Page 29 - ETSI-WP-2017-2018.html
P. 29

Numbering, Naming, Addressing and                   We are also developing key GRs to describe the impact
          Routing                                             of IPv6 on SDN and NFV, Cloud computing, safety and
                                                              emergency services, the industrial Internet (6TiSCH), the
          Our Network Technologies committee (TC NTECH) will   tactile Internet, security, root servers and the challenges
          complete a study on the impact of alphanumeric user   arising from the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 and their
          identifiers on interconnection scenarios.
                                                              co-existence. We will then identify best current practices
                                                              and develop guidelines for mitigating any issues found.
          The Transition to IPv6
          Upgrading the Internet with the provision of additional   Future Networks
          public IP addresses is essential to maintain growth and allow   In the area of autonomic management, TC NTECH plans to
          new entrants to join. IPv6 was developed as a replacement   publish a TR outlining the business drivers for autonomic
          for IPv4. It solves the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion,   networking, a TS describing the Generic Autonomic Network
          provides enhanced features and enables new Internet   Architecture (GANA) reference model and another TR
          services in need of end-to-end connectivity and security.
                                                              providing guidelines to instantiating this model onto target
                                                              implementation-oriented reference architectures. This will
          Our ISG on IPv6 Integration (ISG IP6) is addressing the   complete the transformation of the Group Specifications
          transition from IPv4 to IPv6, bringing together stakeholders   (GSs) produced by our former ISG on Autonomic network
          from all over the world to work on pre-standardisation in a   engineering for the self-managing Future Internet (ISG AFI)
          neutral environment, defining requirements and use cases,   into ETSI Technical Specifications and Reports.
          outlining best practices, gathering support and creating
          awareness of the impact of IPv6.
                                                              We will also finalise a report on the application of the GANA
                                                              reference model to Third Generation Partnership Project
          We are developing a series of Group Reports (GRs) outlining   (3GPP™) fixed broadband access and aggregation networks,
          the motivation and best practices for the deployment of IPv6   and we will continue to work on the evolution of the GANA
          in different areas. Each report will also include the respective   reference model to take into account emerging technologies
          objectives, technology guidelines and an addressing plan, as   such as SDN and NFV.
          well as identifying benefits, risks, challenges and milestones.
          In 2017 we expect to publish a GR on the deployment of IPv6   We will continue to maintain our Next Generation Network
          in relation to the Internet of Things. Work will continue on   specifications, in particular for business communications and
          GRs for the deployment of IPv6 in enterprises, for 5G mobile   location services.
          wireless Internet and in telecommunications, and for Internet
          Service Providers.

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