Page 8 - ETSI-Newsletter-Feb-2017
P. 8

Executive Viewpoint Series

                       Jim Nolan, EVP, InterDigital Solutions
       Q. Let’s begin with an overview of   standards-based solutions and the suite
       your role and responsibilities within   of (horizontal) services necessary to
       InterDigital.                        enable multiple IoT applications across
                                            multiple verticals. This is the main
       JN Let me start off by introducing   reason for our involvement in oneM2M.
       InterDigital. Our core business is
       to design and develop advanced       Q. oneM2M recently issued its Release
       technologies for mobile              2 specifications. How do you view the
       communications. Since the early      standard and its progress?
       1970’s, our engineers have designed
       and developed a wide range of 2G, 3G,   JN Our work in IoT standards started
       4G and IEEE 802-related products and   with some early work within ETSI TC
       networks.                            M2M group that focused on metering
                                            applications. This was a good start but
       I previously ran our in-house R&D unit,   somewhat narrow in scope. Once other   JN We are looking in several
       InterDigital Labs, for 8 years. Since the   worldwide standards organizations   different areas as part of our IoT
       middle of 2014, I have run InterDigital   joined efforts with ETSI to create   commercialization strategy. We
       Solutions which focuses on bringing   oneM2M, we saw the potential for a   have invested in oneMPOWER, our
       our technology to market. We do this   much more complete standard with   oneM2M-based platform to help
       by offering specialist R&D services to   the added benefit of global scale and   businesses to launch and support their
       other companies and by developing    credibility.                         IoT applications.
       commercial technology solutions                                           In fact, we are using this platform to
       within InterDigital. We are also active   The length of time required to create   support oneTRANSPORT, which is an
       in creating new businesses where we   a global harmonized standard does   intelligent transport trial in the UK.
       see commercial opportunities to create   create frustration for many with the   Since 2015 we have been working with
       greater value by joining the capabilities   standards process. At the same time,   several local-government authorities,
       of our technology specialists with   we do appreciate that the result from   the “Highways England” and several
       external entrepreneurs.              the oneM2M working groups is a       transport-sector specialists to lay
                                            very detailed and well-documented
       Q. InterDigital has a strong reputation   specification. I’d say that the progress   the foundation for smarter transport
       for innovation in the cellular technology   of oneM2M compares well with the   networks in the UK. This is quite a
       arena. How did the company get       3GPP standard which was initiated in   large scale undertaking, covering many
       involved with the IoT?               1998, saw a first set of products around   different types of connected devices
                                            2001/2 and mass market traction after   and a population base of about 4
       JN Around 2009, we explored what the   about 5 years after its first release.   million people. In fact, the project won
       next-generation wireless landscape   oneM2M, which started in 2013, seems   an award for the best transportation
       would look like and we identified three   to be progressing along a similar   and logistics solution at IoT Solutions
       tightly coupled possibilities. The first   timeline.                      World Congress in 2016.
       of these applies to new developments
       in next-generation networks (NGN).   Q. Why is the oneM2M standard so     InterDigital also has initiated efforts
       Secondly, we felt that the projected   important?                         in the healthcare sector, where we
       growth in digital media would drive                                       are working as part of the Continua
       content and traffic loads on these   JN We see a lot of standards-related   Health Alliance. We are also exploring
       networks. And thirdly, we could see   activities in the market from different   opportunities in the industrial and
       that IoT would drive the number of   industry alliances and consortia.    enterprise sectors, especially where
       devices on networks. While many      oneM2M stands out because it takes   customers are looking for supplier
       of these applications involve small   a truly horizontal approach. It’s also   diversity and therefore need inter-
       amounts of data traffic, we took     applicable across different industry   operability capabilities for their IoT
       the view that all of these connected   verticals. There is no reason why   applications.
       devices would increase the signalling   oneM2M can’t be a transparent     Over the coming years, we expect
       load on networks quite significantly.   underlay to many of the other     to support our existing technology
       It made sense to focus our efforts   application-specific standards initiatives   licensing customers who are looking for
       on these three self-reinforcing areas   that have launched in recent years.   IoT expertise. We will also be offering
       that would drive the next generation                                      oneMPOWER as a licensed software
       wireless networks.                   You can look at oneM2M as a ‘standard
                                            of standards’. It re-uses all of the   solution and possibly as a service
       The IoT, we believe is just the next step   established industry protocols, such   through a PaaS model. oneMPOWER is
       in the evolution of the Internet. It’s   as CoAP, MQTT etc. In fact, oneM2M   also available in combination with wot.
       going to require a new set of Internet   can support IoT applications for   io, a data exchange service that allows
       protocols for ‘things’. When we were   multiple access technologies such as   companies to take a modular approach
       looking at the next-generation wireless   Wi-Fi, ZigBee and Bluetooth to create a   for their IoT architecture, so that they
       landscape, most of the M2M initiatives   common IoT platform in smart homes,   can plug in their preferred device
       focused on proprietary, non-standard   to illustrate just one example.    management, visualization tool or
       approaches within a few verticals.                                        database, for example, into an overall
       InterDigital decided to take a broader   Q. How is InterDigital approaching the   IoT application.
       view of the market opportunity.      IoT market and what can we expect to
       We concentrated our efforts on       see in the coming year?                         Continued on page 9 >

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