Page 28 - ETSI-WP-2017-2018.html
P. 28

ETSI Open Source MANO group
         Within ETSI we have begun to capitalise on the synergies
         between the worlds of Open Source and standardisation in
         our work on NFV. Two of the key components of the ETSI NFV
         architectural framework are the NFV Orchestrator and the
         Virtualised Network Function Manager, known collectively
         as the NFV Management and Orchestration, or MANO.
         Our Open Source MANO group (ETSI OSM) is developing
         a software reference implementation (code) for the ETSI
         NFV MANO, according to accepted Open Source working
         procedures and using a software development platform
         which we host and manage.

         ETSI OSM is a community-driven effort that aims to offer a
         production-quality Open Source MANO stack that meets the
         requirements of commercial NFV networks. Our method of
         working means that we can release regular versions of the
         code approximately every six months. We are now working
         on our fourth release (Release THREE), with the objective
         of reaching production-ready maturity by the end of 2017.
         Meanwhile, we will continue to produce periodic updates
         of the code and to share updates of relevant activities with
         the NFV community and the telecommunication industry in

         Network Access
         In the area of fixed radio systems, our Access, Terminals,
         Transmission and Multiplexing committee (TC ATTM) is   With Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
         revising our Harmonised Standards for point-to-point   (DOCSIS) 3.1, the standards for one of the core technologies
         antennas and multipoint equipment and systems in line with   for cable access networks will be updated and evolved into
         the Radio Equipment Directive.                       European Standards (ENs).

         In 2017 we expect to complete a new Technical Report (TR)   Work will continue on the creation of ENs defining global
         on small cells microwave backhauling.                Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the efficient use of
                                                              energy in hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC) access networks and
         We are updating our specification on Reverse Power Feeding.   their application in response to the European Commission’s
         At the request of the Telecommunications Standardisation   mandate M/462 on energy efficiency in information and
         sector of the International Telecommunication Union   communication networks.
         (ITU-T) and the Broadband Forum, we are leading work on
         standardisation in this area.                        We are engaged in a thorough review of the results of the
                                                              Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers Energy 2020
         Work on Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 2 (VDSL2)   programme in order to identify potential contributions to our
         continues on an ongoing basis, including an update of   standardisation work. We aim to establish a comprehensive
         our Technical Specification (TS) on European technical   approach to managing the use of energy in the context
         requirements.                                        of delivering broadband and television services using HFC
         We expect to complete a new version of the TS on single
         mode optical fibre systems for home cabling in response to   We plan to publish a new ETSI Standard (ES) for home routers
         feedback following implementation. We will align the content   which will define a core set of features to enable multiple
         and the terminology of our existing TS on the optical external   subscriber devices to gain access to high-speed data services
         network testing interface with recently published European   using DOCSIS. This core set of features allows for both
         Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC)   Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)- and IPv6-enabled devices
         standards. Other ongoing work includes a new TS on the   to gain connectivity to the Internet.
         European requirements for fibre to the distribution point.
                                                              We expect to complete a new TS on measurement methods
                                                              for the network performance of broadband data services
         Cable                                                which will enable consumers to compare the performance of
         In 2017, our Integrated Broadband Cable Telecommunication   different service providers.
         Networks committee (TC CABLE) will continue to address
         the evolution and extension of broadband cable network   We also plan to publish a new TS on the performance
         capabilities.                                        characteristics of coaxial cables used for RF signal
                                                              transmission in HFC telecommunication networks.

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