Page 32 - ETSI-WP-2017-2018.html
P. 32

Test Specifications and Frameworks                   Test Description Language
         In 2017 we will continue to develop conformance test   Our Methods for Testing and Specification committee
         specifications, including for our ITS and SmartM2M   (TC MTS) creates standards for testing and specification
         committees, oneM2M and the Third Generation          languages and provides frameworks and methodologies to
         Partnership Project (3GPP™). The oneM2M and the 3GPP   enable our other committees to produce documents that are
         test specifications will be used in third party certification   easy to understand and easy to use.
                                                              In 2017 the main focus for TC MTS, working closely with the
         We will maintain and evolve Testing and Test Control   CTI, will be to initiate and run the TDL Open Source Project,
         Notation version 3 (TTCN-3), and will develop further   or TOP. This project will develop an integrated Open Source
         conformance test suites for TTCN-3 tools and the application   toolset for TDL for use by our committees, our Secretariat
         of TDL.                                              and external parties. The initial platform is already in place
                                                              and the project is expected to become fully operational by
         Our Core Network and Interoperability Testing committee (TC   October 2017.
         INT) produces specifications to facilitate the implementation
         of IP-based networks that can carry both fixed and mobile
         services simultaneously.                                 The fifth ETSI User Conference on Advanced
                                                                  Automated Testing (UCAAT) will be held in Berlin,
         In 2017 we will update our test specifications for 3GPP   Germany, in October 2017. The event will consider
         Releases 12 and 13 and prepare new conformance test      how advanced test automation can meet the
         specifications for Release 13. We expect to publish a new   challenges of fast product development in the age of
         specification to improve the Quality of Service and Quality   the IoT and 5G.
         of Experience of Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and Video over
         LTE (ViLTE) interconnection, interworking and roaming.
         We will develop new test specifications related to the
         Diameter protocol profile for the Sh and Dh reference points,
         completing the set of Diameter test suites for internal and
         external Diameter message exchanges.

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