
ETSI Open Source MANO announces Release FIFTEEN

Sophia Antipolis, 21 December 2023

The ETSI Open Source MANO community is proud to announce OSM Release FIFTEEN, meeting the well-established cadence of two releases per year. The OSM community delivers one Long Term Support (LTS) and one regular release every year, to ensure the OSM user base is provided with continuous innovations and production-ready stability.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5345 Hits
ETSI's Committee on Securing AI Decides on New Work

Sophia Antipolis, 7 December 2023 

In order to have the capability to directly contribute to standardization requests, which may include, but not limited to, the future AI Act, Cybersecurity Resilience Act and NIS2, it was decided to transfer the SAI Industry Specification Group into a Technical Committee.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5108 Hits
Pledge to Future Standardization Professionals

Sophia Antipolis, 30 November 2023

On 28 November, the ETSI General Assembly announced the appointment of a diverse group of 27 board members to serve a new three-year term. Dr. Markus Mueck, Intel Deutschland GmbH, was elected as the new Chair while Mr. Nick Sampson, Orange, Dr. Colin Willcock, Nokia and Dr. Thomas Zielke, BMWK (Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) were elected as Vice Chairs during the board meeting on 30 November.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 10071 Hits
3GPP Commits to Develop 6G Specifications

As the project celebrates the 25th anniversary of the signing of the 3GPP Project Agreement, the 3GPP Organizational Partners have today issued the following joint press release.

Sophia Antipolis, 4 December 2023

With its work on 3G, 4G and 5G specifications used by billions of communications services consumers globally, 3GPP stands ready to create the 6G future.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3997 Hits
Pledge to Future Standardization Professionals

Sophia Antipolis, 30 November 2023

ETSI proudly announces its commitment to fostering the education and skills development of the next generation of European standardization professionals. This initiative is part of a voluntary pledge which ETSI’s Director-General Luis Jorge Romero signed today in Brussels in the presence of the Commissioner for Internal Market of the European Union, Thierry Breton. It was launched by the European Commission’s High-Level Forum on European Standardization, specifically under the workstream on Education and Skills.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4455 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 November 2023

The Report of the eight MCX Plugtests™ event that took place from 9 October to 13 October 2023 at University of Malaga (UMA) is now available. The Report shows a success rate of 95% interoperability of the 3GPP mission critical services executed tests.  

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4251 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 19 October 2023

ETSI’s well-known Security Conference came to a close today with nearly 250 onsite attendees from 29 countries. This year’s event focused on security research and global security standards in action, considering broader aspects such as attracting the next generation of cybersecurity standardization professionals and supporting SMEs.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3706 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 16 October 2023

The ETSI’s 8th MCX (mission-critical) Plugtests event concluded last week at the University of Malaga. The event received support from the European Union (EU), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), EUTC (European Utilities Telecom Council) and the International Union of Railways (UIC).

Sophia Antipolis, 20 September 2023

ETSI has published a new standard on “Requirements for trust service providers issuing publicly trusted S/MIME certificates” (ETSI TS 119 411-6 ) helping Trust Service Providers comply with new standards for S/MIME certificates that are enforced since 1 September 2023. Secure MIME (S/MIME) certificates are used to sign, verify, encrypt, and decrypt email messages. 

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 6325 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2023

Following a cyberattack observed on ETSI portal, the IT system dedicated to its members’ work, the ETSI IT team worked in close collaboration with the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) to investigate and repair the information systems. The vulnerability on which the attack was based has been fixed.

Sophia Antipolis, 7 July 2023

The new edition of the ETSI IoT Conference, IoT Technologies for Green and Digital Transformation, ended on 6 July, highlighting through use cases and demonstrations how IoT standards can be real enablers in achieving the green and digital transformation. The programme is available here and the very stimulating presentations from our 54 international speakers are available here.

Sophia Antipolis, 3 July 2023

ETSI is starting today its 3rd FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Plugtests™ event. GSM-R is one of the main standards for railway telecommunication services. It is developed and maintained by the ETSI Technical Committee Railway Telecommunications. With the increased need for more throughput, higher capacity and flexible deployment options, FRMCS is being developed based on 3GPP Mission Critical Services.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2290 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 June 2023

On 21 June, a panel debate on ‘30 years of Standards for the Single Market: what way ahead?’ brought together the key stakeholders of the European standardization system. Reflecting on the role of standards in the first 30 years of the Single Market, panelists also discussed challenges ahead in the current geopolitical context.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 5018 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 4 April 2023

Organized on 30 March as a hybrid event in ETSI facilities, France, the ETSI Summit on how ICT developments and standards can enable sustainability and have a positive impact on society, focused on the key role of the ICT industry and related standardization activities to support Green initiatives. The event brought a large and global audience of over 220 stakeholders including operators, solution providers, policy makers and standards bodies or fora working on the topic.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 4340 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 31 March 2023

ETSI is pleased to unveil its 2023 ETSI Fellows who were announced at the 81th ETSI General Assembly on 29 March. The award ceremony took place in the Fernand Leger museum, in Biot, near ETSI facilities in the South of France where art, science and technology mixed beautifully. Scott Cadzow, Hans Johansson and Robert Sarfati were unanimously nominated as ETSI Fellows for their outstanding personal contributions to the organization by the Award committee, composed of the GA Chair and Vice-Chairs, the Board Chair and the ETSI Director-General.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3831 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 14 March 2023

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of ETSI NFV, ETSI organized a conference on the “Evolution of NFV towards the next decade” on 6 and 7 March at its facilities. The face-to-face event provided a unique opportunity for the NFV community to reflect on their achievements in the past 10 years and on the way forward. Carriers, vendors, SDOs representatives, and stakeholders from the whole ecosystem came together to debate on challenges and opportunities. They also addressed how to increase the cooperation between various SDOs and the open-source communities to enhance interoperability and to smooth the deployment of cloudified network telecom functions.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3360 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 10 March 2023

ETSI has just published the Report of the fifth NG112 remote Plugtests™ event, documenting an overall success rate of 100% of the executed tests carried out during the testing sessions. The interoperability event was organized in cooperation with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA), from 23 January to 3 February 2023 with the support of the ETSI Technical Committee Emergency telecommunications.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2228 Hits

Testing end-to-end service configuration of Millimetre Wave network devices in a Software Defined network using NETCONF

Sophia Antipolis, 8 March 2023

ETSI has organized the fourth millimetre Wave Transmission (mWT) Software Defined Networking (SDN) Plugtests™ event from 20 to 24 February 2023. The event took place at the ETSI headquarters, in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2654 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 6 March 2023

The ETSI group on Encrypted Traffic Integration (ISG ETI) is pleased to announce the release of the group report GR-ETI-002 “Requirements definition and analysis”, the next step for the problems previously outlined in the report GR-ETI-001 “Problem Statement”.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2202 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 22 February 2023

During the 17th meeting of ETSI’s Securing AI Industry Specification Group, Scott Cadzow from Cadzow Communications, was elected as the new Chair.

His vision is to confirm ISG SAI as the European Union’s and Standards Development Organizations’ centre of excellence in the topic of securing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

AI is, or is likely to become, endemic. All reasonably complex software will eventually include AI elements and he is convinced that ETSI is well placed to become thought leader on the role of AI and, particularly, the role of standards for AI, addressing the challenges to standardization of the forthcoming AI Act.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 3592 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 16 February 2023

The 9th face-to-face ETSI-IQC Quantum-Safe Cryptography event this week attracted a large audience of nearly 200 people from Europe, North America and Asia, bringing together industry, academia and government. The event was kicked off by ETSI Director-General Luis Jorge Romero, who gave an overview of the quantum-safe standardization journey since the first workshop in 2013 and reiterated ETSI’s continued support for this important global effort.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 1718 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 10 February 2023

With more than 170 face-to-face attendees, coming from 30 countries, the three day ETSI conference on Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through Standardization came to a close on 8 February. The event provided a unique opportunity for the research community to come together with industry representatives and standardization experts to discuss future technology research and building stronger links to standardization.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2053 Hits

Sophia Antipolis, 8 February 2023

On 7 February, the European Standards Organizations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 7th annual conference. The hybrid conference took place at the Brussels Renaissance Hotel and focused on “European Standardization in support of the EU cybersecurity legislation”.

Posted by ETSI COMS TEAM 2756 Hits

New Extension for Disabled People to the ETSI Mobile Emergency App Framework

Sophia Antipolis, 16 January 2023

The ETSI emergency communications technical committee has just released a specification for a Pan-European Mobile Emergency Application framework (PEMEA) Real-Time Text Extension. Real-Time Text (RTT) communications are used extensively by people with hearing and speech disabilities around the world. These systems convey letters as they are typed from the source to the destination.