Page 26 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_N02_August
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New in the Library

       New White Papers

                                                                                 Tracking Future


                                                                                 In ETSI we create strong links between
                                                                                 Researchers,  Innovators  &  Standards
                                                                                 Makers  by  examining  emerging
                                                                                 technology trends in combination with
                                                                                 initiatives such as:
                                                                                     „ The  ETSI  Technology  Radar  (ETR),
                                                                                   tracking  the  evolving  technology
                                                                                     „ Building  enablers  to  encourage
                                                                                   Research and Innovation to engage
                                                                                   in Standards
                                                                                     „ Creation  of  new  technical  groups
                                                                                   [Technical  Bodies  (TBs)  /  Industry
                                                                                   Specification  Groups  (ISGs)  /
                                                                                   Software  Development  Groups
       All-Optical Network                  reduce their carbon footprint by using   (SDGs) / others] in ETSI
       Facilitates the                      technologies that consume less energy     „ Publication  of  technology  White
                                            and last longer.
       Carbon Shift                                                                Papers
                                            According  to  IDATE,  by  December      „ Organizing  ETSI  conferences  and
       The  onset  of  the  Covid-19  pandemic   2023 there will be 887 million FTTH/B   presenting  technology  standards
       has  led  to  an  inevitable  surge  in  the   subscribers  worldwide  and  1  200   updates at relevant external Events
       use of digital technologies and placed   million  FTTH/B  homes  connected.
       broadband networks as a key enabler   FTTH  promises  connection  speeds  of   The  ETSI  Technology  Radar  (ETR)
       for  various  digital  applications  in   up to 1000 Mb/s, 20 to 100 times faster   provides  a  high-level  description  of
       homes  and  businesses,  including   than a conventional cable modem or   the main technology trends emerging
       teleconferencing,  online  education,   DSL connection.                   in ICT and their potential relevant for
       4K  /  8K  ultra-high-definition  video,                                  ETSI’s present and future work.
       VR  /  AR  gaming,  cloud  computing,   The  ETSI  White  Paper  provides  an   To  know  more,  download  the  White
       etc.  Meanwhile,  Industry  4.0,  which   overview of an all-optical network and   Paper at the following link:
       focuses  on  digitizing  manufacturing   the  recent  development  of  optical
       to  improve  operations,  is  generating   technologies.  It  also  explains  how   w w w.e tsi.o r g / imag es/ files/
       vast  amounts  of  data  for  decision-  innovations  can  help  operators  to   ETSIWhitePapers/ETSI-WP-61-ETSI-
       making and other operations such as   support the sustainable development.   Technology-Radar.pdf
       predictive maintenance.
                                            To  know  more,  download  the  White
       Deploying  cutting-edge  fibre  optic   Paper at the following link:
       technologies  can  help  to  achieve
       both  the  objectives  of  satisfying  the   w w w.e tsi.o r g / imag es/ files/
       changing  needs  of  consumers  and   ETSIWhitePapers/ETSI-WP-60-All_
       the  need  for  telecom  operators  to

       26      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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