell marketplace to test their products and solutions for interoperability and reliability in mixed vendor environments.

Sophia Antipolis, 21 March 2016

Next release to incorporate security and interworking across IoT device ecosystems

ETSI has announced today that it has published the complete set of updated oneM2M Release 1 specifications. oneM2M, the global standards initiative for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT), and of which ETSI is a founding partner, recently issued updated editions of its Release 1 global specifications.

Sophia Antipolis, 14 March 2016

Improving emergency communications in Europe!

The first Next Generation 112 (NG112) Emergency Communications PlugtestsTM in Europe is launched today by ETSI and its Emergency Telecommunications (EMTEL) special committee and EENA (the European Emergency Number Association). The aim of the event is to trial independently and jointly all components of the 112 communication chain based on next generation networks.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 23277 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 February 2016

Open Source MANO will deliver an Open Source NFV Management and Orchestration software stack

A new ETSI group has commenced development of Open Source software for Management and Orchestration (MANO) of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). The open source implementation will be aligned with ETSI’s NFV Industry Specification Group (ISG).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18779 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 26 January 2016

ETSI has opened a new Industry Specification Group to commence work on Next Generation Protocols, looking at evolving communications and networking protocols to provide the scale, security, mobility and ease of deployment required for the connected society of the 21st century. The first meeting of this group took place on 21 January 2016, and was hosted by BSI, the UK National Standards Organization, at their offices in London.

Louisville, Colorado, 15 January 2016

First multi-organization workshop bringing the NFV community together

This week ETSI’s Industry Specification Group for Network Functions Virtualisation (ETSI NFV) convened a ground-breaking industry workshop to align cloud-centric initiatives and network-centric initiatives to ensure successful realization of NFV through automation.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 21473 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 December 2015

MEC ISG celebrates first anniversary

One year after its first meeting, ETSI's Industry Specification Group on Mobile Edge Computing (ISG MEC) met at ETSI for its fifth meeting and announced three Proofs of Concept demonstrations. Mobile Edge Computing is considered a key technology for future 5G networks and the initiative gained momentum over the last year, with many articles and papers referring to Mobile Edge Computing and market intelligence reports on MEC from IDC, ABI and Gartner, for instance.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 19339 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 17 December 2015

ETSI's new Industry Specification Group on intelligent Compound Content Management (CCM) met for their kick off meeting on 16 December at ETSI in Sophia Antipolis, France. The intelligent Compound Content Management ISG is working on a standardized solution to define a scalable and flexible decoding system for consumer electronics devices from UltraHD televisions to smart phones. This solution simultaneously meets the needs of existing and next generation receivers and set-top boxes. The founding members of the group are BT Group Plc, Dolby Laboratories Inc, STMicroelectronics and Telefonica S.A.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 18467 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 18 December 2015

Showcasing oneM2M specifications implemented around the world

To address the M2M and IoT market, ETSI held its annual M2M Workshop featuring the oneM2M Showcase from 9 to 11 December in its headquarters at Sophia Antipolis, France. The programme included a wide range of presentations, exciting panel sessions, live surveys as well as demonstrations implementing oneM2M specifications.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 17623 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 24 November 2015

At the ETSI summit on Open Source and Standardization, which took place in Sophia Antipolis on 19 November, Mr. Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director General, introduced the event with these words:

“Clichés tend to perceive the world of standards as the middle aged black tie conservative people in competition with young hacker-like free spirit open source developers. Well, those times are long gone.”

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24167 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 18 November 2015

ETSI places MirrorLink® on path for adoption as an ETSI standard for connected car technology

The Car Connectivity Consortium, creators of MirrorLink®, today announced a co-operation agreement with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) in which ETSI will formally explore adopting MirrorLink as an ETSI Technical Specification (TS). The CCC and ETSI reached the accord on 17 November at the 66th ETSI General Assembly meeting in Sophia Antipolis.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22489 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 16 November 2015

An enriched experience for interactive TV on all devices

ETSI has just released the latest specification on hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV), TS 102 796 V.1.3.1, which corresponds to HbbTV 2.0. The latest HbbTV release adds support for new capabilities including companion device support, HTML5 user experience and support for advanced video delivery features such as Ultra HD and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) to enhance the consumer experience. The HbbTV standard allows creation of TV services that combine broadcast and over-the-top content. This hybrid broadcast broadband TV standard creates a global open platform as an alternative to proprietary technologies and extends the user experience.

Brussels and Sophia Antipolis, 2 November 2015

The European Standardization Organizations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – are pleased to announce the launch of a new website for the third phase of the Seconded European Standardization Expert in China (SESEC) project. The SESEC website ( is intended to be a reliable source of accurate information about the Chinese and European Standardization Systems. It should be especially relevant and useful for European companies that wish to do business in China (and vice-versa).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 16801 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 20 October 2015

The third ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing - UCAAT 2015, taking place in ETSI headquarters, October 20-22, is the place to discover Test Description Language, a new language for the specification of test descriptions and the presentation of test execution results.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19000 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France and Düsseldorf, 19 October 2015

Dealing with security and coordinating SDO developments are the big issues for 2016, say ETSI ISG NFV Officials at Layer123 SDN Conference.

Security in the NFV/SDN environment is one of the major challenges the industry needs to address for 2016 but it should also be seen as an enormous opportunity. It will combine analytics with the network agility enabled by NFV and SDN to improve the resilience of networks to security threats. This was one of the key messages from a range of ETSI ISG NFV personalities speaking this week at the Layer 123 SDN & OpenFlow World Congress in Düsseldorf.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 21107 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 13 October 2015

ETSI Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Industry Specification Group has just released 3 new specifications on security and reliability, providing guidance on lawful interception implementation in an NVF environment, giving a survey of the security features in an open source management software relevant to NFV, with OpenStackTM as the first case study and describing a study of how today's Cloud/Data Centre techniques can be adapted to achieve scalability, efficiency, and reliability in NFV environments.

Los Angeles and Sophia Antipolis, 8 October 2015

The ETSI Network Functions Virtualisation Industry Specification Group (NFV ISG) and the MEF are collaborating to advance Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) service agility for CE 2.0 (Carrier Ethernet 2.0) services using LSO (Lifecycle Service Orchestration).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22433 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 24 September 2015

ETSI has published a white paper on Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), a key emerging technology which is considered to be an important component of future generation networks, including 5G. Mobile Edge Computing is an IT service environment and cloud-computing capabilities located at the edge of the mobile network, within the Radio Access Network and in close proximity to mobile subscribers.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22483 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 17 July 2015

ETSI participates in Global Standards Collaboration 19th meeting

Critical communications, the Internet of Things (IoT) and IMT-2020 – commonly referred to as 5G – were in focus at the 19th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), a high-level gathering of the world’s leading information and communication technologies (ICT) standards bodies, hosted by ITU in Geneva, 15-16 July 2015.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 21185 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 July 2015

ETSI, the leading ICT standards organization, held its Security Week from 22-26 June, with a Security Workshop followed by three thematic sessions. The sessions focused on machine-to-machine communications and the Internet of Things (M2M/IoT), security assurance in Intelligent Transport Systems and Electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS). The closing days of the week were dedicated to the meetings of two ETSI technical committees, TC CYBER and TC ESI (Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures), which exceptionally were open to non-members of ETSI.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20634 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 11 June 2015

On behalf of ETSI’s Technical Committee for Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (TC ESI), ETSI’s Centre for Testing and Interoperability organized a remote PlugtestsTM interoperability event for PAdES, PDF digital Signatures, the ETSI specification for digital signatures for PDF documents, from 4 May to 5 June 2015.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20886 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 26 May 2015

On 28 April, the Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI) signed a cooperation agreement with ETSI, strengthening relations after the establishment of a first Letter of Intent to cooperate with ETSI in November 2014. Collaboration between the two standards organizations now happens at the level of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) initiative where TSDSI is a full member. GSC fosters cooperation among standards organizations from different regions of the world to facilitate the exchange of information on standards development, build synergies and reduce duplication of work.

Posted by Yvette Pachoud 30495 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 7 May 2015

2,500 lives per year expected to be saved throughout Europe with eCall

On 28 April 2015, the European Parliament adopted the legislation on eCall type approval requirements and made it mandatory for all new models of cars to be equipped with eCall technology from 31 March 2018 onward.

Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2015

Collaboration to Help Ensure Secure Telecommunications Infrastructure and Mobile Services

The Trusted Computing Group and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute announced today that they recently agreed to collaborate on the development of international standards for a secure global telecommunications infrastructure.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20168 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 April 2015

IP6 Industry Specification Group to help stakeholders adopt IPv6 and anticipate IPv4 address exhaustion

ETSI’s newly established IP6 Industry Specification Group (ISG), created to focus on better IPv6 integration and deployment, held its kickoff meeting on 22-23 April at ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France.

Brussels, 27 February 2015

The European Standardization Organizations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – have presented the results of their joint work to prepare and develop standards that will enable the deployment of flexible and efficient electricity networks, known as 'Smart Grids'. The three organizations have confirmed that they will continue to cooperate with the European Commission, the energy industry and other stakeholders in order to disseminate these results and promote the use of the identified standards. They will also facilitate the development of any further standards that may be needed.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 16963 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 24 February 2015

International conference dedicated to advanced automated testing

ETSI has launched its 3rd international User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing, UCAAT, that will take place at Sophia Antipolis, from 20 to 22 October 2015.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 21431 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 17 February 2015

ETSI has just released for member vote ETSI Standard ES 203 228 that deals with the definition of metrics and methods to measure the energy efficiency performance of mobile radio access networks. It adopts an approach based on the measurement of such performance on small networks, for feasibility and simplicity purposes. This specification was developed jointly with ITU-T Study Group 5 and in liaison with 3GPPTM and GSMA.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 23304 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 23 January 2015

ETSI’s recently announced Industry Specification Group on millimetre Wave Transmission (ISG mWT) held its first meeting at ETSI on 14-15 January 2015 and immediately commenced work developing a set of five specifications.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 40596 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 13 January 2015

Full set of NFV Phase 1 documents available for industry

ETSI’s Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Industry Specification Group (ISG) has successfully completed Phase 1 of its work with the publication of 11 ETSI Group Specifications. These specifications build on the first release of ISG documents published in October 2013 and include an infrastructure overview, an updated architectural framework, and descriptions of the compute, hypervisor and network domains of the infrastructure. They also cover management and orchestration, security and trust, resilience and service quality metrics.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 26908 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 12 December 2014

First meeting defines work programme, with first results expected next year

The first meeting of ETSI’s newly created Mobile-Edge Computing (MEC) Industry Specification Group (ISG) took place on 2-4 December 2014, hosted by Nokia Networks in Munich. The group has attracted 24 member and participant organizations, including network operators, vendors, technology suppliers and Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 28377 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 5 December 2014

Now connected cars find their way in Europe

ETSI has just published two European Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS): the specification of Cooperative Awareness Basic Service - EN 302 637-2, and the specification of Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service - EN 302 637-3. They define the message sets needed for running Cooperative ITS safety critical applications. Published as Technical Specifications in Release 1 of ETSI ITS, the ENs have been prepared taking into account feedback from Plugtests™ interoperability testing workshops organized by ETSI for the industry, as well as feedback from implementation. They were developed under Mandate 453 of the European Commission.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24840 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 December 2014

New leadership, organization, and renewed focus on implementation

The ETSI Network Functions Virtualization Industry Specification Group (NFV ISG) has completed its 8th meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, with over 200 participants kicking-off Phase 2 of the work.

Sophia Antipolis, 26 November 2014

The ETSI summit on critical and emergency communications, held on 20 November in ETSI’s newly extended amphitheatre in Sophia Antipolis, attracted participants from many sectors. Regulators, public authorities, users, analysts, standard organizations and industry associations gave insights of their expertise and shared their own experiences in the provision of critical and emergency communications, or in using these technologies to save lives.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22431 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 30 October 2014

IT and cloud-computing capabilities in close proximity to mobile subscribers

ETSI is launching a new Industry Specification Group (ISG) for Mobile-edge Computing (MEC). The initiative was announced during the SDN & OpenFlow World Congress in Dusseldorf in Germany, taking place from 14-17 October. The first meeting of the group will take place, December 2-4, 2014 in Munich, Germany.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 17818 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 28 October 2014

ETSI, in partnership with the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), organized its second Quantum-Safe Crypto workshop on 6-7 October in Ottawa, Canada. The workshop was aimed at developing short and medium term objectives needed to reach the goal of a quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure. Indeed since quantum computers will be able to break certain cryptographic keys, it is then essential to work on a quantum-safe system.

Posted by Yvette Pachoud 19213 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 October 2014

The second workshop jointly organized by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and ETSI on smart appliances took place at ETSI in Sophia Antipolis on 14 October.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 35121 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 30 September 2014

Billions of connected objects now have the solution for low throughput connectivity

ETSI’s standardization group dedicated to Low Throughput Networks technology has just released the first three specifications of an Internet of Things (IoT) network dedicated to low throughput communications.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 29682 Hits

Santa Clara, 1 August 2014

At the 7th meeting of ETSI’s Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Industry Specification Group (ISG), co-hosted by Citrix and Ericsson in Santa Clara from 29 July to 1 August 2014, nine draft NFV documents were released for industry comment, a new leadership team was elected and plans for the next phase of NFV were laid down.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22079 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France, 28 July 2014

The 18th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), a senior-level gathering of the world’s leading information and communication technologies (ICT) standards organizations, took place on 22 - 23 July 2014, hosted by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18687 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France, 28 July 2014

The China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), extending a relationship established 10 years ago. This renewal enables CCSA and ETSI to share information on their work in order to contribute to the development of globally-aligned standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 16847 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 25 July 2014

The 19th meeting of the ETSI Special Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR SC) was hosted by the German Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunication, Post and Railway, in Mainz (Germany) from 14 to 16 May 2014.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18005 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 17 July 2014

Standards for Internet of Things (IoT) were the focus of the latest in ETSI’s series of workshops, held on 3-4 July, in Sophia Antipolis, France.  This event was jointly organized with the European Commission, which brought a new perspective to the discussions.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 24914 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 25 June 2014

With a reliable, flexible and eco-friendly standard, ICT goes green

ETSI, a major actor in Information and Communication Technology standardization (ICT), has recently published the DCEM (Data Centre Energy Management) indicator standard, to measure energy efficiency and compare energy management efficiency in data centres.

Sophia Antipolis, 20 June 2014

ETSI’s recent workshop on Human factors in Information and Communication Technology that took place in Sophia Antipolis, France on 3-4 June, identified opportunities to improve the accessibility of ICT products and services, through further standardization and cooperation with all parties who are working on improving human factors in ICT.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22175 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France – 11 June 2014

Innovative ideas and best practices from users to users in advanced automated testing

This year, the international ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) will be held in Munich, on 16-18 September. Dedicated to advanced test automation, the upcoming conference will cover testing in a variety of industrial sectors.

Posted by Yvette Pachoud 18519 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 June 2014

An open workshop jointly organized by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and ETSI on machine-to-machine smart appliances took place in Brussels on 27-28 May. Presentations outlined ETSI’s objectives and presented the scope of the European Commission’s study. ETSI’s and TNO’s approach - TNO being the organization in charge of the report to the EC - reached wide acceptation by the audience.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19322 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 2 June 2014

Standard gives industry a uniform way to measure climate impact

ETSI and ITU have decided to jointly develop a standard to assess the direct environmental impact of ICT goods, networks and services, as well as their indirect impact on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of non-ICT industry sector.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 17070 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 21 May 2014

ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and EIT ICT Labs, the Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Technology (EIT) will sign a Letter of Intent, at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia-Antipolis, on May 28, Inauguration Day of the EIT ICT Labs Sophia-Antipolis Co-location Centre. This agreement between ETSI and EIT ICT Labs will help future entrepreneurs to foster innovation through standardization.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 23641 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 29 April 2014

Flexible, cost effective and enhanced experience for industry and end-users

ETSI, the leading ICT standards organization, has released this month AC-4 the next generation digital audio compression standard for tomorrow’s media delivery environments, offering the flexibility to support future audio experiences.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19118 Hits

Berlin, Germany 11 April 2014

oneM2M, the Global Partnership developing standards for Machine‐to‐Machine (M2M) communications enabling large‐scale implementation of the Internet‐of‐Things (IoT), confirmed plans at its 10th Technical Plenary meeting to release its initial specifications in August 2014.

Sophia Antipolis, 3 April 2014

A high-level delegation from the European Standardization Organizations (ESOs) – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – met with Neelie Kroes, the Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, in Brussels yesterday (2 April 2014). During this meeting, the representatives from the three ESOs presented their latest proposals regarding how to maximize the positive contribution that standards can make to enhancing internet security and protecting personal data, in order to support the successful implementation of the EU Cybersecurity Strategy.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19455 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 3 April 2014

ETSI’s SmartM2M Technical Committee has launched the development of a standard for communication between Smart Appliances. The future standard will be based upon ETSI’s functional architecture for Machine to Machine communications, and will include a common data model and the identification of communication protocols.

NFV & SDN Summit, Paris, 18 March 2014

Expanded relationship to further NFV adoption; OpenFlow-enabled SDN and NFV Solutions Brief published to outline how OpenFlow-enabled SDN can accelerate NFV deployments

ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, an industry-led standards development organization, and the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating the adoption of open Software-Defined Networking (SDN), today announced a strategic partnership agreement to further the development of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) specifications.

Sophia Antipolis, 14 March 2014

ETSI has launched a new Industry Specification Group on Embedded Common Interface (ECI) for exchangeable Conditional Access (CA) and Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions. The work of this ISG is to consider a standardized environment for a general purpose, software based, embedded, exchangeable CA/DRM system. These standards should allow consumers to be able to continue using equipment and content they have previously paid for, after a move or a change of network provider, or access content from multiple service providers using the same device.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22830 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 13 March 2014

With the rapid growth in applications for both RFID and short range devices, industry has recognized that there is an urgent need for additional spectrum for these applications in the UHF band. In submissions to CEPT, ETSI proposed that the 870-876 MHz band, allocated to TETRA but unused, be assigned to short range devices. Now the CEPT working group on Frequency Management has decided to make additional spectrum available for short range devices and RFID in the 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz bands.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 17455 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 March 2014

The ETSI Special Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR SC) was hosted by the German Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunication, Post and Railway, in Mainz (Germany) from 18 to 20 February 2014.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 19951 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 March 2014

oneM2M, the Global Partnership developing standards for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications enabling large-scale implementation of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), met in historic Mobile, Alabama USA the week of February 17-21, 2014, for their 9th Technical Plenary meeting, where it affirmed the scope and target for approval of initial oneM2M Release 1 specifications in August 2014.

Sophia Antipolis, 19 February 2014

The European Standardization Organizations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – are pleased to announce the publication of a new European Standard on accessibility requirements for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) products and services. This new standard (EN 301 549) is the first European Standard for accessible ICT. It is intended in particular for use by public authorities and other public sector bodies during procurement, to ensure that websites, software, digital devices are more accessible – so they may be used by persons with a wide range of abilities.

Berlin, 12 February 2014

A key step towards connected cars in Europe

CEN and ETSI have confirmed today, at the 6th ETSI workshop on ITS in Berlin, that the basic set of standards for Cooperative Intelligence Transport Systems (C-ITS), as requested by the European Commission in 2009, have now been adopted and issued. The so-called 'Release 1 specifications' developed by CEN and ETSI will enable vehicles made by different manufacturers to communicate with each other and with the road infrastructure systems.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19214 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 31 January 2014

oneM2M has made significant progress in its requirements, architecture and protocol standardization work during its eighth face to face Technical Plenary (TP 8) and Working Groups meeting in Miyazaki, Japan on 9-13 December 2013.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20046 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France – 15 January 2014

ETSI, the leading Information and Communications Technology (ICT) standards organization, has released its new white paper on ICT security related standards today. This white paper describes the security-related work undertaken in each of ETSI’s technology fields, including mobile/wireless communications, network infrastructure, electronic signatures, smart cards and emergency telecommunications.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 35829 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France – 16 December 2013

The final report from ETSI’s Cloud Standards Coordination initiative was made public on December 11 in Brussels. The report was delivered at an event jointly organized between ETSI and the European Commission attended by over 100 experts from the cloud community.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 17644 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 13 December 2013

The ETSI Special Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR SC) met in Frankfurt in Germany from 10 to 12 December 2013. This last meeting of 2013 was attended by ETSI’s partner the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), representatives of the European Commission's (EC) Directorates General Competition, Enterprise and Industry, Internal Market and Services as well as Communications Networks, Content and Technology, the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the United States, as well as a large number of ETSI members.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 20073 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 4 December 2013

Intelligent Transport System standards tested for innovative safety critical car-to-car communication

ETSI, in collaboration with ERTICO, has organized the latest in a series of Plugtests™ interoperability events for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Cooperative Systems. This event was hosted by CETECOM, from 25 to 29 November in Essen, Germany.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 19010 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 3 December 2013

ETSI and the ULE Alliance have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to align their work on development and promotion of the DECT™ ULE standard. The agreement was signed at the ETSI General Assembly held on 19 and 20 November 2013 in Mandelieu, near Cannes, France.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 33087 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 27 November 2013

The ETSI Future Mobile Summit held on 21 November 2013 in Mandelieu, near Cannes, France, gathered high level experts from the research and academic community, industry leaders and the European Commission to discuss the next generation of mobile technology which will be developed to succeed the 4G systems currently being deployed.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 18206 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 22 November 2013

ETSI members have elected Mr. Peter Statev as the Vice Chair of the ETSI General Assembly representing the user members of ETSI. Mr. Statev was nominated by UEAPME, the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, a new member of ETSI.

Posted by Sabine Dahmen-Lhuissier 22510 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 20 November 2013

A new book has been published and made available for free detailing the technological and organizational steps taken during the development GSM™, UMTS™ and LTE™ from 1982 to 2012, at ETSI and 3GPP™.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 57888 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 14 October 2013

ETSI has published the first five specifications on Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV). This is a major milestone towards the use of NFV to simplify the roll-out of new network services, reduce deployment and operational costs and encourage innovation.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 27 June 2013

The ETSI IPR Special Committee (IPR SC) met at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France from 18-20 June 2013, during which the topics of transfer of patent ownership, injunctive relief, reciprocity, and dispute about whether licensing terms and conditions are Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) were discussed. 

Brussels, 30 May 2013

High-level representatives of the European Standardization Organisations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI), the European Commission, business and industry organisations, and other key stakeholders of the European Standardization System took part in the European Conference on SMEs and Standardization, which was held in Brussels this week. The general consensus was that further efforts are needed to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with accurate and up-to-date information about different kinds of standards, as well as to encourage and support SMEs' involvement in developing and drafting European and international standards.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 15045 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 6 May 2013

The ETSI IPR Special Committee met in Mainz, Germany, for 3 days in April 2013, during which the topics of Transfer of patent ownership, Reciprocity, FRAND conditions and Injunctive Relief were discussed. The meeting was attended by a large number of ETSI Members, as well as representatives of the European Commission, the US Department of Justice, and the US Federal Trade Commission.

Dublin, Ireland - 14 February 2013

At their meeting in Dublin this week, the European Standards Organizations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) agreed that they will maintain and intensify their collaboration with a view to aligning their standards, which is necessary in order to facilitate trade in both goods and services between Europe and the USA. This collaboration is set to become increasingly important as the European Union and United States are about to begin negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

Brussels - 30 January 2013

On the occasion of the European Conference on Smart Grid Standardization Achievements, which took place in Brussels this week (on 28 January), the European Standards Organizations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – presented the latest results of their joint work to prepare and develop the standards that are needed to accelerate the deployment of the next generation of electricity networks, known as 'Smart Grids'.

Posted by 15164 Hits
Welcome to the World of Standards…… ETSI & 3GPP at MWC 2011

At MWC 2011, ETSI - together with 3GPP - once again had a booth presence to facilitate interaction with its members, to promote ICT standards amongst a larger audience and, last but not least, to create awareness of its diverse areas of activity by showcasing its new cluster approach.

Posted by 20732 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 15 November 2012

The MSF (MultiService Forum), in conjunction with event partners ETSI (European Telecoms Standards Institute) and GSMA (GSM Association)  announced today the successful completion of the first ever RCS (Rich Communications Suite) VoLTE (Voice over Long Term Evolution) Interoperability Event, publishing the results in the official event white paper.

Posted by 16945 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 15 November 2012

ETSI members have re-appointed Mr Dirk Weiler as chair of the ETSI General Assembly for a second term of office. The vice-chairs, Mr Klaus Tillmann and Mr Kari Marttinen, were also re-appointed to their positions.


Sophia Antipolis, France, 13 September 2011

At IBC 2011, ETSI once again had a booth presence to facilitate interaction with its members, to promote ICT standards amongst a broadcast audience and, last but not least, to create awareness of its diverse areas of activity by showcasing its new cluster approach.

Posted by 24656 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 13 November 2012

ETSI launches a Cloud Standards Coordination initiative, and invites stakeholders to a kick-off workshop in Cannes on 4-5 December 2012.

Posted by 13736 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 16 April 2012

At its 59th General Assembly, held in Cannes on 20 - 21 March 2012, ETSI formally accepted the application of 29 new members. In total the standards organisation now counts 759 Members, from a total of 62 countries.  Seven of these 32 new members are Small or Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), with the result that 24% of ETSI's members are SMEs.  A further 11% of members are universities or public research bodies.

Posted by 58747 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 12 July 2012

In a ceremony at the ITU headquarters in Geneva on 3 July, the ETSI Director General and the ITU Secretary General have signed a wide ranging Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutes.

Brussels – 20 June 2012

The European Standards Organisations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI – are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with partners around the world, in order to share knowledge and coordinate the development of standards that are needed to accelerate the deployment of the next generation of electricity networks, known as ‘Smart Grids'. The three organisations hosted an international meeting in Brussels on 18 and 19 June, with the participation of high-level delegations from Brazil, China, Japan, Korea and the USA.

Posted by 14386 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 6 June 2012

The BII Group, in co-operation with ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), will host the 1st Global IPv6 Transition Test Event from 12-15 November 2012 in Beijing. This 4-day test event will evaluate the status of vendor support for the various methods of transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6 networks. This event is supported by the IETF, the IPv6 Forum and the Broadband Forum. 

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 28 June 2012

ETSI's first workshop on Energy Efficiency standardization, 20-21 June 2012 in Genoa, Italy, presented new approaches to developing more efficient telecommunications services and highlighted the sustainability benefits of greater use of ICT in society and industry.

Brussels – 29 June 2012

There is broad agreement among business leaders, education professionals, governments and the EU institutions that more must be done to raise awareness and improve knowledge about standards and standardization.  This is the main conclusion of a conference on education about standardization that was held in Brussels today (29 June), jointly organised by the European Standards Organisations – CEN, CENELEC and ETSI.

Brussels – 25 May 2012

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC).  This agreement provides a basis for closer collaboration on various aspects of standardization, which will facilitate trade in goods and services between Europe and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Posted by 20955 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 23 April 2012

The MSF, ETSI and GSMA today announced the first ever RCS (Rich Communication Suite) and VoLTE (Voice over LTE) interoperability event scheduled for 1-12 October 2012. The test event will take place in two labs, hosted by Telecom Slovenia Group and Sintesio, in Kranj, Slovenia, and China Mobile, at the China Mobile Research Institute Laboratory in Beijing, China. The event is also sponsored by Verizon.

Posted by 21347 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 17 April 2012

ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and the IPSO Alliance are proud to announce the successful completion of the first Internet of Things (IoT) Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) PlugtestsTM interoperability event.

Posted by 17002 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 27 February 2012

Smart, safe, sustainable traffic using Cooperative ITS was the focus of ETSI's fourth workshop on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), held from 7 to 9 February 2012 in Doha, Qatar.

Posted by 13151 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 31 January 2012

Security in the Cloud and in machine to machine communications were some of the key issues debated at the ETSI Security Workshop, held in Sophia Antipolis, France, on the 18th and 19th of January 2012. This seventh edition of the workshop gathered security standardization experts from partner standards bodies, consortia, industry and academia worldwide. With over 150 registered delegates, the ETSI Security Workshop continues its success and has become a fixture in ETSI's calendar of workshops.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 30 January 2012

38 companies from around the world took part in a recent interoperability testing campaign for PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures, organized by the ETSI Plugtests™ service. The interoperability event ran from 24th of November to 19th of December 2011, with participants connecting to each other and to the ETSI Plugtests portal, which provided information exchange, test execution, test evaluation and report generation services.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 17 January 2012

Major Standards Development Organizations (the "SDOs"*) -- ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TIA, TTA, and TTC -- recognize that M2M services often rely upon communications networks for connectivity between the myriad of devices in the field and the M2M application servers, and have identified the need for a common cost-efficient, easily and widely available M2M Service Layer, which can be readily embedded within various hardware and software. As a result, the SDOs, meeting over the course of the past several months, have also identified the need for a cooperative M2M community standards activity, and have agreed to jointly address the challenge of common standardized solutions. The SDOs have taken initial steps to form a global initiative for M2M Standardization.

Posted by 12126 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 14 October 2011

Today the European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry held its annual Conference to mark World Standards Day.

This year's event was devoted to the examination of the support that standardization provides to the competitiveness of the European economy in order to ensure innovation and growth for Europe.

Posted by 23084 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 2 December 2011

ETSI Technical Committee TC TETRA has released a new version of the TETRA standard which incorporates the next development step in the TETRA Enhanced Data Service, TEDS.  This development is known as Direct Access and is specified in ETSI TS 100 392 2.

Posted by 15459 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 2 December 2011

ETSI Members have appointed Mr. Jonas Sundborg of Ericsson as the chair of the new ETSI Board, elected at the 58th ETSI General Assembly in Cannes.

Brussels – 5 December 2011

The proposal for HORIZON 2020, adopted on 30 November 2011 by the European Commission, recognizes the role of standardization in supporting the market take-up of innovation. The European Standards Organizations are fully committed to play a key role in HORIZON 2020, hence contributing to the objectives of the Innovation Union.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 21 November 2011

ETSI's TC EE develops a standardized method for the cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of the environmental impact of ICT equipment and services, providing an industry-agreed method to evaluate green-house gas emissions.

Posted by 14381 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 10 November 2011

Leading M2M firms demonstrate interoperability of standards at ETSI Machine to Machine workshop in France.

ETSI successfully demonstrated the interoperability of products based on its new M2M standards at the recent ETSI Machine to Machine workshop held in France in October.

Posted by Ultan Mulligan 21043 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 21 October 2011                

Recently published ETSI TC SES specification TS 102 856 Parts 1 and 2 describes how to support transport of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) data and signalling flows over a Broadband Satellite Multimedia (BSM) network.

Posted by 18433 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 25 October 2011

ETSI publishes a Technical Specification on a standardized measurement method for energy efficiency of wireless access network equipment, helping mobile network operators improve the energy efficiency of their networks.

Posted by 14145 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 27 October 2011

ETSI's 2nd workshop on Machine to Machine (M2M) communications, held in Sophia Antipolis, France on the 26th and 27th of October, gathered leading experts from all over the world to hear how ETSI M2M technology standards are being deployed.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 13 July 2011 

ETSI has established an Industry Specification Group (ISG) for Localisation Industry Standards (LIS). This new group will develop XML-based specifications for information exchange in the computer-assisted translation industry, and its first meeting will take place on the 18th of August 2011 at ETSI. The ISG is open to participation from outside the ETSI membership. Interested parties should contact the ETSI Secretariat for further details.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - June 2011

ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI), in cooperation with EUROCONTROL and EUROCAE WG67, has organized a fourth Air Traffic Management (ATM) VoIP Plugtests™ interoperability testing event.  The event took place from the 20th to the 24th of June, in Sophia Antipolis, France, close to ETSI's headquarters and involved 12 ATM equipment suppliers.  The interoperability tests are based on the EUROCAE specification ED-136 – 'VoIP Air Traffic Management System Operational and Technical Requirements' and on EUROCAE specification ED-137A – 'Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components'.

Posted by 15818 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 17 May 2011

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute and the Universal Postal Union today agreed to strengthen their cooperation in the areas of secure electronic communication services and radio frequency identification interoperability.

The two organizations will work specifically on standards for postal electronic registered mail and electronic postal certification marks.

Posted by 15483 Hits

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - May 2011

ETSI TC ESI publishes a new standard, TS 101 533-1, detailing security requirements for Information Preservation Service Providers, or electronic data archiving services, applying the provisions of ISO/IEC 27001.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 13 April 2011

ETSI's first Smart Grid workshop, held at Sophia Antipolis on the 5th and 6th of April 2011, attracted over 250 participants from Europe, China, Japan, Korea and North America. Representatives of the power and ICT industries came together to address the challenges they face in standardizing Smart Grid technology.

Sophia Antipolis, France – 23 March 2011

As a step towards bringing IT and network worlds closer, ETSI has completed its first batch of Identity Management specifications supporting interoperability and access control. The specifications can be used to simplify how users get authorized access to services and data beyond enterprise boundaries. They also support more privacy thus reducing the concerns in deploying these technologies.

Sophia Antipolis, France (24 February 2011)

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes the basic rights of disabled and older persons and the need to remove any barriers that "may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others". The European Commission (EC) has provided European support to these fundamental rights by issuing in 2005 the standardization Mandate M/376 on ‘Support of European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain'. The aim of this mandate was to raise awareness of accessibility in the European market and public organizations while fostering interoperability and harmonization at EU level.

Posted by 15304 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, France – 1 December 2010

The Members of ETSI meeting at the Institute's 56th General Assembly (GA) in Cannes (France) this week have appointed a new Chair, a new Vice-Chair, and re-appointed an existing Vice-Chair for the GA. The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Institute and is made up of the entire ETSI membership.

ETSI Headquarters, France 08 September 2010

ETSI's first Machine-to-Machine (M2M) standards workshop, scheduled for 19 to 20 October, looks set to be a huge success, with more than 130 delegates already registered. This high degree of interest reflects the enormous potential that is foreseen for M2M applications and technologies.

Brussels, Belgium – 29 June 2010

Green standardization is again in the spotlight with a new mandate given by the European Commission and EFTA, the European Free Trade Association, to the European Standards Organisations, CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, regarding the charging of electric cars, scooters and bicycles. 

Posted by 21373 Hits

Berne (Switzerland), April 30, 2010.

The DECT Forum, the international association of the wireless home and enterprise communication industry, ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and the Home Gateway Initiative (HGI) are pleased to announce the completion and official approval of the ETSI Technical Specification TS 102 527-3* which completes the CAT-iq** 2.0 related standards. CAT-iq provides full interoperability between devices from different vendors, a key requirement of the Network Operators represented by HGI.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 25 February 2010

Representatives of ETSI have participated in two meetings recently that explored the potential for enhancement of existing standardization systems on either side of the Atlantic. The meetings took place on 23 and 24 February in Madrid, Spain, at the invitation of AENOR, the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification.

Sophia Antipolis, France - 16 November 2010

The DMR Association, a global industry association dedicated to promote the success of open and interoperable Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) technology and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, have signed a letter of intent to cooperate in the area of Digital Mobile Radio and to work together for their mutual benefit.

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Transport Standards – the road to tomorrow

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 11 October 2010

ETSI's 2010 innovation-focused conference confirmed the massive opportunities for using Information and Communication Technologies in transport systems, their implementation and the criteria for making them a timely commercial success.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France - 26 October 2010

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has welcomed the approval by the European Parliament of the Report on the Future of European Standardization¹ prepared by IMCO, the Parliament's Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee. The report contributes to the current debate on the need to review the European standardization system. It was approved by the European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg on Thursday 21 October.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France — 21 September 2010 

The growing recognition of the global significance of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications was amply demonstrated in the first meeting outside Europe of the M2M technical committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). 

Sophia Antipolis, France, 29 September 2010

Standards are enablers to bring innovation to the market, and are a crucial tool to help Europe establish its leading place in the global economy,. At the European Innovation Summit, the three European Standardization Organizations will demonstrate the involvement of European Standardization in innovation in fields such as ‘Efficient Energy Provision', ‘Urban and Regional Mobility in the EU' and ‘Electric Vehicles'.

Beijing, China, 31 August 2010

The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of South Korea and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, today announced the renewal of their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This renewal confirms the willingness of two major standards development organizations to continue to share their work and expertise in order to contribute to the development of globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).
The new undertaking was signed during the Global Standards Collaboration meeting in Beijing, an annual gathering of senior representatives of the world's leading ICT standards organizations.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 26 August 2010

'ICT revolutionizing the world of transport' is the theme of the ETSI 2010 Business Innovation Summit, which will take place in London on 5 and 6 October. It will address a broad range of topics from the transport domain, an area which is set to bring many opportunities and challenges for the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industries in the coming years.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 6 July 2010

ETSI's newly-published European Standard for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) has been declared a European "Community Specification" as a consequence of being listed in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) on 26 June. It is the first standard from a European Standards Organisation to be listed as a Community Specification and provides essential requirements in support of the Single European Sky Interoperability Regulation for Air Traffic Management.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 11 May 2010

NGMN Alliance, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

ETSI and NGMN are pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group (ISG) to develop an interface specification enabling interoperability between elements of base stations of cellular mobile network equipment.

Sophia Antipolis, France, 18 May 2010 

With the focus on European Technology Platforms (ETPs) collaborating in addressing societal challenges,  the three European Standards Organizations, CEN (European Committee for Standardization), CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) and ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) took the opportunity to establish the importance of standardization to foster research and development, when they participated in the ETP Conference and Exhibition ‘Working together on societal challenges'.  The conference and parallel-running exhibition were organized by the European Commission and took place in Brussels from 11 – 12 May.

ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – 17 February 2011

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is pleased to announce that it has recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). The objective is to perform and promote regional and international standardization with the aim of contributing to the establishment of a global information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. The agreement formalizes an already successful collaboration in 3GPP, the global collaboration for the development of standards for advanced mobile communication technologies, in which ATIS and ETSI are two of six Organizational Partners. The new, formalized relationship between ATIS and ETSI serves to align various common activities and to enable an exchange of knowledge and expertise.

ETSI has launched a European Commission–funded project on a proactive approach to SME participation in standardization.  This project is known as STF 376. 

Results of this project will be presented at a workshop organized on the 8th of July 2010 in Vienna.  ETSI would like to invite you to attend this workshop, which is hosted by the Wirtschaftskammer Wien, UBIT (Unternehmensberater und Informationstechnologie,  Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Professional Association of Management Consultants and Information Technology).