Page 2 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
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Welcome to the                       Power Set to be Key Battleground for 5G

       World of Standards                   Continued (from page 1)

                                            Next generation networks will be     The emergence of the Internet of
                                            expected to support dramatically higher   Things (IoT), in particular, will have
                                            user experienced data rates – up to   major implications, with many IoT
                                            1 Gbps in some specific areas, such   deployments having their own distinct
                                            as indoor hotspots, and 50 Mbps for   set of requirements. Remote sensor
                                            everywhere under 5G coverage – and a   nodes, responsible for monitoring a
                                            far larger number of connected devices.   certain parameter in smart cities for
                                            Some estimates expect up to 50 billion   example, or industrial M2M terminals,
                                            in total, though most agree it will   may need the massive connectivity that
                                            take several years before this level is   5G affords, but a high data rate will not
                                            reached. The volume of traffic will grow   be of great value in this context. One
                                            as a wider array of applications emerge   of the most significant factors here will
                                            that are reliant on elevated data    be keeping the power consumption to
                                            rates and the content that users want   an absolute minimum. These sensor
                                            to transfer over the network keeps   nodes will only be operational for a
                                            expanding. Increased use of video    very small proportion of the time
                                            streaming, plus new services such as   and the data they need to transmit
                                            those based on augmented reality,    will be very modest. 5G must be
                                            will contribute heavily to this. Further   able to accommodate the minimal
                                            down the line, industrial, automotive   throughput and irregular connectivity
                                            and medical applications are certain to   that characterises this type of use
       Welcome to the February 2017 edition   ramp up the data overheads still higher.   case, while operating within the power
       of The Standard. 5G dominates the                                         constraints of sensor nodes whose
       technology headlines and will remain   Data growth and energy use         batteries must last up to 15 years.
       an important topic for ETSI and 3GPP in
       the coming years. You can read about   Among the fundamental objectives that
       our upcoming ETSI Summit on 5G       have been defined for the 5G standard
       network infrastructure. We also look at   is for the network’s data capacity to
       energy efficiency for 5G systems, and   go up 1,000 fold during the course of
       3GPP have issued a new 5G logo.      the next decade. The intention is to
                                            simultaneously achieve a 50% reduction
       In this issue we cover some of ETSI’s   in the global network’s total energy
       more advanced standardization        usage, including that of existing legacy
       subjects. We take a closer look at our   technologies. For this to happen, clearly
       work on Quantum Key Distribution     the overall energy efficiency of the
       and Quantum Safe Cryptography. ETSI   network has to improve substantially.
       is leading the world in standardization
       on these subjects. You will see that   Reducing the ongoing operational
       there is a real and immediate need for   expenses of the network and
       our work. We look at two new Industry   environmental footprint, such as CO2
       Specification Groups, on Context     emissions, will be among the main
       Information Management and on        motivations spurring operators to move
       Experiential Network Intelligence. We   to 5G, and power consumption is a
       hear about progress from our Open    key area where cost savings need to   Mauro Boldi is vice-chairman of the EEPS (Eco
       Source MANO group and we get an      be witnessed. As well as the benefits   Environmental Product Standards) group in the
                                                                                 Environmental Engineering Technical Committee
       insight into the industrial importance   experienced by the operator, there is a
       of our oneM2M partnership project.   need to improve the user experience
       We also have an interesting article   too. The goal here will be to allow
       from a representative of an SME      smartphones to connect to the network
       active in ETSI standardization. I invite   while managing to run for much longer
       other SMEs to take advantage of this   periods between recharges - thereby
       platform to tell us of their experience   offering greater convenience for mobile
       in ETSI, and as a result make        subscribers.
       themselves more widely known.
                                            Multiple use cases
       Once again, I hope you enjoy this
       edition.                             One element that makes 5G quite
                                            different from previous mobile
                 Luis Jorge Romero,         generations is that its operational
                 Director General, ETSI     characteristics will need to satisfy
                                            a plethora of different, often quite
                                            unrelated, demands. This time it is not
                                            simply about raising the data capacity
                                            (though that will be important of    Xiabao Chen is the rapporteur of 3GPP SA
                                            course) but also about supporting new
                                            communication use cases.                        Continued on page 3 >

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