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       by several research projects funded by   which  are  crucial  for  the  reliable   with  integrated  TN  and  NTN
       the European Commission through the    performance of 6G networks.          solutions, fostering innovation and
       SNS  program.  Here’s  an  overview  of     „ Ether: The Self-evolving Terrestrial/  collaboration across the continent.
       several key projects that aim to explore   Non-Terrestrial  Hybrid  Networks     „ Adroit  6G:  Focused  on  the
       and  develop  critical  aspects  of  NTN   project  aims  to  develop  networks   convergence  of  communications,
       integration into future 6G systems:    that  can  adapt  and  evolve        computation,  and  control,  Adroit
          „ 5G Stardust:  focuses  on  Satellite   autonomously.  Ether’s  focus  on   6G  aims  to  enable  highly  reliable
         and    Terrestrial   Access   for    creating  self-optimizing  networks   IoT services. This project addresses
         Distributed,   Ubiquitous,   and     that  can  dynamically  respond  to   the  integration  of  IT  and  network
         Smart  Telecommunications.  By       changing  conditions  and  demands   technologies  to  create  a  seamless
         leveraging  both  satellite  and     will  be  pivotal  for  the  operational   and  reliable  IoT  ecosystem.  By
         terrestrial   infrastructures,   5G   efficiency  and  resilience  of  6G   ensuring  that  IoT  devices  can
         Stardust aims to create a seamless   systems.  This  project  underscores   reliably  communicate  across  both
         communication    network   that      the   importance   of   adaptive     terrestrial   and   non-terrestrial
         provides ubiquitous coverage and     network management in achieving      networks,  Adroit  6G  is  set  to
         high-capacity connectivity.          the  robust  performance  required   enhance the scope and reliability of
          „ 6G-NTN: is dedicated to designing   for next-generation connectivity.  IoT applications, which are integral
         and  validating  the  key  enablers     „ 6G Sandbox: This project provides a   to  the  future  of  smart  cities  and
         for  the  integration  of  terrestrial   comprehensive and modular facility   autonomous systems.
         and  non-terrestrial  components     for  the  European  experimentation   In conclusion, the integration of NTNs
         into  6G.  6G-NTN’s  research  is    ecosystem, including access to the   into  future  6G  systems  represents
         critical  in  understanding  how     European  Space  Agency’s  5G/6G   a  significant  leap  forward  in  the
         best  to  merge  these  two  distinct   Hubs.  The  6G  Sandbox  will  be   telecommunications  industry.  Now
         network  types  into  a  cohesive    instrumental in testing and validating   Europe  must  seize  this  opportunity
         system. The project is expected to   new  technologies  and  concepts  in   to  be  at  the  forefront  of  this
         develop innovative techniques for    a  controlled  environment  before   technological evolution.
         managing interference, optimizing    deployment.  It  serves  as  a  critical
         handovers,    and     efficiently    resource  for  researchers  and    Javier Albares
         allocating   spectral   resources,   industry stakeholders to experiment   Head of Programmes, SNS JU

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024    21
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