Page 18 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_N02_August
P. 18

In the Spotlight

       Jan, let’s talk about technology.    Then  of  course  we  have  the  very
                                            broad  topic  of  sustainability  –  not
       You’ve said that you are             that’s reflected in its current work on  “ Of course we
       keen to broaden the scope of         least  from  the  perspective  of  3GPP   need to ensure
       technologies that ETSI addresses     5G and now 6G. In the last five years   that ETSI remains
       in its standardization activities.   there’s been a lot of effort expended   relevant.
                                            on developing regulatory and policy
       While  ETSI  is  tremendously  proud   strategy  relating  to  sustainability,
       of  its  heritage  –  and  rightly  so  –   energy  efficiency  and  circularity.   It’s  also  my  ambition  to  reach  out
       it  cannot  always  stay  rooted  in   Now  we’re  entering  a  phase  where   into world regions where ETSI is not
       its  radio  and  wireless  past.  ETSI’s   we  need  to  develop  standards  and   so  present  today.  We’ve  been  very
       work  already  touches  on  a  vast   implement  them.  ETSI  is  very  well   active to date in forging relationships
       spectrum  of  industries  and  vertical   suited  to  do  this,  not  only  from  a   with regions such as China and India.
       markets. There are also a number of   traditional telecoms perspective but   There’s  a  lot  of  exciting  technology
       horizontal  technology  areas,  like  AI,   also  looking  at  a  commonality  of   innovation happening in the Middle
       data and cybersecurity, that form an   needs with other industries.       East and Africa, for example.
       integral  part  of  the  digitalization  of                               From a personal point of view,
       many industries.                     Where else do you intend to          what can ETSI members and
       “     ETSI’s work                    focus your energies?                 colleagues look forward

                                                                                 to during your tenure as
        already touches
                                            Standardization is the ultimate output
        on a vast spectrum
                                            to  grass-roots  technological  work
        of industries and                   of a process that stretches right back   I’m Scandinavian, and my management
                                            that’s often conducted in universities
        vertical markets.                   and  the  research  labs  of  member   style is typical of that! We focus on team
                                                                                 efforts  where  everyone  contributes
                                            companies.  I’m  a  strong  advocate
                                            of  the  efforts  that  ETSI  is  already   to  their  best  ability,  based  on  their
                                            making  to  forge  dialogue  with    own  competencies  and  background.
       One  example  of  this  is  building  an                                  ‘Freedom  under  responsibility’  is  a
       architecture  for  data  sharing  and   R&D  and  academic  communities  –   personal motto for me. I encourage my
       data monetization across industries.   especially  in  emerging  technology   staff to take initiatives, and I’ll always
       It’s a hot topic that’s a central part of   areas  beside  wireless,  like  data,  AI   support them as much as I can.
       the new European data strategy, and   and  sustainability.  Here  I’m  keen
       a lot of work on policy development   to  create  new  relationships  and
       is  ongoing  in  this  area.  Looking  at   strengthen  ETSI’s  position  as  a   “ We focus
       ETSI’s  membership,  all  the  relevant   platform to disseminate the results of   on team efforts
       stakeholders  are  already  here.  It’s   research being conducted in Europe   where everyone
       definitely  an  area  where  we  can   and similar activity in other regions.
       play  a  big  role  in  driving  necessary   ETSI’s success is not measured in the   contributes to
       standardization  work  in  support  of   number of our members, but rather   their best ability,
       this strategy. It’s also an area that’s   in the impact we have on industry as   based on their own
       very interesting from the perspective   an organization. ETSI is rightly viewed
       of  our  non-European  members,      as a leading platform for developing   competencies and
       where  exactly  the  same  discussions   world-class standards. Of course we   background.
       are happening in other parts of the   need  to  ensure  that  ETSI  remains
       world. It’s a very good fit for ETSI to   relevant,  and  one  aspect  of  that  is
       strengthen its work on data.         continuing  to  grow  and  broaden
                                            our  membership,  especially  in  new
                                            industry sectors.

       18      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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