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Tech Highlights

       Transforming the Telecom Standardization Landscape

       Both  OpenSlice  and  OpenCAPIF      new  technologies.  By  providing  open-  OpenSlice  and  OpenCAPIF  are  the  2
       are  instrumental  in  driving  the   source  code  and  tools  in  support  of   latest additions to the ETSI portfolio of
       transformation   of   the   telecom   standardization, ETSI provides a platform   open source tools and projects, where
       standardization.   By   promoting    for  industry  players  and  research   we  could  already  find  Open  Source
       interoperability,  and  component  re-  initiatives  to  experiment,  iterate,  and   MANO and TeraFlowSDN. To learn more
       use these initiatives enable operators   deploy new solutions more rapidly while   about them, and their role in bridging
       to  create  more  flexible,  sustainable   enabling an unvaluable source of early   innovation into standardization, don’t
       and scalable networks.               feedback  to  standardization  groups.   miss  the  upcoming  “Software  and
                                            This  accelerated  innovation  cycle  is   Standards  for  Smart  Networks  and
       The  collaborative  nature  of  these   vital to enable network standardization   Services” event at ETSI.
       software  projects  fosters  innovation   keeping  pace  with  the  fast-evolving
       and  accelerates  the  development  of   telecom landscape.

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024    15
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