Page 14 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 14
ETSI Awards Three ETSI Fellowships
Award Granted for Outstanding Contribution to ETSI’s Work
On 29 November, during the 68th Oliver Wheaton was the founding the head of the UK delegation in ETSI’s
General Assembly, ETSI awarded chairman of TC ERM from 1997 to General Assembly.
three ETSI Fellowship awards to Alain 2005. During this time it grew to be
Maloberti, Francisco da Silva and one of the largest technical committees The ETSI Fellowship programme
Oliver Wheaton. All three received in ETSI in terms of participation and rewards individuals who have made
their awards in recognition of their workload. He was instrumental in an outstanding personal contribution
outstanding contribution to the work leading the group in drafting some of to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or
of ETSI. the most important ETSI standards, raising its reputation in specific sectors
including those related to the R&TTE of standardization. Any individual
Alain Maloberti has been intensively Directive, which continues to have representative of an ETSI member
involved in the research, development a huge impact on the regulatory may propose a candidate for an ETSI
and standardization activities of the environment today. Oliver was the Fellowship. Fellowships are awarded
GSM system since the mid-80’s and has Deputy Director for Mobile Services in each year by an Award Committee
contributed heavily to standardization the UK Radiocommunications Agency composed of the ETSI General
bodies. In ETSI he chaired the SMG2 (RA). He has taken the lead for ETSI in Assembly chairman and vice-chairmen,
group, in charge of the radio aspects GRSC, and has led for the UK in ETSI’s the ETSI Board chairman and the ETSI
of GSM for 10 years. In addition, he Technical Assembly and is currently Director General.
chaired the UMTS group preparing 3G
standardization from 1990 to 1992.
Alain Maloberti was active in promoting
the GSM solution outside of Europe
and therefore has contributed to a true
global adoption of the standard. He
is currently Senior Vice-President at
Orange Labs Networks.
Francisco da Silva was influential in
the CEPT committee that triggered the
establishment of ETSI, as well as e.g in
the CEPT group that determined the
relative allocation of responsibilities on
Radio spectrum matters between CEPT
and ETSI. He was the chairman of ETSI
General Assembly from 1998 to 2002
and chairman of the ETSI Board from
2002 to 2008. He continues to be active
in the technical standardization work of
ETSI and is a member of the Board of
ETSI. He is currently Senior Counselor
for standardization and Technical
Regulation at Huawei Sweden.
14 | THE STANDARD February 2017