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are those with the potential within the These technologies are a major enabler
next few years to impact significantly the for innovation and for providing intelligent
environment in which ETSI operates. New technology features to other areas and on all
developments, such as 5G, will enable levels. Stable and secure connectivity is critical
automating the world through real time for a successful deployment of virtualization
processing and control capabilities, where and cloud technologies and related services.
connectivity will require guaranteed quality Different forms of these technologies facilitate
of service in terms of for example latency and new applications and new ways of realizing
reliability for critical sectors’ needs. ICT functionality. ICT standards significantly
contribute to achieving interoperability as well
Digital solutions will have to bring the required as portability of data.
trust to safely enable IoT industries for
innovative services using security “by-design” Security and Privacy – The need to address
principles, enabling virtualization and Cloud the security and privacy aspects of the systems
innovation. ICT standards based solutions will with which people interact, or depend upon, is
be essential here to bring economies of scale. recognized as extremely important.
Multi-user digital systems are especially
vulnerable to security breaches if inadequately
protected, as are the personal data processed
by these systems.
On the other hand, information communicated
or stored in digital form can readily be secured
using advanced cryptographic and other
multiple cybersecurity techniques that provide
appropriate levels of security and privacy
protection, despite the ever-evolving threat
Examples of trends having significant impact to
the environment in which ETSI operates are: There is a growing trend to require this privacy
and security “by-design” in digital products,
Roles of hardware and software – The services and systems in order to mitigate the
respective roles of hardware and software in risk, and such techniques must be supported
digital and ICT products are evolving. Hardware and promoted by the standards community.
becomes generic and cost-effective; software This effort will become even more important
is bringing the value added to an increasing in the pervasive worlds of IoT, 5G, virtualized
range of products and services. networks and clouds, where systems should
support applicable privacy and security
Through the availability of tailored software obligations and regulations.
comes speed of technology and product
introduction, innovation and differentiation, Open Innovation and Collaboration – Open
resulting in new ways and shorter time of innovation is a major trend in technology
bringing products to market. Standardization development. Working across traditional
will continue to adapt to this new pace and borders, for example with open source
wide range of software developments. communities and foundations, leads to a high
acceleration in the development of new and
Virtualization and Clouds – This is a new innovative digital technologies.
paradigm allowing for optimizing resources
and making use of resource intensive Open Platforms are being created for providing
computation regardless of locally available an open and reliable basis on top of which
resources in computing power. competitive differentiation takes place on the
level of implementation and service offerings.