Page 17 - Annual-Report-201704
P. 17

We made good progress with the specification of a   Electronic Signatures
              technical solution to meet the requirements identified   In 2016 our Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures
              for an eUICC, completing the first version of a TS on the   committee (TC ESI) completed its work in response to the EC
              physical, logical and electrical characteristics of the eUICC.   mandate on Electronic Signature Standardisation, M/460,
              To achieve interoperability between eUICCs issued by   publishing all the outstanding specifications required.
              different providers, we approved a profile specification of   M/460 aimed to achieve mutual recognition and the cross-
              the eUICC which specifies the format to be used for the   border interoperability of electronic signatures throughout
              Profile Package that is loaded into an eUICC. This means that   Europe by providing a Rationalised Framework for electronic
              the same structure is used on all eUICCs for data, including   signature standardisation.
              subscriptions, ensuring the interoperable management of
              such data.                                          Our European Standards (ENs) include a series of six new
                                                                  standards and four revised ENs on security and policy
              We upgraded several existing test specifications to cover   requirements which will be used by conformity assessment
              new releases of the respective core specifications and   bodies to audit Trust Service Providers (TSPs) and assess
              reviewed a large number of existing test descriptions to take   their conformity with relevant requirements of the ‘eIDAS
              into account experience gained in the field. This included   Regulation’ on electronic identification and trust services
              updating of the test specifications for the support of the UICC   for electronic transactions in the internal market. These
              as a mobile contactless SE.                         standards also form an audit scheme recognised by the
                                                                  CA/Browser Forum for certification authorities issuing
              To increase interoperability and avoid proprietary   certificates for website authentication.
              implementations, there is a need to standardise the
              interaction between the Near Field Communication (NFC)   The majority of the standards, however, relate to the creation
              controller, the UICC and other (secure) elements, particularly   and validation of digital signatures to support various types
              the routing of data to a specific application (in any one of the   of electronic signatures and seals. The well-known signature
              secure elements) without user interaction being required   formats, CAdES, XAdES, PAdES, and the signature container
              at the time of the contactless transaction. The technical   format, ASiC, have now become ENs.
              realisation of the requirements for the support of multiple
              contactless Host Controller Interface hosts was carried out in   We updated our TR which describes the general structure
              close co-operation with GlobalPlatform and the NFC Forum   for the standardisation of digital signatures and outlines
              to achieve a harmonised approach. We completed our part   existing and potential standards for such signatures, and we
              of the work in 2016, ensuring that legacy UICC applications   provided guidance documents and test specifications for
              still work in a device implementing Host Card Emulation.   interoperability and conformance testing.
              The findings of the three organisations were expected to be
              published as a joint white paper early in 2017.     Other work in 2016 addressed cryptographic suites, long
                                                                  term preservation, and a signature validation policy for
              We continued to maintain the application identity register   European qualified electronic signatures/seals using trusted
              for smart card applications on behalf of various other   lists.

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