Page 35 - ETSI-WP-2017-2018.html
P. 35

•  2G, 3G, 4G, 5G Mobile              •  Low Throughput Networks
                           Communications                      •  Machine-to-Machine Communications
                         •  Air Traffic Management             •  Maritime Communications
                         •  Automotive Radar                   •  Media Content Distribution
                         •  Autonomic Systems                  •  Millimetre Wave Transmission
                         •  Body Area Networks                 •  Mission-Critical Communications
                         •  Broadband Wireless Access          •  Multi-access Edge Computing
                         •  Broadcasting                       •  Network Functions Virtualisation
                         •  Cable Networks                     •  Network Management
                         •  Cloud Technology                   •  Next Generation Networks
                         •  Cognitive Radio                    •  Open Source Software
                         •  Content Delivery                   •  Powerline Communications
                         •  Context Information Management     •  Protocols
                         •  Cyber Security                     •  Public Safety Systems
                         •  DECT™                              •  Quality of Service
                         •  Digital Mobile Radio               •  Quantum Key Distribution
                         •  Digital Rights Management          •  Quantum-Safe Cryptography
                         •  Digital Signatures                 •  Radio Regulations
                         •  eHealth                            •  Radio Systems
                         •  Electromagnetic Compatibility      •  Rail Communications
                         •  Emergency Communications           •  Reconfigurable Radio
                         •  Energy Saving                      •  Safety
                         •  Environmental Aspects              •  Satellite Communications
                         •  Experiential Networked Intelligence  •  Security Algorithms
                         •  Fixed-line Access                  •  Short Range Radio
                         •  Fixed Radio Links                  •  Smart Appliances
                         •  Human Factors                      •  Smart Cards
                         •  Intelligent Transport              •  Software Defined Radio
                         •  Internet of Things                 •  Telemedicine
                         •  Interoperability                   •  Testing
                         •  Lawful Interception                •  Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)
                         •  Low Power Radio                    •  Wireless Medical Devices

                    DECT™, Plugtests™, UMTS™ and the ETSI logo are trademarks of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members.
                           3GPP™ and LTE™ are trademarks of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members and of the
                             3GPP Organisational Partners. GSM™ is a registered trademark of the GSM Association.

                                                      Published in July 2017
                                          Produced by Kingston Public Relations Ltd, UK (+44 1482 844612)
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