Page 5 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
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ETSI Open Source MANO Release ONE Now Available

       Delivering Superior Interoperability, Modelling and Installation Experience

                                            of the OSM open source project, the   h  Multi-site Network Services, to
                                            output of this modelling work will     respond to operator requirements,
                                            be contributed to ETSI NFV. Release    allowing deployments that span
                                            ONE also provides extremely flexible   across multiple datacenters
                                            virtualized network functions (VNF)   h  A one-step installer, based on
                                            configuration and advanced networking   containers and Juju modelling, to
                                            management as well as improved         simplify testing, customization and
       ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) group   troubleshooting capabilities, with    deployment of OSM
       announced on 4 October 2016 the      advanced logging.                    h  Extended virtualized network
       availability of its OSM Release ONE,
       an open source Management           “It’s a delight to see such a large number   functions (VNF) and network service
       and Orchestration (MANO) software    and diversity of contributors”, says   models, allowing Day-Zero VNF
       stack closely aligned with ETSI NFV,    Andy Reid, ETSI OSM vice chairman   configuration
       and focused on helping industry      and Chief Researcher, Network Services,   h  OpenVIM code, included as part of
       accelerate the implementation        BT. “ETSI OSM is unique as it is an    the OSM install, providing a reference
       of network virtualization. The       operators led group and has spent      VIM for all-in-one installations with
       OSM community aims to deliver a      the early months working on cutting    full support of Enhanced Platform
       production-quality open source MANO   code, having great freedom to progress   Awareness. Uniquely, users are not
       stack that meets the requirements of   technical work”.                     required to have a pre-existing VIM
       commercial NFV networks.                                                    installation in their premises before
                                           “Communications Service Providers       installing OSM.
       Available less than six months since   are embracing NFV to drive
       the inaugural meeting of the OSM     transformational change to their    “The pace of the group’s work has been
       community, Release ONE has been      businesses,” said Gabriele Di Piazza,   amazing, and as one of the fastest
       engineered, tested and documented    vice president of solutions, Telco NFV   growing NFV and SDN open source
       to allow for rapid installation in   Group at VMware. “Open frameworks    projects, OSM now proudly counts 46
       operator labs worldwide that seek to   such as OSM will help accelerate this   members including many of the leading
       create a scalable and interoperable   transformation by providing an open   global operators” says Francisco-Javier
       open source MANO environment.        standards-based approach to NFV that   Ramón, ETSI OSM Chair and Head of
       Release ONE substantially enhances   can lead to improving the velocity of   Network Virtualization Initiative at
       interoperability with other components   service innovation and reliability.”  Telefónica, Global CTO.
       (VNFs, VIMs, SDN controllers) and                                         In order to ensure that OSM inter-
       creates a plugin framework to make   Highlights of the list of technical   operates successfully with multiple
       platform maintenance and extensions   features in Release ONE include:    types of VIMs and NFV Infrastructures,
       significantly easier to provide and   h  Natively supported VIMs: VMware™,   the OSM group is building a unique
       support.                               OpenStack and OpenVIM              network of remote labs offering
                                            h  Support for reference SDN
       In addition, Release ONE improves      Controllers, such as OpenDayLight   different combinations of NFV
       administrator and developer            (ODL) and FloodLight               Infrastructure and VIMs, connected
       experience, both in terms of usability   h  A plugin model to facilitate the   over a virtual network. Thus, OSM
       and installation procedure as well     addition of new types of VIMs and   instances running at ETSI can interact
       as enhances modelling of VNFs and      SDN Controllers, thus minimizing   with the remote labs, enabling
       network services. In line with the goals   developer effort               integration and inter-operability
                                                                                 testing with all the VIMs and NFV
                                                                                 Infrastructures available.

         MPLS+SDN+NFV World Congress

         21-24 March 2017, Paris, France

         ETSI is pleased to endorse the 19th Edition of the MPLS + SDN + NFV World Congress. The congress will
         bring together major actors of service provision and enterprise network evolution from 65 countries.
         ETSI will organize an ETSI NFV Track and an ETSI MEC Track during the event.
         To know more:

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