Page 17 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 17

ETSI Next Generation Protocols Group

       Releases First Specification

       Scenarios for a 21st Century Internet

       On 10 October 2016, the ETSI Industry   GS NGP 001 scenarios comprise     standards bodies (e.g. 3GPP, ETSI, IEEE,
       Specification Group on Next Generation   addressing, security, mobility, context-  IETF, ITU-T) to shape their protocol
       Protocols (NGP ISG) announced the    awareness, performance improvement   evolution for 5G systems and 21st
       release of its first specifications, GS   and content enablement as well as   century networking technology so as
       NGP 001: Next Generation Protocols;   multi-access, Internet of Things (IoT),   to address the issues identified and
       Scenarios Definitions. This document   virtualization, mobile edge computing   meet the recommendations provided.
       defines key scenarios to evolve the   and energy saving.                  The document also compares and
       current Internet Protocol (IP) suite                                      contrasts existing IP suite protocols
       architecture and addresses the future   With this document, ETSI NGP hopes   with next generation networking and
       technologies that will be embedded   to influence the key communications   internetworking protocol architecture
       in next generation networks. The                                          proposals.
       aim is to provide all stakeholders
       with harmonized requirements that
       will be suitable for multi-access     NGP Vision
       communication including wireless,    ETSI Next Generation Protocol Vision
       wired and cellular communications.

       IP protocols have been defined in                                                      Self-
       the 1970’s but a ubiquitous internet   Non-IP                      Generation        Organizing
       requires a different approach today,   Context Aware  Identity      Protocols         Networks
       with new security, addressing and
       mobility issues to take care of.        Internet Scale                                             Manual Control
      “Current and future use cases include                      Mobility             Throughput
       4K videos on various devices, massive     Mobility Enabler                      Transport
       IoT, drone control or virtual reality                               Security                    Machine Learning
                                                                                                        and AI Driven
       to name but a few: use cases that          Scale of Connected Devices
       have nothing to do with those of the
      70’s. A modernized network protocols                Zero-disruption                           Lower Latency
       architecture had to be triggered and                 Services                                and Packet Loss
       this is why NGP ISG was created in                       Ubiquitous session
       January 2016”, says Andy Sutton,                           liveliness  Simplified   Reduce Tunnel   Super HD Media
       Chairman of NGP ISG.                                               E2E Security  Overheads

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