Page 13 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 13

Voice of an SME! One small company’s experience of ETSI

       Continued (from page 12)

       Q. What is your impression of ETSI, from                                  researchers. Last but not least,
       the point of view of a small business?  “Small businesses are given       being a European Standardization
                                             the same rights and duties          Organization, ETSI bridges the
       FA From my personal experience, ETSI   as other members and               regulatory and industrial worlds on
       is very easy to engage with. For an   have access to all the              telecommunications matters, and is
       affordable cost in relation to their   facilities provided by ETSI”       well connected to other organizations.
       actual ICT related turnover, small
       businesses are given the same rights   Q. We could say you are an actor in the   These are the reasons why IBIT
       and duties as other members and have   knowledge economy. To what extent   Ambrosini UG has selected ETSI as its
       access to all the facilities provided by   has being involved in ETSI helped you   primary standardization organization:
       ETSI. The ability to engage with ETSI   with this?                        whether one is looking for expertise,
       and its members in standardization                                        an opportunity to standardize new
       activities is thus only limited by   FA ETSI is a powerful information    technology, or to simply exchange ideas
       one’s own willingness rather than    hub for standardization in the       and build partnerships, there is a very
                                                                                 good chance that ETSI is part of the
       by prohibitive fees of membership    telecommunications and information   solution.
       tiers, as is often the case in other   technology areas. In addition to
       organizations. There is also a strong   the substantial body of knowledge   Q. Do you have any particular advice
                                            available from standards, it provides
       culture to cater for the interests of both   long-term opportunities through its   to offer small businesses thinking of
       big and small players, and promote a   traditional Technical Committees and   getting involved in standardization?
       consensus-driven approach as much    Partnership Projects as well as testing
       as possible. This is overall a very good   expertise with the Centre for Testing   FA Always keep in mind the interests of
       setup for small businesses, which are   and Interoperability. Furthermore, it   other companies which you collaborate
       not looking for hand-holding but fair   has managed to foster new activities   with, and be prepared to accept that
       access to the standardization scene.   through its Industry Specification   one cannot always turn the group
       I think it is appropriate to say that   Groups, regularly organizes workshops   consensus to your advantage.
       ETSI is among the most – if not the   on various topics, drives the promotion   If you work for an SME and would like
       most – SME-friendly standardization   of the work through white papers    to see your company’s work in ETSI
       organizations globally, even for     and webinars, and efforts are made   profiled here, please contact us at
       non-CEPT members.                    to attract external expertise and

         ETSI Security Week 2017

         12-16 June 2017 at ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France

         Bringing the cybersecurity community together at ETSI to network and exchange on the state of
         standardization for cybersecurity.
         For more information visit:

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