Page 30 - ETSI-WP-2017-2018.html
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Next Generation Protocols                            Network Management system. Our aim is to introduce a
         The TCP/IP protocol suite can no longer provide the scale,   metric for the optimisation and adjustment of the operator
         security, mobility and ease of deployment required for the   experience over time by taking advantage of machine
         connected society of the 21st century. Developments in the   learning and reasoning.
         technology of local access networks (such as LTE™-A, G.Fast,
         DOCSIS 3.1 and 5G) will not deliver their full potential unless,   We will employ the ‘monitor-analyse-plan-execute’ control
         in parallel, communications and networking protocols evolve   model which enables the system to adjust the offered
         to support these new capabilities.                   services based on changes in user needs, environmental
                                                              conditions and business goals. The policy modelling will
         Our ISG on Next Generation Protocols (ISG NGP) is addressing   encompass open intelligent functionality for network
         the future requirements for Internet Protocols, undertaking   configuration and management. We will provide inputs and
         an analysis of relevant technologies, architectures and   objectives to support the industry’s progress in intelligent
         protocols under research, together with an assessment   policy-based management.
         of their maturity and practicality for implementation circa
         2020. Our findings will be provided to other Internet and   The introduction of technologies such as SDN, NFV and
         telecommunications Standards Developing Organisations   network slicing means that networks are becoming more
         (SDOs) as input to stimulate standardisation work.   flexible and powerful. These technologies transfer much of
                                                              the complexity in a network from hardware to software, from
         In 2017 we plan to publish three GSs which will provide:   the network itself to its management and operation. ENI will
         a reference model for describing protocols and protocol   make the deployment of SDN and NFV more intelligent and
         architectures; generic principles for next generation protocol   efficient and will assist the management and orchestration of
         design; and Self-Organising Control and Management   the network.
         Planes. We also expect to complete GRs on next generation
         architectures toward 5G and beyond, including identity   We expect to complete the first phase of our work in 2017.
         oriented networks and intelligence-defined networks.  It will include a description of use cases and requirements,
                                                              and a definition of features, capabilities and policies, which
         Experiential Networked Intelligence                  we will publish in a series of informative best practice
         The use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the network   documents (GRs). We will also carry out a gap analysis of
                                                              work on context-aware and policy-based standards, working
         management system could help solve some of the problems   with other SDOs to reuse existing standardised solutions for
         of future network deployment and operation. We have   legacy and evolving network functions wherever possible, to
         therefore set up a new ISG on Experiential Networked   avoid the duplication of effort. This informative phase will be
         Intelligence (ISG ENI) to develop standards for a Cognitive
                                                              followed in 2018 by the development of GSs.

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