Page 12 - etsi-long-term-strategy
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industry-wide stakeholder workshops and          methodologies, and the processes it has
            other networking events for the exchange and     developed to create European standards
            dissemination of knowledge.                      deliverables.

            Through its relationship with the European       ETSI ensures its processes, tools, policies and
            Commission, national governments and             information databases can fully meet the
            other policy makers, and through its             needs of its members.
            relationship with industry leaders and societal
            stakeholders, ETSI is the enabler of standards   ETSI continues to develop these means and
            in response to regulatory, legislative and       tools, which serve to distinguish it from
            market needs.                                    other standards bodies, to provide end-to-
                                                             end support for the standards process from
            ETSI develops and maintains processes,           the embryonic demand for a standard to its
            policies and tools that enable the acceptance    adoption, including implementing processes,
            and adoption of the standards it creates on      policies and tools that are needed to use
            its own or in partnership with others. These     open source and engage with open source
            enablers include the ETSI intellectual property   communities.
            rights policy, its interoperability tests and

            Being Global

                                                             ensure that its work programme and activities
                                                             are widely known, in order to make ETSI
                                                             attractive to new members.

                                                             ETSI builds on its ESO status to contribute
                                                             to the European economy, European Union
                                                             legislation and policies, inclusiveness and
                                                             competitiveness of European businesses
                                                             globally, thereby furthering the goal of “Made
                                                             in Europe for Global Use”.

                                                             ETSI endeavours to remain the first point of
            With a membership from across the world          call for all telecommunications and telecoms
            and a very wide set of partnerships covering     related ICT standardization in Europe for
            all world regions and relevant sectors for ICT,   its members and for mandates from the
            ETSI creates technical standards intended for    European Commission.
            global use. ETSI supports the production of
            global standards through its collaboration with
            standards setting organizations across the

            ETSI exploits and nurtures its unique
            membership mix and its market driven
            approach to attract new members,
            partnerships and standardization activities that
            require a broad consensus among private and
            public sectors.

            ETSI performs the necessary promotion,
            education and other ways and means to

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