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       Shaping the Future:

       Europe’s Pioneering Role in 6G with

       Integrated Non-Terrestrial Networks

       The  advent  of  6G  technology      in  which  terrestrial  infrastructures,   Another  primary  value  propositions
       is  poised  to  revolutionize  the   satellites,  unmanned  aerial  vehicles   of NTNs lies in their ability to support
       telecommunications     landscape,    (UAVs),  and  high-altitude  platforms   a diverse range of applications. These
       with   non-terrestrial  networks     (HAPS)  will  converge  to  enable   include  real-time  Internet  of  Things
       (NTNs) playing a pivotal role in this   innovative mobile services.       (IoT)  services,  emergency  response
       transformation.  The  definition  of                                      services, high-speed mobility, and high-
       the  6G  standard  is  underway,  but   The  integration  of  NTNs  into  6G   throughput  hybrid  multiplay  services.
       NTNs are consistently recognized as   systems is not without its challenges.   LEO  satellite  backhaul  solutions,  in
       essential  to  future  fully  integrated   Each  layer  of  the  architecture:   particular,  can  enhance  network
       systems.  Their  disruptive  potential   terrestrial,  airborne,  and  space   resilience  and  availability,  providing  a
       to  transform  connectivity,  support   presents  unique  research  hurdles   secure and reliable connectivity option.
       diverse  applications,  and  bridge   that need to be solved and for which
       the digital divide underscores the   standardization will be fundamental.   Moreover,   this   convergence   of
       profound impact NTNs will have on    At  the  same  time,  the  potential   terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks
       the future of telecommunications.    benefits   are   substantial.   NTNs   (TN-NTN)  is  expected  to  drive
                                            promise  of  providing  cost-effective   innovation  in  network  management
       For  Europe,  this  presents  an     and  ubiquitous  wireless  coverage   and    orchestration.   Advanced
       unparalleled opportunity to lead in the   is  compelling.  This  will  be  crucial  in   techniques for managing interference,
       next frontier of telecommunications.   extending  mobile  services  to  areas   optimizing handovers between TN and
       The  Smart  Networks  and  Services   that  are  currently  underserved.   NTN, and efficiently allocating spectral
       Joint  Undertaking  (SNS  JU)  vision   Importantly, the integration of NTNs in   resources will be essential to guarantee
       for  6G  is  inherently  multilayered,   6G systems could help to finally close   full-service reliability.
       involving  a  symbiotic  relationship   the digital divide, offering affordable
       between  terrestrial,  airborne,  and   and  accessible  internet  services  to   The  integration  of  non-terrestrial
       space nodes. This approach envisions   billions of people worldwide who are   networks (NTNs) within the framework
       a  3D  heterogeneous  architecture   currently unconnected.               of  6G  is  being  significantly  propelled

       20      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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