Page 7 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 7
ETSI Launches New Group on Context Information
Management for Smart City Interoperability
In January 2017, ETSI has created a Information Management (CIM) closely with the ETSI SmartM2M
new Industry Specification Group system acts as a clearing-house for technical committee and with oneM2M,
on cross-sector Context Information publishing, discovering, monitoring and the global standards initiative for M2M
Management (ISG CIM) for smart cities maintaining data according to relevant and the IoT (Internet of Things) of
applications and beyond. The first contexts for smart applications. which ETSI is a founding member, since
meeting of the ISG CIM has taken place the IoT is one of the sources of context
at the ETSI premises in Sophia Antipolis, “With the rapid development of data for smart applications.
France, on 9-10 February 2017. technologies such as Big Data,
semantic web, complex workflow or Participation in the cross-sector Context
Data without context are meaningless. autonomous decision making, the need Information Management Industry
Every sensor measurement, every for interoperable context information Specification Group is open to all ETSI
entry in a database, every tweet sent is becoming huge”, said Lindsay Frost, members as well as organizations who
and every webcam video watched has convenor of ETSI ISG CIM “The ISG are not members. For information
its own context. The context seems CIM will specify protocols running ‘on on how to participate please contact
obvious to humans: the temperature top’ of IoT platforms and allowing The full list of
sensor is attached to an air-conditioner exchange of data together with its members and participants in ISG CIM is
in the house, the database of vehicle context, this includes what is described available at:
registration numbers is used by a by the data, what was measured, when,
policeman in the city, the tweet comes where, by what, the time of validity,
from a person who has just witnessed ownership, and others. That will
something interesting and the webcam dramatically extend the interoperability “With the rapid development
shows a particular city street with its of applications, helping smart cities to of technologies such as
name embedded in the video frames. integrate their existing services and Big Data, semantic web,
enable new third-party services.” complex workflow or
Taken away from its context, each piece
of information is nearly useless. And ISG CIM will focus on developing autonomous decision making,
software programs/agents searching specifications for a common context the need for interoperable
for useful information may only information management API, data context information is
find it if the context is available i.e. publication platforms and standard becoming huge”
published with the data. A Context data models. The group will work
New ETSI ISG for Improving Operator Experience using
Artificial Intelligence
knowledge of how to act in the future. and virtualized networks including
This will help operators automate their 5G networks and a model-driven
network configuration and monitoring architecture that supports adaptive and
processes, thereby reducing their intelligent service operation through
operational expenditure and improving Cognitive Network Management.
the use and maintenance of their Different types of policies will be
networks. reviewed to drive adaptive behavioral
changes using various AI (Artificial
Operators see human-machine Intelligence) mechanisms. Existing
interaction as slow, error-prone, mechanisms will be augmented and
expensive, and cumbersome. improved by using the networked
Programming different devices and intelligence defined by the ENI system.
building agile, personalized services
makes it increasingly complex to This new group will drive innovative
integrate different standardized technologies in network telemetry, big
platforms in their network and data mechanisms to gather appropriate
ETSI is pleased to announce the operational environment. These data at the right speed and scale, and
creation of the Industry Specification human-machine interaction challenges machine learning for intelligent analysis.
Group “Experiential Network are considered by operators as barriers Innovative policy-based, model-driven
Intelligence” (ISG ENI). The purpose to reducing the time to market of functionality will also be needed to
of the group is to define a Cognitive innovative and advanced services. simplify and scale complex device
Network Management architecture They also lack an efficient and configuration and monitoring.
that is based on the “observe-orient- extensible standards-based mechanism
decide-act” control model. It uses AI to provide contextually-aware services Participation in the Experiential
techniques and context-aware policies (e.g., services that adapt to changes Network Intelligence Industry
to adjust offered services based on in user needs, business goals, or Specification Group is open to all ETSI
changes in user needs, environmental environmental conditions). members as well as organizations who
conditions and business goals. The are not members, subject to signing ISG
system is experiential, in that it learns The group’s work will include the Agreements. For information on how to
from its operation and from decisions requirements of the operator’s participate please contact
given to it by operators to improve its experience in and across legacy
February 2017 THE STANDARD | 7